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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 08-20-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

ATTN: Victor Cross.
In response to your request for delivery of goods to Pecos and Planet Gran Carina I have made the following deliveries so far.

Deliveries to Pecos

Delivery of 20,000 (Twenty Thousand) Units of Food Rations
Shipment [1], [2], [3], [4]

Delivery of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Basic Alloys
Shipment [1], [2]

Delivery of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Pharmaceuticals
Shipment [1], [2]

Delivery of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Robotic Components
Shipment [1], [2]

Delivery to Planet Gran Carina

Delivery of 5,000 (Five Thousand) Units of Consumer Goods
Shipment [1]

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 08-21-2011

[Image: williamcross.png]
Reporting in, I hear the Tau region is buzzing. Anyone have any idea why?

Ames Research Station

Bio-Neural Procs - 100 units
Engine Comps - 60 units
Holo Bands - 30 units
Robotic Comps - 100 units
Ship Hull Panels - 120 units

Superconductors - 200 units

Cryocubes - 500 units
High-Temperature Alloy - 250 units
Optical Chis - 300 units
Optronics - 150 units
Polymers - 500 units

Quantum Multiplexors - 450 units ['€¢]

Colonial Republic

Deuterium - 15,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢] ['€¢]

Crete Food Donations

Food Rations - 20,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢] ['€¢] ['€¢]

Freeport 5

Food Rations - 15,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢] ['€¢]
H-Fuel - 10,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢]
Consumer Goods - 5000 units ['€¢]
Pharmaceuticals - 5000 units ['€¢]
Oxygen - 15,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢] ['€¢]
Water - 15,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢] ['€¢]

Freeport 6

Food Rations - 5000 units ['€¢]
Oxygen - 5000 units ['€¢]
Water - 10,000 units ['€¢] ['€¢]

Also, I'm transmitting a few manifests for Mr Church, regarding Freeport 6

Food Rations - 5000 units ['€¢]
Oxygen - 5000 units ['€¢]

IMG Holman & Java

Food Rations - 1000 units
Consumer Goods - 1000 units
Oxygen - 1000 units
Water - 1000 units

Food Rations - 1000 units
Consumer Goods - 1000 units
Oxygen - 1000 units
Water - 1000 units

Freeport 2

Food Rations - 1500 units ['€¢]
Water - 5000 units ['€¢]
Pharmaceuticals - 1000 units ['€¢]
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-21-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Planet Pecos
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Emergency Relief Report

> Message Begins

The OSI-Journeyman is proud to do it's part in the relief effort.

10740 units of Consumer Goods(mostly blankets, clothes, and shoes).

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 08-21-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
I've sent out payments for the shipments to Pecos and Canaria, below is an update list as to what is still needed.


Pharmaceuticals - 10,000 units
Consumer Goods - 9,200 units

Gran Canaria:

Consumer Goods - 5,000 units
Pharmaceuticals - 10,000 units

Transmit your manifests as normal and I'll wire payment. I urge more of you to provide humanitarian aid to our friends in need.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-22-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Planet Pecos
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Emergency Relief Report

> Message Begins

10735 units of Pharmaceuticals delivered to Planet Pecos.

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-23-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Freeport 2
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

5000 units of Oxygen delivered to Fp2.

Run 1

Run 2

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-23-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Planet Gran Canaria
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

My ship and crew began it's day by attempting a run of Diamonds to Planet Nevers, per contract. Upon arriving after a long and tiring journey we were informed by the Nevers Dock Controller that papers were not in order, and my ship was therefore denied docking rights.

Fortunately, I was able to find a buyer for my load on Planet Denver. And since there was a consignment of Superconductors bound for Gran Canaria, and my vessel was available, they were loaded and delivery was made.

So, not a complete loss of day, but frustrating none the less.

Note to HQ: Please take care of this troublesome paperwork issue.

> End Message

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 08-25-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
Captain Galore, I'll wire your payment for the medical supplies shortly. As for issue within Gallia, both the Royal Navy and Royal Police are aware of our permission to enter their space. However, you must have one of them update your transponders with codes that authorize you to moore or dock with their stations and mooring points.

(// you need a few GRN and a few GRP missions ran. You can get with Duncan or Gheis or any GRN/GRP you see online. Talk to them via PM ooc and it wouldn't help to pay them for their time helping you either!)


Consumer Goods - 9,200 units

Gran Canaria:

Consumer Goods - 5,000 units
Pharmaceuticals - 10,000 units

This is what is still needed! Help our friends of the IMG and the Colonial Republic, in their moment of need!
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 08-26-2011

[Image: bethtrans.png]
A few others and myself just finished off the Colonial contract. Heres my part of it.

  • Deuterium - 5,000 units: Scan
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-26-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Planet Gran Canaria
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

I'm pleased to announce the new addition to the fleet. The OSI-Fool's.Errand, a Zoner Whale.

On her maiden voyage hauled 2500 Nukes from Helgoland Station to Lanzarote.

The best way to break in a new ship is by hauling extremely explosive devices.

> End Message