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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Stefz - 12-04-2011 ![]() Havok here. A quick report. As I undocked from Ouray for a quick patrol, I saw a Zoner nearby. He takes a deep breath From a distance, I've seen something was wrong, as I saw weapon bolts all over the place. As I approached, I realized that Zoner was shooting a Xeno patrol wing. I scanned him and my scanners detected a Xeno rescue capsule which wasn't empty in his hold. I immediately told him to drop it and he complied. So I guess it was his lucky day that I let him leave without sending him back in a rescue capsule. He starts to grin Data:[color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Stefz - 12-04-2011 ![]() Havok here. More, more and more. Can't remember when I was such as busy as today. Jon and Roland called for help. Naturally, I went to my Roc and took it for a walk, again. He takes a deep breath So, when I arrived there, there was at least something to see. Liberty siege cruiser along with an Navy primary fleet fighter were fighting against our guys. I immediately went in to assist our forces. After some time, Roland's ship got destroyed, he was lucky that I managed to retrieve his rescue capsule and bring him back to Ouray. It took us a long time but we destroyed a cruiser and I went to Ouray after that to get Roland to the doctors. Data: [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 12-11-2011 ![]() To All Pilots: We have been hearing troubling rumors of a threat to our home of Liberty. If these rumors are true, There might not be much of a Liberty left for us to call home. I want each and everyone of you to keep your ears open so we can verify these rumors. And.. If these things are true we will need to do something about it. This is our home, and I for one am not gonna let anything happen to it. Jonathon Jones Commander Xeno Alliance Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Stefz - 01-10-2012 ![]() Havok here. While sweeping through California, I received emergency transmission from the HellFire Legion vessel as there were two Liberty Dreadnoughts and they needed help. I immediately took my Roc to the battle zone, and soon, we successfully disabled one of the Dreadnoughts. However, while we were tearing another one apart, its backup arrived, and we had to pull back. I had three Navy fighters on my tail, and I decided to test my skills. I engaged them and successfully took off one of them. After that, I started to dodge their fire, and soon, one of them got disappointed in his aiming skills and left. He smirks Then, I turned on the last fighter and successfully took it down. Data: [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Fat.Igor - 01-17-2012 ![]() Callsign: Pitviper
I went for a spin around Colorado and New York. Didnt meet many people at first, but as soon as I got a bit closer to the lanes I drew immediate attention. There were some navy and police patrols close to Manhattan. I sat still at safe range and observed them. They are still as incompetent and corrupt as ever. They ignored me at first, but then, a Freelancer approached me. He was curios, wanted to know what I was doing there. He seemed to think that the Liberty "law" is useless as well. They werent doing their jobs, but taking jobs from those that would do them properly. After some time talking to him I drew the interest of an LPI officer, an LSF agent and what appeared to be a DSE employee. The officer wanted to chase me out. He said I should leave Liberty, that I dont belong here. But Liberty is my home, and no one will ever chase me out of my home. I engaged him and the other two immediately jumped in to help him. But they helped him little. I left their ships burning as I said goodbye to the Freelancer. Attached Images: * * * Pitviper out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Fat.Igor - 01-19-2012 ![]() Callsign: Pitviper
Denton and myself went on a flight around Texas. We met a few traders who were very eager to give some donations to the Xeno Alliance, and a few Rogues. The Rogues were on the trade lane towards New York in two heavy bombers, so Denton and myself took care of them. We were then joined by Cobra. Things went really smooth from there on out. More traders, mostly domestic ones who were trading inside the borders. We took some donations from them, but there were also those that refused to co-operate. As you can imagine, those blew up. After a while, the Liberty Navy got word of our presence. They came to meet us with a cruiser and a gunboat. We took out one more foreign trader while they were trying to take us down and then made our escape. But, the fun was just starting. We then joined forces with the Hellfire Legion who were under heavy fire in Colorado. Several dreadnoughts, carriers, siege cruisers, gunboats and fighters were pressuring them hard. We flew out to meet them, but by the time they had already taken out one of the Legion capital ships. While the big crafts retreated, we took care of several gunboats and assorted fighters while they were trying to make a run for it. Overall, Id call it a successful day. Attached Images: * * * * * * * Pitviper out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Fat.Igor - 01-20-2012 ![]() Callsign: Pitviper
Well, last night was intense! We started our expedition in Texas and then moved on to California. Well, its safe to say we found some real interesting things there! A siege cruiser, around 4 Mandalorians and some bounty hunters. The Mandalorians decided to engage us, and even when we got some of them quite low, more kept showing up. The fight was interesting. For some reason, they really wanted to kill me. Oh well, they failed. Even the =LSF= came to help them! Machete was covering my back, and =LSF=Omicron-1 engaged him right away. A wrong decision I would say, since Machete brought him down to his knees, but the pilot suddenly remembered he had to go get his dinner and ran like a dog! Some of the XA retreated since the battle seemed lost, leaving me against the Mandalorians. I thought I couldnt dodge their fire all the way to Colorado, however they offered duels. I gladly accepted. With no nanobots on me, I seemed like an easy target. The first brave one who tried his luck was Johnny Walker. After he failed to touch me and burned through all his nanobots, he ran like a coward. Mister Sebastian something, the only man with some honor in the Mandalorians, took his place. Unfortunately, he failed as well. But thats not the end of it! Machete came back to my aid and after a long time, I finally got some nanobots on my ship. Another bounty hunter gunboat showed up. We engaged the remaining Mandalorians, and when Machete was close to killing one, he called in a gunboat. A cowardly move, I know, but hey, it didnt help them much! We made them all run with their tails between their legs, including the gunboat! I guess they learned their lesson. Mess with the Viper and you get the fangs. Attached Images: * * * * * * Pitviper out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Slartibartfast - 01-20-2012 ...Incoming Transmission ...ID: Cornell Note to self and most urgent message to the "High" Command: Need more duct tape and/or better training in duct tapeology. Most of the pics I took with my guncam didn't look good at all except for one really - and the guncam seems to be centered all wrong. But anyway, got on a short patrol today. Found two rogues and a Hellfire guy and helped the Hellfire pilot turn a Barghest into a pile of scrap. As I mentioned, I had some technical problems with the guncam, so all ya'll getting is some lousy black box readings. Anyway, by that time, Racer showed up and the two of us got on with the patrol. There, we met a trader with a Bretonian ship, blew it up - and don't think you're getting anything other than a black box record either. Alas. Anyhow, we then met a Junker and magically transformed him into junk - not with using very clever word play indeed, I'm sure you'll all agree - but with guns and such. I did get a useable guncam shot on that one and it's a beauty. I'm very proud of her and I'm calling het "Betty". Oh, and we also shot up a Siege Cruiser pretty bad, but it got some backup from a Dreadnought and such and magically healed with some bots or something. Attachments: Something Something Else Betty Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - "Lachesis" - 01-21-2012
It was hell of a mess in California today. First, there were these two Hackers sticking their noses in our business which we managed to easy make run for their lives, and then after gettin rid of some foreign crap that was meant to buy its way into Liberty market, we had to deal with a whole lot of scum, and the worst part was Junkers, the guild, Navy & Casts allying together against us... Which didn't save them after all. I was near Galileo gate, taking care of some Kusari crap this DSE was trying to bring into Liberty when I heard a system-wide transmission by some apparent Junker who was just overdoing it by calling us scums and such, so after taking care of the trader quick, we got to Racer's location and managed to take care of that Junker before they threw everything on us and we decided to move out, and as I was being chased to Ouray, I managed to get rid of a Hunter Bomber before losing my tail and returnin to base. Attached guncams: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ___________________________________
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 01-25-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Barrier Gate Station - Coronado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() It's Razor here. Met a bounty hunter today. 10k from Pueblo. While I was moving my eagle to Ouray. GBH3 Orca, CAU8, named Festus.Hagen. Made a few scratches on his gunboat. Had to get lost then. GB is too much for my eagle. I'll make repairs on Ouray. Razor, out. :::Connection terminated::: |