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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 10-18-2018

[Image: xaxabt.jpg]


Comrade Natalia Koutolika has performed their initial operation without fault and with impressive capacity. To that end Coalition Command has deemed fit to elevate them to the grade of Lieutenant effective immediately. They are also to be issued the Hispania Memorium medal for their accomplishment.

Forward Comrades!

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Keller - 10-20-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: SCRA Communications Centre
Priority: Medium

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]
For the attention of pertinent personnel.

Katya Vaschenko, savior of the People's Republic, Former Premier and distinguished service-woman is hereby reinstated with the rank of Lieutenant and transferred back into active service within the Revolutionary Army from the Reserves. Had it not been such a long gap between then and now, Comrade Vaschenko, you would receive a higher reinstatement rank, but I trust that a woman with your track-record and capability will rise without problem through the ranks.

That will be all.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 10-22-2018

[Image: db87f2c0-822d-4bc6-9bb2-10107ea5c69f_zpskku2aq3j.png]


Good morning, comrades!

Today I am happy to report that I have successfully completed the Kursk's first shakedown run since her return to active duty with the Revolutionary Army's fleet!

We began our patrol mission in the New Moscow system, where we came across a Pilgrim Liner, The CPS Apana, bearing Coalition transponder codes. The crew of that ship transferred an escape pod to us that contained a humanoid life-form that we got some very strange readings from. With that in mind, I elected that it would be best for the safety of The Kursk and her crew, as well as any other Coalition citizens, to simply destroy the pod, and so that's what was done.

After some time, we made our way into the Stuttgart system, where we ran across a Freelancer transport by the name of Monta Selene. We let them know that their protection was our duty, the duty of all Coalition Military officers, and explained that the House military couldn't be trusted. A brief audio transcript follows:

Log One
Log Two

After this, we made our way to the New Berlin system where a Red Hessian capital ship, The RHC Yggdrasil commanded by Brigadegeneral Liang Meng was keen to greet us. She also passed on something of a warning about a woman called Marry Dross, which I thought it prudent to share here as well, for review by High Command, even if it turns out to be nothing.

Encrypted Audio Log One

After monitoring the tradelanes and conversing with General Meng for quite some time, I ordered The Kursk to proceed back to the New Moscow System, in order to conclude our patrol mission.

This concludes my report.

For The Coalition, For The Red Dawn!
Lieutenant Vaschenko, signing off.

She snaps a crisp salute toward the vid-screen as it fades to black.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 10-23-2018

[Image: db87f2c0-822d-4bc6-9bb2-10107ea5c69f_zpskku2aq3j.png]


Dobriy vecher, tovarischi,

Lieutenant Vaschenko reporting in!

Today, The CPW Kursk engaged in another successful medium range security patrol, beginning with a journey from New Moscow to New Berlin, stopping at Darmstadt Military Depot in Stuttgart on my return trip. After this, on the way back to New Moscow I linked up with Comrade Lieutenant Makarov, and our glorious Premier himself, at which point we made our way deep into the Omicrons to assault a Corsair Battleship, forcing it to retreat due to critical damage.

I have nothing further to report.

Imagery & Audio logs will follow.

Transcript of New Berlin Speech:
Audio Log 1
Audio Log 2
Audio Log 3

Visual Scan of "The Ring" Orbital Station:
Image File Uploaded.

Image taken during combat mission:
The Premier aboard CPW Lithuania leading us on the hunt for Corsair scum.

For The Coalition, For The Red Dawn!
Lieutenant Vaschenko, out.

Katya snaps a brief salute toward the vid-screen as it fades to black.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 10-27-2018

[Image: db87f2c0-822d-4bc6-9bb2-10107ea5c69f_zpskku2aq3j.png]


Dobroe utro, Lieutenant Vaschenko reporting in.

There has been an incident in the Omicron systems near our borders, I will explain briefly.

During a routine patrol mission, shortly after engaging and destroying a "Mjolnir" Super Heavy Fighter belonging to the Rheinwehr, the communications officer aboard the Kursk picked up numerous scattered transmissions coming from vessels belonging to both The Order, and our hated Corsair enemies, regarding strange signals in the Omicrons. With this in mind, I ordered my helmsman Borodin to set a course through Corsair territory, out to the source.

Upon our arrival we discovered a massive combined flotilla of vessels belonging to the Red Hessians, Order, and the Corsairs, apparently engaged in combat with the aliens commonly referred to as "Nomads". Seeing that this incident was potentially significant to the fate of all human life in the sector, I moved the Kursk to assist. After joining the battle, another Coalition vessel, the Typhoon Class destroyer "Pyl'nist' " arrived on scene, and together we followed the combined flotilla to a...strange place.

In this unknown location that we jumped to, we encountered countless alien ships which we engaged in combat with, and several strange structures could be seen all around us as well, though there was never an opportunity to get close enough to attempt destroying those.

Many of the Order vessels were heavily damaged or destroyed in the fight, and eventually the Kursk and Pyl'nist' were heavily damaged and forced to withdraw to safety, though not before inflicting heavy losses upon the alien forces.

I have also quarantined some captured Corsair and Bounty Hunter pilots and alien materials that we recovered. The pilots and materials are being kept aboard the Kursk and the vessel is secure at Mykolaiv, awaiting to hand off the collected materials to the appropriate authorities.

Lastly, through use of the Kursk's guncams and a deployed surveillance drone, I was able to gather several visual scans and images, which I have of course attached to this report.

Visual Scans from alien incident:

Visual Scan of "Pyl'nist" and "OCV Dahshur" from Bridge of CPW Kursk
Drone footage prior to combat jump
Post-jump combat drone footage 1
Post-jump combat drone footage 2
Post-jump combat drone footage 3, large Nomad entity, incredibly powerful
Bridge scan of large Nomad entity & alien structure
Bridge scan of Pyl'nist', heavily damaged and forced to withdraw
Bridge scan of alien structures
CPW Kursk cargo-bay scan

This concludes my report.

For The Coalition, For The Red Dawn!
Lieutenant Vaschenko, out.

Katya snaps a salute toward the vid-screen as it fades to black.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 11-29-2018

[Image: xaxabt.jpg]


Attention all Comrades.

Attention all Comrades.

Attention all Comrades.

Coalition Command has been monitoring very closely the ongoing situation developing within primary local operational areas. It seems a powder keg is beginning to smoke, and while the Premier and the Duma consider the diplomatic side of affairs, the People's Defenders must stand ready to act for the good of all.

This is a general orders broadcast to all Revolutionary Army flight officers. PROMPT VERIFICATION OF RECEIPT OF THESE ORDERS IS ESSENTIAL AND MANDATORY. Available, uncommitted Fighter Corps and skirmisher capital craft are hereby ordered to report immediately and at best haste to Sevastopol Depot for operational assignments. Further operational details will be issued to Comrades upon refuel and dispatch.

Another grand moment for the progress of the People is approaching. We shall not squander it. Forward, Comrades!

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Freeroamer - 11-29-2018

[Image: xaxabt.jpg]

Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Very High
Sender: Major Michael Thornton
Destination: Revolutionary Army Command
Priority: Very High

[Image: rUOFgC5.png]

[Message Begins]

Message received!
The crews of the capital ships Moskva and Lenin are currently preparing to mobilize for deployment upon orders being issued.

Майо́р Michael Thornton

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Havok - 11-29-2018

[Image: ycOcxD0.png]

The Radek and it's escort wings are moving into position.

Chen out.

[Image: dfPszYq.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Keller - 11-29-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: SCRA Communications Centre
Priority: High

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]

The Resurgency will be prepared for service and I'll personally oversee any necessary deployments. For Progress and for the People.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - marco - 11-29-2018

|Incoming Transmission|

[Image: kAMcZo9.png]
ID ►Senior Lieutenant Shuhrat Kessykbayev
Encryption ► High

Route set, two minutes.

|Signal Lost|