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5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Printable Version

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RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Yannis - 05-30-2020


Name: Antoine Duhamel
Age: 33
Height: 175cm
Weight: 70kg
Biography: I was born in Gallia, on Planet Orleans, Orleanais, the 9th of August, 794 A.S.
At the age of 3, my parents fled to Liberty because of the in-house tensions. We ended up on Planet Pittsburgh, where my father worked as a Boron transporter for Deep Space Engineering, after we all got the status of refugees.
We all got our Libertonian citizenship on the 24th of April 801 A.S.
My mother worked as a nurse for the injured workers on the planet, but got addicted to Cardamine, which we haven't heard of before coming into Liberty. She was part of the testing program of stabiline by Cryer Pharmaceuticals, but her Cardamine supplier didn't see that with a kind eye.
He killed her on her way to work.
We all got our Libertonian citizenship on the 24th of April 801 A.S.
My sister is currently working for Orbital Spa and Cruise, where she found a good position on the Luxury Liner Hawaii, as a barmaid.
I pretty much educated myself. At the age of 15, I used to work for a fast food delivery man, bringing meals for pilots that ordered them.
Then at the age of 18, I signed a contract for 3 years with Deep Space Engineering, as a delivery pilot, just like my father. I flew an Albatross Civilian Transport, getting my first real credits gained as a pilot.
I also had my share of pirates and situations going wrong, but I always managed to get out of trouble.
My contract over, DSE did not renew it. Thankfully, a prospector from Interspace Commerce was looking for pilots to escort transports from Liberty to the Border Worlds.
I signed the contract, of course. I've worked for IC for 12 years and came to discover most of places Sirius can show. I had to fight pirates, face criminals and risk my life for the job to get done, but again, I've always got out of those situations for the best of both my colleagues and myself.
My contract is now over, and I'm willing to join the Fifth Fleet to serve my adopted House in any way possible.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: After 15 years serving Liberty and its companies, I think it is time for me to serve its citizens in another way. My goal is to help the Fleet maintain order both within and on the House's borders, and be as useful as I could for Liberty.
I also think it is time for me to work for something greater than myself. Joining the Fifth Fleet would be an honor, and I'm looking forward to your answer.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: I've been playing for six months, and am already part of the [LN].

DISCORD ID: Yannis#0865

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Ice Princess - 06-01-2020

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Sub-Subject: Application

Mr. Duhamel, the Fifth Fleet's Admiralty has decided to approve your application. Report to West Point for identification codes and your first set of orders.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - cCody - 07-26-2020


Name: Grayson Anderton
Age: 22
Height: 1,70m
Weight: 73 kg
Biography: There is not much to tell. I come from a humble background, my father was traveling a lot and worked for Universal Shipping, so I never saw him often. My mother had mostly looked after me and made sure that I struggled to get a good graduation while she was constantly worried about my father and kept hearing that he was attacked by pirates, pirates and villains and barely escaped.
After I graduated, I started working as a co-pilot for my father in his transport ship. I love flying, but during our flights I had to experience how dangerous the world is out there, not only outside of Liberty but also in Liberty.
These experiences made me decide that I wanted to do something about Liberty’s enemies, which is why I now dream of a career in the military.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: The stories of my father and my personal experiences made me decide to actively defend the security, sovereignty and freedom of Liberty so that good men like my father needn't be afraid of being threatened, persecuted or attacked by villains or maybe other houses .
Of course it is an honor for me to serve Liberty and its people should I be given this opportunity.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: I'm fairly new to Freelancer Discovery and never played it before, but I've been playing Freelancer since I was a little boy. I would like to try out Freelancer Discovery and as a big role-playing fan I find it very attractive to try it out.

DISCORD ID: Manu#4607

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Ice Princess - 07-27-2020

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Data Log 1
Sub-Subject: Application

Mr. Anderton, the Fifth Fleet's Admiralty has decided to approve your application. Report to West Point for identification codes and your first set of orders.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Promotheus - 09-21-2020


Name: John Elliston
Age: 28
Height: 1.80
Weight: 170 lbs
Biography: Born to a long line of Navy personel, John was groomed from childhood to follow in the proud family tradition of the Ellistons.
John Elliston was born and raised on Planet Houston, giving the young man a front row seat to both the best and the worst Liberty had to offer.
What little free time he had between his education and his after school military training was spent in an old retired Patriot model light fighter turned flight simulator,
the pride and joy of Johns mother, next to her son of course.

Over the years John saw many of his friends join him on the path to joining the Liberty Navy, others however, were lured to a life of crime.
John once made the mistake of trusting one of them, based on their childhood friendship, only for it to result in that trust being betrayed.
The friend was homeless and was offered to stay at his families house, only for it to be ransacked during the night.
This event taught John a valuable lesson: regardless of ones past, those who fall to the wiles of criminality must first
pay their dues to society before they can be allowed a second chance.

In later years John developed a taste for piloting ships quite different from the ones his parents used to fly; opting to specialize in a repair ship of all things.
When asked why he used this vessel above all others his response was simple: "To protect and preserve the best Liberty has to offer." The fact that it infuriated
the bandits to no end however, was certainly a perk as well.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: To continue my families' tradition of proudly serving house Liberty and defending its great culture and people.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: By now I'd say a fairly decent amount. Mostly in trade/zoner/intelligence factions, also one police faction

DISCORD ID: You already have it

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Nazawo - 09-26-2020

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Data Log 1
Sub-Subject: Application

Welcome in the Fifth fleet, mr Elliston. High command have approved your application.
Head to West Point to receive your identification codes and the usual fleet stuff.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Karla Kassera - 12-29-2020


Name: Karla Kassera.
Age: 26 y.o.
Height: 168 centimeters.
Weight: 63 kilogram.
Biography: Born in Lakewood on planet Denver on 2nd November, 801 A.S. she's been almost notorious for speaking pure Bretonian, which hints to her origins - and avid reader especially fond of researching development histories of modern systems, more specifically - firearms, magrail trains and ships, taking most vested interest in old Earth's "Wild West" period and eagerly collecting any piece of information related. Her hobby went as far as acquiring weapon school qualification in 819 A.S. - the same year she'd promprty enlist into Liberty Navy. Seen majority of action in California, Cortez and New London as a part of local planetary garrison and Gettysburg cohort, known for her dogfighting style. Commissioned officer since 824 A.S., currently assiged to Ohio cohort.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: Continued service in the Naval branch that's likely to make better use of my expertise and has more strict organisation in comparision to other fleets.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: Roughly three years of active playing.

DISCORD ID: Already in OF Discord.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Frostpfote - 12-29-2020


Name: Khristina Tarasova
Age: 34
Height: 1,76m
Weight: 77kg
Biography: I was born on Planet Volgograd in 793 A.S. . As my parents have already served for the Coalition military for several decades until their retirement, I've had a seemingly great future ahead of me when I began with my military service at the age of 18 after graduating. However despite successfully passing all requirements and completing an advanced training in aeronautical engineering, I've never really warmed up with the ideologies which my parents and higher-ups in the military tried to get into my head. I've completed my compulsory military service after which I've used the credits that I earned from working as an engineer on several stations in the Omega systems to buy and patch up a eagle class civillian fighter, which was my ticket to Sirius. Despite my parents' disapproval of my plan I've made my way to Bretonia where I've served among local armed security units for about 11 years, after the war with the Gallics made me leave Bretonia for good and instead look for new opportunities within Liberty. After arriving and getting a foothold in California System by working as a mercenary for a couple of months and requesting Libertonian citizenship on Planet Los Angeles I felt ready to apply for the Liberty Navy, especially the 5th Primary fleet as I've fought wing on wing with them during the Gallic attack on New London.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: My long time experience in aerospace engineering and law enforcements should be of great use for the Libertonian Navy.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: Playing several years on this server in various factions and writing my own stories on the forum.

DISCORD ID: You got it already.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Spectre - 01-16-2021

[Image: NbN2sZJ.png]


Name: Nicolette Micheaux
Age: 31
Height: 1.65m
Weight: 62kg
Biography: I was born on Planet Orleans in Gallia. I didn't have much in the way of an exciting childhood, but when I came of age I left home to explore the rest of my homeland beyond what they showed on the vid screens. I'll be completely honest in that I bought the lies and whatnot the Crown fed the populace, and after the Council began causing a mess and revealed Gallia to Sirius, I enlisted with the Royal Navy. While the sights I saw were indeed breath-taking, and I was enamoured by the beauty of even just the Taus, I didn't see much reason in our push into Sirius. The decimation of the Kusari fleet in the ambush in Tau-31 was probably the beginning of my descent away from the Royal Navy.

While not a very good fighter pilot, I did earn a place aboard a warship in the fleet, though that didn't last for long. During a skirmish in Leeds, our ship was crippled, and I was taken captive along with quite a few of my crewmates. Most of my kinsman put up some resistance, but the rest of us didn't much care to try. I myself was already heavily dubious as to why we were even charging into Sirius as it was, so I cooperated with the Bretonians, which thankfully put me on the path to be released. An officer within the Armed Forces connected me with someone in Liberty, and since I was still in a phase of 'adventure-seeking', I opted to try and apply for the Liberty Navy. While I was accepted, it was somewhat reluctant, as my future CO pointed out to me a few years ago.

I found myself serving with the Fourth Fleet for a time, and because of my nationality, I was relegated to the L.N.S. Invincible, which was supposed to be this ship that held people of varying origin. I served aboard her for about seven years, eventually making XO, until Battlegroup Concord's assault on Bering. Invincible was put out of action near the western end of Texas, and much of the crew was sent out in escape pods. Until recently, I had been spending my days in the ICU on Los Angeles.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: The Fourth Fleet has done me well over my service, but I feel like with the loss of the Invicible, as well as many of my comrades and friends who were aboard it, I think it's time to move on. The Fifth Fleet always did good by us, so that was the natural place to start.


What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: Yes


RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - DarkTails - 01-16-2021

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Data Log 1
Sub-Subject: Application

Ms. Kassera, Ms. Tarasova, and Ms. Micheaux, the Fifth Fleet's Admiralty has decided to approve your application. Report to West Point for identification codes and your first set of orders.