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The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Printable Version

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RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Tenacity - 01-31-2019

[31.01.2019 02:49:34] Death: Order|CV-Osiris was put out of action by Core|APM-Leonine (Gun).

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Escort Destroyer Leonine
Comm ID: Commander Marcus Mekal
Encryption: Core High-Sec

Establishing Feed

A call for combat support was received from Core|WV-Arbitrator in Omicron Delta earlier tonight, and the Leonine was dispatched from Alabama Shipyard to assist. Upon arrival to the scene, the Arbitrator along with a bomber - Core|-NevroZac - were engaging an Osiris-class battleship designated Order|CV-Osiris and a coalition bomber designated |SCC|Ivan.Petrov.

The Leonine and Arbitrator traded fire with the Osiris, eventually bringing it to its knees:
[31.01.2019 02:49:34] Death: Order|CV-Osiris was put out of action by Core|APM-Leonine (Gun).

The Coalition bomber managed to destroy NevroZac's bomber, though he was recovered safely after ejection. Following that, it cloaked and fled the scene. The Arbitrator and the Leonine returned to Yaren for resupply and repairs.


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Tenacity - 02-05-2019

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Escort Destroyer Leonine
Comm ID: Commander Marcus Mekal
Encryption: Core High-Sec

Establishing Feed

Tonight the Leonine was deployed from Yaren base after reports of nomads attacking APM convoys in Delta. Initially, a single bomber-type nomad, K'huna, was sighted and engaged. It took some damage before going 100% evasive to bide time. NevroZac joined the hunt in a Core Bomber, which admittedly made things more difficult for the Leonine as the nomad would no longer get close enough for our cannons. We gave chase, attempting to kill the pest, but I had a lingering suspicion that it was stalling us and awaiting backup.

That suspicion was proven correct when an infected individual in a Waran bomber arrived to help the Nomad. Just as before, the Leonine was able to easily avoid its torpedoes, and eventually the Nomad was destroyed in a kamikaze maneuver by NevroZac just outside of Yaren. Nevro's escape pod was quickly recovered.

The Leonine continued to spar with the Infected bomber, although the battle was largely a stalemate - it kept distance so as not to be targeted by our cannons, but its torpedoes were completely ineffective against us. Roughly 10 minutes later, a second nomad - a fighter type - arrived and joined the fight, though it was deterred quite quickly by our weaponry and ended up maintaining distance, being of no use against a warship.

A short while later, both vessels moved away from Yaren, leaving scanner distance. I assume it became apparent to them that their torpedoes were limited and ineffective, and this was not a fight they'd be able to win through attrition or otherwise.

The infected vessel was designated Fuji-3|Aoi, and the nomad fighter showed up on scanners as Dark.Channel. I suggest keeping an eye out for these signatures in the future.


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 02-12-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: YarenBase, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 9


Greetings High Command,

Reporting in with several events that took place today in the Omicrons during my patrol. Transcripts taken during this period are lengthy and of no importance so I will section only the critical details; full transcript can be provided if required.
As expected, the establishment of the Republican Shipping base "Harrismith" in the Omicron Rho system has attracted various vessels, especially traders, to our space. I've noted the presence of one that gave me somewhat of a headache: a "Ryuujin" Kusari Train with an Orbital Spa and Cruise identification under the name of Kamotsusen|Neko, leaving the Republican Shipping base.
I questioned it for it's visa - it had none - and it's reasons for traveling to and through Omicron Rho. Captain Neko stated that he has been employed by Republican Shipping to provide a variety of ores for the newly established installation, these ores including Azurite Gas. Transcript bellow:
Captain Neko insisted that he would like to go to Omicron Delta and not Sigma-15 since he intended to buy various commodities from Freeport 11, gloating that he's an experienced pilot and he won't have any need of going back through the Rho system, being quite capable of roaming the Omicrons. I couldn't verify where he came from and how long he's been in Rho for so I gave him a pass. I was considering reporting this at once since it seemed off that a Republican Shipping would ever employ someone without a visa and also of Kusari origin, judging by their ship; however I decided to continue my patrol for the time being.
After escorting the Kusarian ship out of the system I spent some time finishing up the system sweep before moving to Omicron Delta. It didn't take long until I bumped into him again. This time I found him in a more critical location: he was parked near the Nomad Azurite Reactor in the Palau Ice Cloud, but also accompanied by a "Dromedary" Freighter which was most likely controlled by Artificial Intelligence hence my scanners couldn't detect any humanoid life signs aboard. Since recent orders regarding the AI have been given, I swiftly terminated the hostile ship before dealing with the kusarian. Visuals and transcript bellow:
To my judgement the kusarian was nothing but a blinded and misguided civilian and I had such a hard time dealing with him peacefully that I couldn't even think of the fines I could'have demanded. Either way it's up to your authority if you want to add him to one of the bounty board lists considering that he might be sympathizing with AI more than with humans.
After escorting Captain Neko out of the Omicrons I met up with Guildkeeper Ar Sogan whom I helped deal with several Nomad and Order hostiles back in Omicron Delta, but I'm sure these news have already went through internal communications.
I have my doubts that Captain Neko was truly employed by Republican Shipping for such matters and also having Gammu AI involved, but seeing how he had docking rights on "Harrismith" I deemed theses events worth mentioning. That is all for now.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Axel Torvals - 02-17-2019




Report on confrontation against RHA and Coalition forces while assisting our Rhineland Military allies

After the RM received intel of a gathering force in the Omega 7 system, we dispatched a mixed fleet of ships to assist our allies against a joint force of Red Hessian and Coalition ships.

We proceeded to Omega 7 and met the Rhineland Military fleet near the Battleship Altenberg. We engaged the enemy fleet around the midway point to the Omega 3 jumpgate.

After initial scans were completed, targeting was determined and the battle commenced ! First blood was drawn by our side when |SCC|BG-Iremel was taken out by Core|WV-Draco.MK2

The opposing force retaliated by taking out the vessel Grendel, with a torpedo strike from [RHA]"Shrike"

Our forces responded in kind with our Mako battleship WV-Lucc taking out the [RHA]RHB-Drakushiffen , however the Mako didn't last much longer, being taken out by the [RHA]Ellias.Muller shortly thereafter.

The RHA was then subjected to two losses in quick succession, with the [RHA]RHB-Valkyrie falling to the [RM]RNC-Saarbrucken and the [RHA]Ellias.Muller destroyed by Core|WV-Draco.MK2 for it's second kill of the battle.

Both sides traded blows against each other, with individual ships falling, until Core|WV-Draco.MK2 once again demonstrated superiority in battle by dispatching the [RHA]RHC-Grindavik and RHD-Weltenfresser not 2 minutes apart !

The RHA got one last decisive kill against us, with [RM]RNC-Saarbrucken being taken out by a torpedo from the [RHA]Mathias,Oliversson

After this we had the rest of the RHA and Coalition on the run, picking off the remaining ships until the last kill was delivered by myself Core|-Axel.Torvals. against [RHA]Mathias,Oliversson, as some small measure of revenge for the Saarbrucken.

This was a decisive victory for the Core and Rhineland Military fleet, which gives us confidence for all future collaborative efforts against our mutual foes........


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Axel Torvals - 02-18-2019




Report on patrol of Omicron Rho and ensuing combats

While on patrol today between Alabama Shipyard and the Sigma-15 jumphole, the Black 14 heavy fighter wing and myself in my Marlin tracked and engaged a number of hostile vessels in our territory.

We had the pleasure of clearing our space of 2 mixed wings of Order Bastet II and Onuris fighters and one consisting of Bundschuh Scimitars.

These encounters resulted in the capture of 8 Order and 4 Bundschuh pilots who were all delivered to Durban Station for questioning and processing.

Evidence of captures:[Image: V0FN0Dv.jpg]][/url]


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 02-22-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: YarenBase, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 10


Greetings High Command,

With my recent promotion has come not only the title and a bigger pay, but permission to use larger craft such as gunboats and warships. With that in mind and the current ceasefire agreement with some of the Order forces, I have focused on dealing with the increasing Nomad infestation and constant attacks in the Delta system. I have single-handedly claimed several alien lives ever since my promotion, all of which will be marked in our current bounty board shortly.
On a more pressing matter, today, during my sweep of the Delta system I came across a libertorian war vessel entering the system through the Omicron Lost jump hole - a Liberty "Interdictor" class Assault Battlecruiser under the name of LSFC-Hurricane with the command of Angela Bernhard.
Dealing with foreign capital ships in Core space is something I don't do on a daily basis, so I acted according to the Omicronis Legal Codex, enforcing several fines upon the libertorian captain before escorting the ship out of the Omicrons.
From inspecting the cargo and what the captain conversed with me I suspect this was an illegal research and reconnaissance expedition in Core space. I'm attaching a redacted conversation transcript bellow.
The LSFC-Hurricane was escorted out of the Omicrons and thrown into Munich, Rheinland, after which I returned to Omicron Delta from where I'm writing this report. Even if the Liberty Battlecruiser was clearly creating a conflict between Liberty and Core agreements, his identification marked him as part of the Secondary division of the LSF, therefore I would be surprised if our contacts in the Liberty lawfuls will recognize and admit any involvement.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 02-24-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Planet Nauru, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 11


Greetings High Command,

Earlier today I was alerted about increased civilian activity and disturbances near Planet Nauru where I was stationed, so instead of letting my crew enjoy the day off I had them prepare the "Skadi" for an unannounced system sweep. As soon as I exited Naurus' orbit I was greeted by a Core member whom I rarely get to see these days, Athenia Fork, dealing with some civilian who was in possession of a few artifacts. What I didn't expect to see, however, was another Liberty war vessel roaming Core space. He was casually approaching our location as if he was in his own backyard, so I treated him accordingly.
This was Captain Michael Smith of the Liberty "Archer" class Siege cruiser Nemea, just like the "LSFC-Hurricane", claiming to be an intelligence vessel sent with official matters, but all I could see was a rogue captain of a ship too big for him:
I've again proceeded as standard, explaining the laws he had broke and enforced a hefty fine, after which me and Athenia escorted him out of the Omicrons, watching him pass through the jumphole leading to Omega-41. Obviously I shared the amount fined with Athenia Fork before relaying the taxes to the Core banks.

After resuming the Delta system sweep and quietly finishing it, I decided to go back to Omicron Gamma and see if the clandestine libertorian captain had returned by any chance to Core space. When I was close to entering Gamma, multiple hostile signatures appeared on my scanners, but too far for me to identify who and what ships. I had hoped they wouldn't follow me, but shortly after entering Gamma they came through themselves - a Coalition Military transport convoy with no escorts, carrying an alarming amount of Kemwer munitions.

Obviously this would'have been an easy prey and payout for my crew, but seeing how Omicron Gamma is infested with Corsairs and scums of the like I couldn't waste my time chasing them through in and out while constantly marking my location known to other nearby ships and stations, therefore I had them drop the cargo so I could destroy it in their faces.
This way I managed to dismiss the world of over 12000 units of Kemwer munitions and slow down the criminal activity this shipment was meant for. Even if doing this did not satisfy my greed, I'll admit that knowing that the fates of the transport captains would be worse than death made my day better. I'm now back on Planet Nauru where my crew can finally get some time off.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Chronicron - 03-14-2019

[Image: 9fLNe5c.png]


»ID: Tricia Reyes
»Location: Unavailable
»Subject: Ahura


Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting subject. A ship named "Ahura". It's an Osprey with a scrambled IFF, much like the infectees all around, the interesting part about it was that it had the AI equipment. Attaching all the scans I managed to get from it.

Paladin, The Core

Attachments - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 03-14-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Planet Nauru, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 12


Greetings High Command,

As I was assisting in the relocation of several fleet assets to the Omegas earlier today I stumbled upon yet another foreign capital ship in Omicron Delta. This was a Lend-Lease "London Interdictor" Assault Battlecruiser under BIS identification with the name of HMS-Witch.of.Endor . When I got to the scene, the vessels crew was already being interrogated by Paladin Tricia Reyes close to Ennibeck Spaceport. Whoever I spoke to abroad the said ship claimed that the Captain is not present and they cannot disclose information.
With all due respect, I thought and still think this was bullcrap from another captain and it's crew went rogue. Since they refused to give me any information on whatever the hell they were up to I demanded a severe fine and their submission to being kicked out of Core space. The moment I stated these demands they moored the spaceport and vanished.
As such, I deem the HMS-Witch.of.Endor capital ship a threat to Core and it's allies, therefore I strongly advise every officer to approach with caution and treat them as hostiles. Not only they evaded fines demanded by two Core officers but also fled the scene. Take that into consideration if you decide to engage a more diplomatic approach.
I'll attach visuals and communication logs bellow.
This concludes my report.

It has been brought to my attention that I might'have seen the specified vessel on a previous occasion, therefore I checked my communications transcript and I found a recording dating from the Falster base siege on the 13th MAR 826AS. I'll attach this bellow:

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 03-22-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Dagger Outpost, Omega 55
»Subject: Report № 13


Greetings High Command,

It has been brought up to me that there has been an alarming amount of unknown or hostile activity in the Rho system, therefore I was obliged to act and adjust my usual patrol route to include the least patrolled areas of the system. Initially I have executed this task abroad my personal Waran bomber ship, yet there were no security breaches and unknown entities found. Before ending my day I headed to Alabama where the Skadi was currently stationed for repairs, planing to take it back to Omega 55 afterwards where I have been called to assist with recent developments.
Shortly after undocking with Alabama Shipyard I have picked up an unknown ship on my scanners in the C6 system. I pursued the target until it became clear who I was dealing with: a Z-8550 "Pitbull" Pirate Train with the name of DWR|WTS-Versorgung under a Bundscuh identification hauling Kemwer Munitions. After I finally managed to hail the captain and have him stop the ship I interrogated the target towards his destination and intentions, however only vague answers were given. I opted to give this one a chance to speak and not simply shoot it down as I've considered that Core has more pressing matters than increasing tensions and hostilities with random criminal battle-groups. I'll attach visuals and communication logs bellow.
I'm a man of my word and I let the criminal captain and crew live, but I opted to enforce the Core laws by demanding the adequate fines and confiscating the cargo. During our conversation it seems the Bundschuh had sent out a distress signal towards the Order to which those responded with a smallcraft; at this point I started to question if they were worth leaving alive after all or not.
I am confident that certain irregular operations are going on between the Bundschuh and the Order as they've decided to respond to this threat with a member of their primary fleet, something worth investigating further if this becomes a daily occurrence.
I conclude my report here hoping my actions were in the best interest of The Core, however I'll adjust them to a more hostile approach if redirected that way for further instances.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]