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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 06-18-2007

Comm. ID: Reinhardt
Flagship Alzette, New Berlin

Today was not a very promising day for Rheinland. I am disappointed in the combat I witnessed today, though it was not truly the pilots fault. Though we may have claimed many of their number, the enemy's swarm tactics of keeping at least 2-1 at all times was very effective for obvious reasons. We had greater casualties. In the future, do not engage the NovaPG unless there if a fair fighting for on your side, even a battleship can be destroyed in a 6-1 fight. Stay in a single group when Novas show up on long-range scanners.

I expect full reports on my desk by tomorrow. In the mean time, we need to practice. All of us.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-18-2007


I would agree chancellor, bless your name. I think that some training could be in order, so that we can better combat the swrm tactic used by the Nova Pirate Group. We need to set up and place and time. I think Braunschweig would be a good place to hold these training exercises. It is remote and secluded and if any tries to engage us, the Royal guard will be there for defense.

Axel Topf Out
Axel's Quote "The fools is trying to attack Rheinland! I feel sorry for his family back home."

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 06-18-2007

Comm. ID: Reinhardt

Good idea, Axel. Let us schedule combat practice for Friday, 21.00 New Berlin Standard Time.

OOC: That means this Friday, June 22 @ 21.00 GMT (9:00 p.m.)

If there are too many people busy, it will be rescheduled. Thank you.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malaclypse 666 - 06-18-2007

Message to: RM Flagship Alzette, Reinhardt
Comm ID: [~V~]Malaclypse, Malaclypse

Your Excellency,

You are very gracious, sir. You have fulfilled a part of my partner Waverly's vision for the deLuna Memorial Plaza. We both extend our sincere gratitude.

You will of course receive an invitation to the formal dedication of the Plaza. The date has not yet been set, as there are several remaing projects to complete.

I am also saddened and enraged that you have been subjected to the attentions of the nefarious Nova Power Gen. I trust that my former associates in the Blue Lagoon will rapidly respond to aid you in this growing incursion, which now seems to threaten both of your Houses.

Formerly "The Fool", Shoushou, KNF

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 06-18-2007

Transmission to: Malaclypse
Comm. ID: Reinhardt

It was my pleasure. Tell Mr. Waverly that I look forward to meeting with him in the future. Oh, and I hope you have an invitation for my Admirals, I'm sure they would be most delighted to come.

As for the Nova Power Gen, their tactics, though effective, can be easily beaten with proper training. We will be ready for them in the future and hope that next time our casualties will be diminished. It was a nearly even outcome considering my pilots were severely outnumbered and out gunned. Any [~V~] pilots are welcome to join the training we will be commencing. Hopefully my aces, Damon and BlauMax will be able to teach our pilots proper combat when outnumbered and when tailed.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ethan8 - 06-18-2007

Transmission to: Meric
Comm. ID: Lt Gangrel

Today as is made my usual patrol, one of our Battleships was on an course into New Berlin.

A mercenary called DonSmilo, shot at it as it was alredy in the atmosphere.
As it is my duty as a Leutnant of the Rheinland Military, I wanted to stop that behavior.

Unfortunatly I hit the Battleship, which went hostile to me.
Then I crashed into the planet as well, cause they destroyed my navigation control. I survided and get a new ship.

I started and saw DonSmilo looting in the Fleet Admiral. I wanted him to drop it. He disobayed my order and flew on the planet.

After that you and me, we awaited him over New Berlin, he refuses to give back the Admiral and to pay the fine.
The last resort was to destroy his ship.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 06-19-2007

Comm. ID: Chancellor Reinhardt

Good work, Lt. Gangrel. You did exactly as expected, if this keeps up there may be a promotion in your near future.

That is all.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-19-2007


This is Axel Topf!

Today, i enountered many hips, of all shapes and sizes and with some strange allignments. I encounted:

-A Zoner Juggernaught, Navy Tagged, Military ID
-A Large Train, Zoner Tagged and ID
-Some Liberty Very HEavy Fighters, but I had to assit one in getting the right ID, he thanksed me and left Rheinland after I showed him where to buy a Military ID
-A Behemoth, Trader ID, Police Tagged

None of these ships had any contraband and they were send clear. However, the battleship did ask permission before he came into New berlin. I am glad of his cautionary tactics.

Commander Axel Topf Out!
Fur den Kanzler!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Thomas East - 06-19-2007

Message to:Rheinland Military
From: Cambridge Research station

*Begin Transmission*
[Image: Transmission.jpg]

[Image: Doctor.jpg]This is doctor Hallow-well of Cambridge Research station. After our last android Thomas East escaped we decided to create a another android. We named him Cameron East. The resin why he has the last name East same with Thomas East is because it stands for "Electro Android System Terminator". If you would like to have Cameron as one of your finest polites please inform us. ASAP, He has been given a Raven's Talon, and is well equiped. He will be shiped out to you asap if you are willing to have him.

*Trans mission Ended*
[Image: Transmissionend.jpg]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-19-2007


If my Knowledge is correct, your andriod here will be forece to purchase a Rheinland craft if he is to fly with the RM. Unforunatly, we are all a bit jaded here in the proudest nation in Sirius from the last time foreign things were brought here, seaming the nomads, and we don't allow those strange, alien ships brought in from distant worlds. However, I am sure it is up to the Chancellor to decide your fate amonst our great nation!

Axel Topf Out
Fur Den Kanzler!