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=LSF= Comments processing center (Feedback) - Printable Version

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RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - TheShooter36 - 09-21-2018

It all started after two things:

A) Karlotta joined =CR= and made a transport that reported its existance in our rollcall

B) =CR= made a base with the intention of producing Jumpdrives.

A) Either LSF and LibGov wants karlotta out of CR and to an extension, out of liberty

B) LSF and LibGov doesnt want a CR base that produces Jumpdrives and abusing the fact that we cannot get jumpdrive mats from Gallia and bound to Liberty for those materials.


A) Kicking Karlotta from CR
B) Scrapping the base

Both solutions are out of consideration.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - SnakThree - 09-21-2018

Option Reality) Crayter transports were told that they are considered as Military and since patch LibGov was not contacted about solved issue so LSF upheld previous ruling.

Solution) Wait for the goddamn response instead of shitting and dragging both factions through the mud. You are not doing any favours for CR's image.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Karlotta - 09-21-2018

(09-21-2018, 02:07 PM)SnakThree Wrote: Option Reality) Crayter transports were told that they are considered as Military and since patch LibGov was not contacted about solved issue so LSF upheld previous ruling.

Solution) Wait for the goddamn response instead of ***** and dragging both factions through the mud. You are not doing any favours for CR's image.

Are you for real?

Libgov was contacted 4 times (with several additional re-transmitions) herehere and a fifth time here.

The issue was previously raised, for lack of a LibGov feedback channel, here

In a period of three months we got 2 half-arsed "sorry we do not comply with your request" responses that provide no reasoning or justification, contradict past treaties, statements, and year long practices, and for Thyrzul's question about double standards... crickets. After asking three times in almost 3 months.

During all this time our entire faction was cut off not only from trade with Liberty, which provides most of the goods we need for base and jd construction, but also from Rheinland because the lanes lead through liberty.

We went from a previous surge in activity to very little activity and 4 people telling me that their motivation to play is at an all time low because of crap like this.

Now you come here and say "jump through this hoop here" after we've jumped through hoop after hoop and got two "lolno" responses and crickets and were blocked from 70% of trade locations, and you act as if none of that ever happened.

I don't care if you and the people hiding in anonymity do it because you want to provoke me personally, because you want to provoke and kill off CR, or because it's how you like to treat people in general.

This kind of stuff, coming from people who came into some sort of "power" over others and who have no willingness or no idea how to use it responsibly, is what has been slowly killing discovery since 4.85, and it needs to stop.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - SnakThree - 09-21-2018

Do link me the comm after the patch that where solved IFF issue was discussed between CR and LibGov. Also, reaching Rheinland is possible through Bretonia.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Wesker - 09-21-2018

(09-21-2018, 02:07 PM)SnakThree Wrote: Solution) Wait for the goddamn response instead of ***** and dragging both factions through the mud.


RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Thyrzul - 09-22-2018

(09-21-2018, 12:11 PM)SnakThree Wrote: Tell about the free trade thing to RheinGov and their ban on Universal Shipping transporting White Boxes.

This is the =LSF= feedback thread, not the RheinGov feedback thread. Please stay on topic.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Couden - 05-26-2019

Thank you for killing me with Auxisia.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Jayce - 05-26-2019

Please direct your complaints to the Auxesia feedback thread if you believe our playerbases have such an overlap. If you do not have constructive criticism to provide, please leave my feedback thread. Your snarky comments are not welcome.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Operative Siren - 05-26-2019

(05-26-2019, 09:42 PM)Couden Wrote: Thank you for killing me with Auxisia.

Hi, I was flying the LSF that killed you in New York.

You took a lane directly to West Point with a cargo hold full of Refurbished Electronics, which, ignoring the UN| tag and ID, is already illegal in Liberty, and booked it straight for the Norfolk lane. As I attempted to stop you, a Rogue barghest engaged myself, and you began to flee when he served as a distraction, all the while not saying a word.

If you don't wish to be captured by lawful players, you probably shouldn't take a lane directly to their bases, and instead choose to take the wormholes.

Thanks for the feedback.

RE: =LSF= Comments processing center - Couden - 05-26-2019

I did it first, but got directed here.