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Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Printable Version

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Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Lohingren - 04-27-2008

oh come on its a joke, dont take it seriously they aint as bad as everyone says they are......

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - [RoS]silent_assasin82 - 04-27-2008

Sorry as the count goes you braught 2 indies with you. And those were you will find 2 extra ships for your side

Elder montoya
Remano benitez
zenon benitez
OPG Raiden
OPG disco
Carlos rivera TBH
Your 2 independants

Hatchet - lost connection near start
Willow Forgot to add her

Though i may have missed somone if so im sorry in advance

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - mjolnir - 04-27-2008

' Wrote:oh come on its a joke, dont take it seriously they aint as bad as everyone says they are......

They aren't that bad no... but dodging when under fire from 4 Titans in a Sabre is a piece of cake... dodging in a Titan under fire from 4 Sabres really is not...

Sorry to pick on you but if the sides switched ships... or at least guns...the score would be very different.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Lohingren - 04-27-2008

i dont doubt it but it can be done, if you dodge right you can dodge quite well to be honest, hell it even works in big ships at times, which most of you do bar a few.

trust me we do have a bit of trouble getting you even with 4 ships on your sometimes even 5. maybe because of lag i guess, but we got some pretty good shots in there and a good few other folks. they are still a good ship very good ship bar the size but even then its flat can dodge nicely head on. i find it easier to hit sabers than titans..... but yeah i train against em all the time usually helps. and for some reason titan just gets me by the nuts at times.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - McNeo - 04-27-2008


Our two indies were level 40 and 42. That means, one had no armour, and the other had mk I only >.>

Of course, most things are possible whatever ship you have, but its just harder in a few than it is in others. But besides that, it was an evenly matched fight. I think people on both sides are just miffed there wasn't a conclusion. Neither side likes it when all their hard work ends in a "draw":unsure:.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - skoko - 04-27-2008

' Wrote:i dont know how i was destroyed,but it was quick,in one moment full shield and hull,in other death message. i dont know who make that but good work:(

and nice fight all

Thanks... you post something on surprising us so I decided to surprise you ....

Was a gf though... draw is fair IMO cause it was 3-3 and 2 on our side had to go... And please guys TRY to be on time next friday... we waited you for 45 min ... If we can be there on time so can you;)

EDIT : I agree with McNeo, magnificent is right word for todays battle

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Eppy - 04-27-2008

Well, it's not really our fault that the Corsairs have most of the decent pilots. We have...Zapp. And occasionally Dab, who is not nearly as good as he used to be. PROBLEM.:laugh:But it's fun anyways; it gets us out and about for two hours.

Now, for all of the Outcasts: The next time somebody rags on me for an hour straight about my crappy piloting skills I'm going to put my foot down. I get the message, I suck, now can we get over it and shoot the bloody Corsairs? You see all the red? That's the target, not the purple.

Oh, and the next time somebody decides to "remind me of my mortality" they can freaking shove it, because regardless of who they are if they're not in the original 101st one out of a hundred can't say that I was out Roleplaying (Roleplaying being the key word, as that is what this server is for) an Outcast while they were soiling their Roleplaying diapers, and I may not be good in a fighter, but at least I can RP. So, I'll be blunt. Watch your tongue. You know who you are.

(and the next person who tells me to train can also shove it, because I've been training for a bloody year now and haven't shown sizeable improvement)

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - chopper - 04-27-2008

Quote:oh come on its a joke, dont take it seriously they aint as bad as everyone says they are......

I managed to dodge 6 Vipers without loosing a single bot/bat in a Sabre.
I couldn't dodge 4 Sabre's in a Titan. I mean, I could, but I was loosing bots/bats slowly.
It took you some 40-50 minutes to kill me, but it's pretty good since I was just dodging all the time.
In Sabre - if you decide to dodge - and you do it right - only the best aimers can hit you.. And even that only occasionally.

I was not in the fight tonight, but I'm glad to hear it was a good one.
That's the point after all, isn't it?

Also, about the numbers.. I was involved in a fight in which 11 Corsairs took on 14 Outcasts and won.
So it's not like this is the first time numbers weren't even.
Not to mention that Ship/Gun difference is huge too.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - I_m_rdy - 04-27-2008

' Wrote:EDIT: I have to stress that the part about me wanting an Arwing is a joke, I want a CD to kill the nuke spammage. And that dont work on a Arwing.
it worked completely fine with me. You should always check if everything works fine before every fight.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - globalplayer-svk - 04-27-2008

skoko,my loadout was a surprise:)but i change it for next event, but first i must know for what i change it:Dnow it was cannonball,firestalker,cd,(together 210 missiles)+2x debilitators.