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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Lucky Luke - 03-19-2012

Where the money is going: White.Pearl

Kills: [color=#99FF99t]1 Order bomber[/color]

Circumstances: The Order agent was sitting by the lane between Manhattan and Fort Bush. I stumbled upon him, and engaged him. He used double novas, and was apparently not sure how to use them, coz he killed himself with them while fighting me.

  • [Image:]
  • [Image:]

Payment owed: 1.000.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dashiell - 03-19-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Banjo

Kills: 1 Rogue Werewolf

Circumstances: A pirate gang was running amok near WP. so we shot them up. Some freelnacers involved on their side, take note.

  • [Image: th_werewolfA.jpg]

    [Image: th_WerewolfB.jpg]
Payment owed: 1.200.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dada - 03-19-2012

Where the money is going: Kai.Dressel

Kills: 1.TAI-2B outcast ID/storta destroyer 2.Philip.Aselmo lane hacker ID/broadsword bomber 3.Venator-MK.ll pirat ID/wasupu vhf

Circumstances: 1: I caught this outcast destroyer directly in front of Manhattan. He chose the wrong place to bring his capital ship.
2: A Navy Officer was under attack in California, by two criminals. I gave him a hand and i got philip's head.
3: There was a bunch of criminals attacking the Navy near Fort Bush. I destroyed this pirat...but water was needed in my case.

Payment owed: 4.400.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 03-20-2012

Where the money is going: Festus.Hagen

Kills: 1 GRN gunboat with contraband

Circumstances: Travelling through NY and I hear a lot of nonsense from a ship named Gallia.Ranger over the emergency broadcast frequencies. I subsequently encountered the ship on the Manhattan-Fort Bush trade lane, where he was shooting the lane rings and destroying the automated transports. A quick scan of his cargo hold showed several captured pilots, including Liberty Navy and Liberty Police. The ship was ordered to drop the pilots, and did not comply, so I destroyed him on the spot.

  • [Image: th_GalliaRanger-NY-0.png] [Image: th_GalliaRanger-id-0.png] [Image: th_GalliaRanger-cargo-0.png] [Image: th_GalliaRanger-kill-0.jpg]
Payment owed: 1 smuggler: 1.2M; gunboat bonus: .2M; total: 1.4M

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - kainname - 03-20-2012

Incoming Transmission.

Good day fellas, I want to apply on this board.

Callsign: Elsterglanz

Full name: Frank Leibniz.

Affliction: BHG, free Membership.

Visual equipment and affliction approval:

[Image: screen218.png]
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Leibniz out.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 03-22-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 2 Rogues 2 Hackers

Normal workin day.

  • [Image: Hacker_1_ID.jpg]
    [Image: Hacker_1_Death.jpg]
    [Image: Hacker_2_ID.jpg]
    [Image: Hacker_2_Dead.jpg]

    Situation: Hacker&Hacker

    • [Image: Rogue1_ID.jpg]
      [Image: Rogue_1_Dead.jpg]
      [Image: Rogue2_ID.jpg]
      [Image: Rogue_2_Dead.jpg]

    Situation: Roug and Roug
Payment owed: 4 x 1.2 =4.8m to Adam.Smith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Backo - 03-22-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Magnum

Kills: 101st Sabre, Pirate Roc, Pirate Eagle, Pirate Eagle again

Circumstances: Went on a trip to New York. Just upon entering it from California I saw a 101st pilot. So I thought, "why not?" and decided to earn myself those 1.600.000 credits. Though Maltese people apparently like to play dirty and so he called half of New York's scum on me. Didn't manage to kill them all, but still got more then enough.

Payment owed: 4 600 000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 03-22-2012

Where the money is going: Festus.Hagen

Kills: 1 indy pirate gunboat, 1 Lane Hacker snub

Circumstances: Patrolling through Calif and found group of pirates at the Cortez jump gate being pursued by a wing of MMs. The Mandies asked for some help, but before I could do anything the Asco gunboat started attacking. I killed that one, and provided some help with the two fighters, but one of them got away through the jumpgate again so I pursued into Cortez. I lost track of that one, however I did encounter an indy Lane Hacker in a Spatial, and after some talking decided to remove him too.

  • Ver.Lourd ID and kill

    [Image: th_VerLourd-id-0.png] [Image: th_VerLourd-kill-0.png]

  • Huba_Buba ID and kill

    [Image: th_Huba_Buba-id-0.png] [Image: th_Huba_Buba-kill-0.png]
Payment owed: 1 generic pirate: 1m; gunboat bonus: .2m; 1 lane hacker: 1.2m; Total: 2.4m

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Stefan - 03-22-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Iron.Stingray

Kills: Xeno Alliance Roc

Circumstances: Got his signal early this afternoon while passing through Cali. Hunted him down to Colorado, not much to say from there. He had already stopped two traders, so letting him flee was no option. The creep went down fighting tho - as you'll see on the last image, he strapped a nuke to his cockpick and blew himself up when things were going downhill. If this do not count as a kill, the only thing'll change is that next time I'll hit him harder.

Data follows.

Payment owed: 1.600.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 03-23-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 1 Rogue 1 Outcast 1 Smuggler

Normal workin day. Funny thing was this with the Smuggler- damn freighters they run like hell.

  • [Image: screen2_BMP.jpg]
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    Situation: Smuggler:A long run but..

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    [Image: screen15_BMP.jpg]
    Situation: Really Easy Outcast.

    [Image: screen4_BMP.jpg]
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    Situation: And Roug- normal one.
Payment owed: 2 x 1.2 +1 =3.4m to Adam.Smith