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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version

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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Kyte_ - 01-25-2012

ComID: Verbial.Kint

RE: Rumors

Verbial here. I've heard nothing personally but I shall keep my ear to the rail. Can't be too careful. Disturbed to hear about Zoners firing on our people. That just isn't done. That was one lucky pilot he didn't get vacuumed. To be sure! I commend your restraint, Sir! However... I'd have shot him. That's just me.

Stay angry!


Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 01-25-2012


:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha:::
:::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System:::
:::Establishing data channel... done:::
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[Image: razor_sm.jpg]

It's Razor here.

Seems it's one of 'these' days.
Met a junker few k's from Ouray.
He refused to leave Liberty so I had to kill him.
He was flying a Collector. These are tough.

Razor, out.


:::Connection terminated:::

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 01-26-2012


:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha:::
:::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System:::
:::Establishing data channel... done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done:::
:::Establishing video channel... done:::

[Image: razor_sm.jpg]

It's Razor here.

I've met the same bounty hunter GB today.
He was trying to corner me but I was able to call for some backup.
Terrence Holter, Coachwhip and Krait came to assist me.
We had to use much of our ammo to finally destroy that Orca.
I was able to fire the final shot that killed him.
While we were gathering near Ouray, another hunter showed up. This time in Camara. He didn't want to stop. Instead, he was trying to reach Ouray like he was filled with explosives. Killed.
Afterwards, we moved towards NY jumpgate where we stopped OSC liner Eurostar. Captain was trying to run. Besides, there were many of the filthy rats calling themselves VIPs onboard.
We started to tear the liner apart when some freelancer showed up.
Told him to get lost and he almost did it right. Engaged cruise and then turned back to engage us. Or to commit suicide. Bad idea. We shredded him with Terrence.
In the meantime, the OSC liner got away to NY. Coachwhip and Krait got after him.
Myself and Terrence followed them, but got there too late. Another kill.
After patrol we docked back on Ouray.

Razor, out.


:::Connection terminated:::

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 01-26-2012


:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha:::
:::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System:::
:::Establishing data channel... done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done:::
:::Establishing video channel... done:::

[Image: razor_sm.jpg]

It's Razor here.

Another fight. This one was too long.
In short:
Took a patrol around Colorado.
When I was closing back to Ouray, I noticed two LPI pigs trying to arrest some poor guy.
I engaged them.
After a while, third LPI ship appeared, but after a short while, we got reinforcements from both, our Xeno bros and our HF buddies.
After long and exhausting fight, I managed to kill one of these filthy rats.
The fight started close to Ouray. Then it moved to Pueblo, then to Gunnison. After another XA reinforcements, I disengaged to resupply. While I was resupplying, the fight moved back to Ouray.
Unfortunately, soon after, ion storm forced us to cease fire and dock.

Razor, out.


:::Connection terminated:::

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 01-26-2012


:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha:::
:::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System:::
:::Establishing data channel... done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done:::
:::Establishing video channel... done:::

[Image: razor_sm.jpg]

It's Razor here.

Met a feral outcast today in NY. Killed it.

Razor, out.


:::Connection terminated:::

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sylvie557 - 01-26-2012

>>Location: Ouray, Colorado System<<
>>Name: Terrance Holter<<
>>Subject: First Report<<
>>Video Uplink Established<<
[Image: 000-1.jpg]


Sorry for my lack or reports up until now, I haven't had much time between trying to get myself fit in among the other Xeno pilots that fly out of Ouray, patrolling the lanes for targets, and blowing up all those damn police scumbags and outsiders that don't belong here. However, now that I have had time to bond with my fellows and such I have been able to both get a new CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber outfitted with some new parts and make up my first report. I decided to split it into two parts. One part detailing the diagnostic tests I ran on the newly outfitted Roc. The other going over my last patrol, which also happens to be the Roc's first real combat experience since the upgrade.

..:Roc Diagnostic Tests:..
[Image: screen177-1.jpg]

Well, to start things off I had a bit of training in how to repair and outfit older ships so they could be used again back before I left LPI training. So when I saw and old scrapped up Roc sitting in a corner of Ouray's hanger I figured why not work with a few other Xenos to get her flying. So I gathered up anyone who was both willing to help and had some knowledge of bomber craft engineering and got to work. We cleaned up the hull and replaced its outdated universal armor upgrade with the modern standard. We also replaced all its old weapons with the following modern components:
*3 Forward Firing "Lacerator" EMP Cannons
*1 Forward Firing "Hellfire" Rocket Gun
*1 Rear Firing "Lacerator" EMP Turret
*1 "Yellow Jacket" Antimatter Cannon
*1 Train Cruise Disruptor
*1 Nuclear Mine Dropper
*1 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper

Once the outfitting was complete we ran several diagnostic tests including the following:

..:First Bomber Patrol Report:..
NOTE: I had an error with my guncam but my onboard computer recorded the kills.

Well once I was finished with the tests I met up with another bomber pilot by the code name of Racer outside of Ouray and proceeded to the Galileo gate where we encountered two foreign transports who seemed to be having some sort of communications problem. However, we couldn't be sure it was some sort of ruse to make us leave them alone so we shot them down just in case. The ships' names were "akim" and "agafon".

After that, we headed for the Kepler gate and encounter an Interspace Commerce Bison carrying Kyushu Rice. Of course we couldn't let him spread that foreign filth in Liberty so we asked him to drop it and any ammunition he was carrying(as a small contribution to our cause) which he did after some coercion. However, after that we asked him to come to a complete stop and when he didn't we fired some warning shots and in response he returned fire. So after a short fire fight we took him down as well. The Bison's name was "Mr.White".

We then proceeded to return to Ouray, giving the workers at Pueblo a bit of a scare as we passed by.


Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 01-30-2012


:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha:::
:::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System:::
:::Establishing data channel... done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done:::
:::Establishing video channel... done:::

[Image: razor_sm.jpg]

It's Ronnie here.

I've shot a few transports yesterday. Guncam jammed so no pretty photos this time.
Bad news is that both my Eagle and Roc has been shot-up pretty bad. I managed to get a light miner so I will be flying this one until repairs on others are finished.

Oh, and also... Thanks for your trust in me and for the promotion.
I hope to see much more action with you all soon.
Under my new Snake Name: Lancehead

That's about it.

Lancehead, out.

:::Connection terminated:::

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Stefz - 02-06-2012

[Image: XenoTransmission.png]

Viper here.

A tough day. First some Hackers which we took care of, one got back in rescue capsule, I almost had another but he decided to run and I couldn't be bothered to follow him, third ran too. Cops jumped in, along with some Navies. One gunboat went down, along with a few fighters. Our casualties are two bombers, I think.

Data: [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF]. [color=#FFFFFF].

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 02-11-2012


:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha:::
:::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System:::
:::Establishing data channel... done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done:::
:::Establishing video channel... done:::

[Image: razor_sm.jpg]

It's Lancehead here.

I've been in Texas on my way from Barrow towards Pennsylvania JH when I came across a jumphole I didn't have mapped.
I decided to scout the hole, see what's on the other side and if it can be of any use for us.
What I discovered is the nest of junker filth.
First thing I've noticed after jumping to that system, was a shipyard. Can you imagine? They've build a shipyard in our Liberty!
I've came across some enemy fighters but my surveyor's superior speed allowed me to dodge 'em and continue recon.
I decided to fly north first. That was a good idea. On the edge of asteroid field, I've came across a smelter type base. Also junker.
Wandering around northern parts of system prooved to be pointless and eventually I took a course towards the only planet my scanners detected. On it's low orbit, there was another base and some weapon platforms. I tooksome scans and moved away.
To the south of the planet, there's a large asteroid field and on its edge, there's one last outpost. Not far from there, I found another jumphole that led me to Humboldt.

I've attached some scans of bases mentioned above.

We should consider some raid to that system. I just can't stand it. Junker shipyard in Liberty. And we wonder where do they manufacture their ships...

Lancehead, out.

System Map

:::Connection terminated:::

Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Slartibartfast - 02-19-2012

...Incoming Transmission
...ID: Cornell

The Sonora, our brand new Bison class transport arrived at Alabama yesterday.

[Image: xarep1.jpg]

Isn't she a beaut? Anyway, whilst the thing was bein' outfitted with an advanced armor - presumably featurin' styrofoam plates - me an' DeathAdder got our Eagles out for a little spin.

It didn't take long for Adder's fan club to arrive. Seems the bounty on 'is skull is just too much to take for some of the more excited Bunters and one offered to blow up Adder's ship as a way of earnin' his credits. For whichever reason, Adder didn't seem all too happy about the idea of being used as a cash cow and offered to exchange his particles and missiles for the Bunter's lasers and mines. The results were pretty predictable.

[Image: xarep2.jpg]

Anyhow, we then bust open a couple of traders until the Navy got wind of our little op and we had to scram.

Cornell out.