Epic tunes? - Venkman - 09-01-2011
Japanes Beat-Box
Japanes 2
Japanes 3
...more to come (when i fing more)><until then ENJOY
Epic tunes? - Decerebrated.Individual - 09-02-2011
A tribute to Spazzy
U2 - Silver and Gold (rare studio version)
Epic tunes? - Dieter Schprokets - 09-02-2011
Dieter's 2nd favourite tune from his most recent find of a gem of a band:
Epic tunes? - Decerebrated.Individual - 09-02-2011
I dunno what made me post this but I think I watched Dieters music and then remembered something from someone somewheresomehow somehwere.
This aint some Bram SToker Ima-Copy-paste-some **** and some guy 100 years later is gonan make a million dollars with copying it into a movie production and then there will be 5 sequels made for retarded teenagers.
This is real Romanian Transilvanian Music from Hell.
EDIT: I also watched this particular visual realization and realized it also has some naked ladies in it. Close your eyes kids (no porno tho, sorry)
Epic tunes? - Total.Absolution - 09-02-2011
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
Epic tunes? - Patrician - 09-02-2011
Rise Against - Any Way You Want It (Journey cover)
Epic tunes? - rancidjellyfish@gmail.com - 09-02-2011
' Wrote:The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize Good call.
Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 09-02-2011
Drive Like Jehu - Sinews
Epic tunes? - Dashiell - 09-02-2011
Sander van Doorn - Hymn 2.0
Epic tunes? - TheJarl - 09-02-2011
Less Than Jake - All my best friends are metalheads
For the sake of extremely happy ska punk