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GC Tea House - farmerman - 03-26-2009

Noticing the new woman at last (that head injury earlier didn't help matters!), Miharu walked over toward Misao and extended a handshake.

"Oh, hello!" she said happily, "I'm Miharu, it's a pleasure to meet you. I think I'v heard of you earlier perhaps? Your name seems familiar, but I'm not sure how."

She pulled up a chair and sat down. "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked with a smile. "I always enjoy speaking with people."

GC Tea House - Xing - 03-26-2009

Misao blushed slightly, recognising the woman that helped her holding the Alliance gunship off the ground of Ainu.

"Yes s... uh, Miharu! Sure, do take a seat~"
"If my memory serves, we fought together against the small Alliance incursion within our space..." Misao bowed her head slightly, a bit ashamed of herself "I... I would have retreated if it wasn't for you..."
She smiled a bit, "Thank you. You gave me courage and faith..."

Turning to Iron, she continued,
"I've abandoned the Imperial court to come seek refuge here... and fight back against the traditionalists." She suddenly seemed very serious despite her young college girl appearance. "I might have lived a lavish life of comfort... but I still lived in a pretty cage of slavery. I refused this. I couldn't, especially after understanding most weren't even as lucky as I was."

he sighed slightly,
"It might've been a foolish choice, one with no return path, but I prefer to risk all for a brighter future."

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-26-2009

Saigo takes a sip of her tea...

"So Misao i see that already you have met a few of our friends including Ironwatsas... " Saigo goes to a whisper: "But be careful around him and his Friends."

" I haven't properly introduced myself, i am Saigo Watanabe, you may or may not of heard of my name but know that i also have several sisters so if you ever need help just give them a call.
Miharu hows that injury to your head aswell, have you tried mixing some herbal tea with a bit of cardamine? It can help with a bit of pain, but i wouldn't put too much cardamine with it, otherwise it cancels out the affect of the herbal tea."

GC Tea House - Xing - 03-27-2009

"Oh... I see... I... I will be!"
She then leaned toward Saigo,
"Why is he going around in armor anyway? And who are his friends at all? I thought there were no males in the Chrysanthemum ranks?..."

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 03-27-2009

Watsas nodded in acknowlagement, noticing Misao and Saigo close to one another. He did not take the time to query further, as he recived a data-burst which indicated his attention was reqired in the Consortium Neurocyte-network. He turned and made his way to the Lab, and his datalink access unit, leaving everyone else to their own devices.

On his way out, he Passed Naomi, who walked into the tea house and over to Misao and Saigo.

"Konnichiwa sisters." Naomi greeted as she walked over and sat next to the two, sending a glare toward Steve as she did so.

Steve was quite saddened, but continue his normal duties.

"Misao... good to see you are alright. I just came back in from patrol, and heard about the farmer attack! That Consortium transport... set it's reactors to overload? Tried to take the Alliance Gunboat with it?

Well... it is good to see you are well, anyway. Is there anything I can get you or help you with?" She asked politely, figuring Misao was stressed from her first real battle.

GC Tea House - Xing - 03-27-2009

Misao seemed a bit hesitant, then finally,
"Well... I... I guess I could have some tea.... it would be relaxing..."
She smiled, before adding,
"Chrysanthemum flower tea, if possible."
It wasn't in the habit of young kusarese boys and girls to drink something as traditional as tea, as the market was little by little invaded by popular libertonian food products, and Misao was one of those few who still seemed to live in the old ways, at least, compared with today' reality...

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 03-27-2009

Naomi nodded. "Sure thing, I could go for some of that myself... ahem, STEVE!" She yelled toward the de-facto bartender.

"Gah! What!" He replied, understandably worried when Naomi began using that voice tone with him.

"Could you get us two Chrysanthemum flower tea. Chop chop!" Naomi commanded.

Steve quickly obliged, not wanting to become a punching bag as is customary when Naomi is stressed or in some way not happy. He quickly went to the cupboard and retrived two ceramic cups, filling them with pre-heated water and bags filled with ground Tea leaves and (unbeknownst to Misao) cardamine. After a few minuites, the Tea was ready, and he delivered it to the two ladies.

"Alright, here you go! Is there anything else I could get for you?" He asked politely.

"No thank you." Naomi replied.

Steve nodded and headed back to the bar, awaiting a new round of drink orders.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-27-2009

Saigo Whispers back to Miaso: " That would be because he is a cyborg, oh and there are males in the Chrysanthemums, just not that many..." Then speaking normally again: " But just be careful of whome you hang around, it's better to be cautious.
Oh and Steve get me another pot of tea would ya?"

GC Tea House - Xing - 03-27-2009

"Oh I see..."

Misao grasped the cup and sipped from the tea slowly, finding the liquid had a somewhat strange orange tint to the usual pale, green tint...
Well, maybe it was just the lightning, she thought as she drank the liquid, unsuspecting.

No, there was something weird to it actually...

But... she didn't dare say so - it wasn't kind to criticize tea, there were so many tradition and manners associated to it in Kusari society...

But she did felt a sudden rush of... energy?

"I... I feel a bit weird..." she finally mumbled, pushing away the tea, obviously confused.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-27-2009

"Hm, only one person for that.... STEVE, why did you put some cardamine into Miaso's tea without telling her, or at the very least me. You do know that introducing it with too much of it can lead to... complications.
Come Miaso, i have something that can help, last time it happened someone collapsed and it aint good to have that happen to you.

Oh and Steve you better have that tea on my table by the time i get back- the usual. Nice and strong but with no cardamine in it, you know i take my cardamine in tablets."