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RE: The Order feedback - Enkidu - 08-02-2016

(08-02-2016, 05:48 PM)Jazzi Wrote: I believe, if it helps the matter, it does not matter who owns this Horus faction. What matters is that a players character, lore behind that character and reason for being where they are now has been removed without consultation. Whilst the grudges and politics do matter to an extent, I'm sure there is a way to settle this so that Ace's character can continue.

This is a rough ride for Ace. @Golly @Shiz @whoever else is involved, why not come up with some left over lore that enables Ace to continue? It is a painful process watching others change the past in a way that nullifies their hard work, effort and ultimately commitment. Out of respect for one another as players, if not people, leave enough for Ace to do something. Retrospective metagaming is a dangerous and slippery slope for the community, not just a single player.

Really profound words of wisdom, Jazzi. You should become a magistrate (that reads like sarcasm, it isn't).

Short point - it's okay for Horus to be taken out of commission whenever you like - it's your faction, but don't remove, without record, the full extent of another player's RP. That's sabotage.

If it's just about getting rid of Horus, get rid of Horus. Don't sweep away Ace's entire character background. Keep the record up there, and archived, or modify the Horus post to say it's being disbanded in light of current events.

RE: The Order feedback - Ryummel - 08-02-2016

Order character defecting to a faction that is basically the Order. Mind blown

RE: The Order feedback - Magnifique - 08-02-2016

( Official factions + SRP ) / Discovery civil war = Liberty civil war + Order civil war + Zoner marines

RE: The Order feedback - Emperor Tekagi - 08-02-2016

So. It is nice that this problem became public, but I hope you all realized that both sides are extremely stubborn and that there never will be the case of one giving up to the other one? This problem is only at Golly and Ace to get solved. And with this I mean someone should throw them in one room and let them discuss this matter alone. Otherwise it will only create more ooRP hate which influences ingame encounters then.

RE: The Order feedback - Omi - 08-02-2016

IMHO, defection roleplays done without at least checking for the consent of the OFL are always going to be bad news.

While I can't agree with the exact action taken by Golanski, I can certainly begin to understand it.

RE: The Order feedback - Shiki - 08-02-2016

Well I don't think that it's a good style to interevent into internal faction business. I've get only very basic information about the conflict, but it's @Omicron's right to manage the subfactions after all. If it was about defection as I've heard, then maybe it would be a better style to quit the faction with this char or at least inform the leader before doing it. Of course it's a loss to the Order and Horus, losing a subfaction is never good. @Ace Razgriz Horus existed before merging with the Order and can exist after.

RE: The Order feedback - Ace Razgriz - 08-02-2016

(08-02-2016, 06:12 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: So. It is nice that this problem became public, but I hope you all realized that both sides are extremely stubborn and that there never will be the case of one giving up to the other one? This problem is only at Golly and Ace to get solved. And with this I mean someone should throw them in one room and let them discuss this matter alone. Otherwise it will only create more ooRP hate which influences ingame encounters then.

I'd be more than happy to talk it out with him, but unfortunately Golanski has removed me from his skype list.

(08-02-2016, 06:15 PM)Omicega Wrote: IMHO, defection roleplays done without at least checking for the consent of the OFL are always going to be bad news.

While I can't agree with the exact action taken by Golanski, I can certainly begin to understand it.
I hadn't yet asked Golanski, but I had talked to Jeremy about it, and he was certainly fine with it, now he has completely turned against me...

RE: The Order feedback - Alley - 08-02-2016

Just to let you know the deletion of the content is a violation of the registration agreement. I don't care what your issues are and who's against who, you can't remove content like that without notice.

Archive it, sort it out like adults or do whatever you want. But please, don't delete disco's history.

RE: The Order feedback - Omi - 08-02-2016

(08-02-2016, 06:20 PM)Ace Razgriz Wrote: I hadn't yet asked Golanski, but I had talked to Jeremy about it, and he was certainly fine with it, now he has completely turned against me...

If, while I'd been leading GRN|, someone had approached my 2iC/HC exclusively about a defection RP (Valor, Obstinate, what-have-you) and not greenlit it with me, I would almost consider that more aggravating than no contact at all.

I think my point still stands on that matter, at least. I'm not trying to justify the ham-fisted and wholly ridiculous course of action Golanski took, but I can definitely see how you got his blood up. You're literally ripping content away from one faction to go and play with another because it has all your friends in it.

RE: The Order feedback - Ace Razgriz - 08-02-2016

(08-02-2016, 06:20 PM)Ace Razgriz Wrote: hadn't yet asked
Keyword, hadn't yet. I understand I did a wrong, but does this really warrant retconning 4 years worth of a characters rp and making my SRP literally impossible, theoretically because I simply didn't tell him about it before the SRP is even complete.