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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-30-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Gran Canaria
> Commanding: OSI-Fool's.Errand
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

5000 units of Food Rations delivered to Planet Crete.

Proof of Delivery

> Message Ends

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 08-30-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Report of delivery of goods to Freeport 2

Confirm delivery of 1,000 (One Thousand) Units of Pharmaceuticals 1,500 (One Thousand Five Hundred) Units of Helium, 2,500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred) Units of Consumer goods.
Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - aaronD48 - 08-30-2011

Transmission preparing to send...
connection secure...
transmission sending...

Unidyne Metals and Trading

Greetings I am the Admiral of Unidyne Metals and Trading [UMT] John D. from the bridge of the Battlecruiser Palamino. I am looking for a contract we have a well set up mining operation in tau 23 and are looking to contract transports to haul it our charge is 2800 credits per unit mined for Niobium ore witch can be sold for 7800 credits per unit if you are interested please contact me me on my personal comms.

Transmission over

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 08-30-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Report of delivery of goods to Freeport 5

15,000 (Fifteen Thousand) Units of Food Rations.
[1], [2], [3]

10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Water
[1], [2]

10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of H-fuel
[1], [2]

7,500 (Seven Thousand Five hundred) Units of Consumer Goods
[1], [2]

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-30-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Planet Erie
> Commanding: OSI-Fool's.Errand
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

5000 units of H-Fuel delivered to Freeport 6.

Proof of Delivery

> Message Ends

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-30-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Freeport 6
> Commanding: OSI-Fool's.Errand
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade & Incident Report

> Message Begins

5000 units of Consumer Goods delivered to Fp6.

Proof of Delivery

Also, traveling through the Baffin system, I was stopped by a pirate named Luke.McCloud who initially demanded 7mil in exchange for safe passage.

Here is an image from my sensor telemetry that recorded the incident. A small freighter by the name of Zoner.05 stopped to render assistance, but unfortunately, the pirate outclassed both of us in firepower. After several minutes of discussion, the pirate allowed my ship and crew to depart, but I still had to pay 4million.

Special Note: This incident will be forwarded to TAZ Command.

> Message Ends

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 08-30-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
Captain Galore, payment for the delivery of the consumer goods will be wired to your account shortly. These are the remaining goods needed. Remember payment is now 1000 credits per unit!


Consumer Goods - 4,000 units

Gran Canaria:

Pharmaceuticals - 10,000 units
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-30-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Freeport 6
> Commanding: OSI-Fool's.Errand
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

5000 units of Food Rations delivered. Proof of Delivery

Also, 5000 units of Water delivered. Proof of Delivery

>Message Ends

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - GrimGalore - 08-31-2011

[Image: grimtrans.png]

> Origin: Freeport 6
> Commanding: OSI-Fool's.Errand
> Encryption: Medium
> Subject: Trade Report

> Message Begins

5000 units of Water delivered. Proof of Delivery

Also, pleased to report there has been no further pirate activity.

> Message Ends

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 08-31-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Report of delivery of goods to Freeport 6

Confirm delivery of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Oxygen
[1], [2]

Confirm Delivery of 5,000 (Five Thousand) Units of Food Rations

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]