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Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - Printable Version

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RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - stormrage - 06-21-2013

SENDER ID: Cino Marquez

Hola SeƱor Alejandro.
I have looked at your application and found it interesting.

Make your way to the Battleship Prox.
There will be a welcoming party that will lead you to your table at the bar, a form will be waiting for you.
After you fill it up tell a guard to call for my presence and I shall come to make a little chat with you.

Battleship Prox location.
[Image: 3ku5f.png]

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - Zen_Mechanics - 06-23-2013

Full Name : Marcus Onilious
Ship Name : Conquest.Of.Paradise

Age : 23 soon.

Your skills : Aye, I am an expert with VHF and Light fighters, Titan is my personal choice though I haven't been in the Bomber course yet, my current record is set on 6 Cardi-addicts in a row without inspection/repairs.

Reasons : Since I was born I always been told how honourable it is to fight for the nation, my father being a "pure" blood corsair from crete always had an intrest in cambridge though he was never allowed to conduct operations there. Being a lone wolf I am free to uphold the empires interests all across sirius however strong I am 2+ heads are better than one. I am very skeptical towards none-corsairs, I discard people as trash but a playing tool, not always that I had to kill to gain influence however those that I find to be against our nation will be put to death without any mercy. I wish to use my skills and push our nation ahead, find my wingmans that I can trust and serve our great nation with pride. I follow the footsteps of my father, aftering checking the local bar down there in the swamps I've heard about the "Brotherhood" seeking effective&powerful pilots that can be trusted to do their job properly, The Britonians are far more dangerious then they are now, and I'd like to put an end to those muchachos, once and for all. With the help of the other adventerues and skillful corsairs I intened to finish them, all of them, no exceptions down to the last one. viv'a imperio del corsario!

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - Freeport7 - 06-27-2013

Full Name: Anastasia Borozan
Ingame: [57th]Anastasia.Borozan

Age: 24

Skills: I already have a lot of experience flying, I am piloting a Decurion since i was 17 years old and i am in love with my ship, I am adicted to speed, so a light fighter was my best choice, and I also like to keep my ship clean, i shoot but i won't get shot at! That's how I role.

Reason I choose TBH: I spend most of my time piloting solo, ocassionaly i pilot with a dear friend of mine that is in fact part of The Brotherhood, he's the one who started talking about TBH and it got me convinced that joining The Brotherhood would be my best move. I identify myself with the beliefs and course of actions taken by TBH.

Biography: I was born on Crete as part of the Borozan family, a moderate wealthy family, so my life on the planet was pretty much great, i had everything i ever wanted and could do anything i desired, if i'd set my mind to something, i would get it done no matter the consequences, I enjoyed getting into trouble sometimes, but i've never did anything too radical. I developed an interest in spaceships since i was 13 years old, and I wished i could go on to space and start shooting at stars!
It was a dream I had, and like every other dream i've had, I make it come true! I started flying when i was 17 years old and I loved every moment of it. About when i Was 23 years old I was flying alone far away from home, i entered Rheiland space and i just wanted to make some fuss, but i quickly figured that i couldn't do much by myself, so, i came across a desperate broke freelancer that urgently needed a job, so i decided to hire him to help me have fun taking down some traders. We intercepted a trader from the republican shipping that refused to pay up so I ordered that freelancer to start shooting with me, and surprinsigly enough, the freelancer had an agressive fighting stance which impressed me. Well... the freelancer inflicted the kill-shot to that trader and while i was laughing at the big and nice explosion, my freelancer friend colapsed mentally... He felt sorry for killing some weakling trader and could not forgive himself, at that moment i was just thinking "what a baby this guy is", but by that time i already started to like him. The death of that damn trader made this freelancer, which was named Miguel Soares by the way, Isolate himself in Planet Erie... well, he didn't isolate himself totally, i was not able to go away, and felt forced to go with him and help him... I really cared about that stupid pansy.
6 months! It took as long as 6 months to get that milksop up on his feet again! I mean... if it weren't for me how the hell would he survive 6 months?! he barely had money to buy some bread!... anyway, I ended up marrying the guy, and we are currently husband and wife, but this is not the interesting part of it all!... My son of a vermin husband decided to join the Bounty Hunters Guild not long after we got married, can you believe this nonsense?! I wouldn't let him get away with this! Joining the BHG?! No way, Jose! As it was obvious i wouldn't pass down some fun with my ship, and now my husband was my primarily target, but I forgot how good a he was piloting a damn ship, and i was unable to take him down... All our confrotation until now has been declared as a draw! He flied a sea serpent so it's a fun match against me, and i will be victorious the next time i meet him, that'll be for sure!
Since my 24th birthday, i've been having fun taking down some hunters, and some traders now and then. Now i'm 25 years old and I am here! Applying for the Brotherhood for a brighter and explosive future!

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - stormrage - 06-28-2013

SENDER ID: Cino Marquez

Senor Alejandro;
You have been accepted, stay in Prox until you get further details.

Anastasia and Marcus, report to me.

Battleship Prox location.
[Image: 3ku5f.png]

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - yardworker - 06-30-2013

[Image: screen18_zpsa3c9347b.png]

Incomming transmission ::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::::: full loaded

Hola! hermanos Here is Capitan Xaver.Odoro
i want to Join the TBH

Here is my story

Xaver.Odoro was born on planet crete hes was the son of a Osiris Battelship capitan and a Weapon dealer woman wiht 14 he got his first figther he go then to the Flying Akademy he make id good then he go on the battelship from his fahter he learn a lot over flying capital vessels at least he was 2 capitan then becommes the father of xaver a mission from a elder and i was at this time at home and my dad says he will be back soon but he dont came back from these secret mission Xaver have wait long but then he go to his figther and beggin to seek his fahter he found only destroyed Osiris in the 49 system and the holes in the ship hull says him taht was a hessian bs he beggin to control the wreck and seek for not killed crew member then he found the resurce Pod from his father he found him under cooled and half dead he resurce him and head back to crete after a long visit in hospital his fahter was to woundet in his soul and not enaugth healt to fly the recsurced osiris so he sad ** My son yet is your part to secure the corsairs and there allies u are yet the capitan of the battelship Odoro**** and i do yet waht my dad want i protect the corsair systems.....

// Hope the TBH respont fast or add me on skype: The1fat1dragon

iam a good bs capitan i killed RHA RHB Havandalsnukur wiht my osiris wiht a shoot from motar

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - yardworker - 07-05-2013

Boosting signal//////////////

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - stormrage - 07-05-2013

SENDER ID: Cino Marquez

Hola Senor Xaver.
The Brotherhood has been busy with fighting and I am available now.
Come to battleship Prox.

Battleship Prox location.
[Image: 3ku5f.png]

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - Apollon - 07-07-2013

Full Name: Claudio Valentin
Age: 23

Your skills: I have been Piloting a Titan for Ages...and an Expert in Bomber Fighting, Good in Hand to hand Combat...,a Good Coordinator, Spent Most of my Life in my titan..Defending our nation

Reason why you chose us: I Felt the Power in the Brotherhood, I want to Enlist to The Brotherhood..Because they are so Organized, I Want to Protect my People my Home from those Filthy Outcasts and Hessians..

Your biography: Hola, I as Born on Planet Crete, Son of Ricardo and Clara Valentin, a Wealthy Family, that Spent their Life to Help the Corsair Nation against it's Enemy, My Father was a Corsair Fighter a Bomber one too, He's the one who Taught me Bomber Skills, thanks to him, I survived many Fights,....He Defended our Nation against those Outcasts And other Enemies, my Mother is a Simple Home wife, Helping us in anyway she think that Suits us, Me and my Father Flown together in many Raids...and Defended our Nation's Borders many times...until...he Got shot down, He got Paralyses..he can't Walk i am left alone..and sadly i have no Brothers nor sisters to help me, make me feel Safe when i am Fighting alone, Especially when I was on a mission in Omega-5..some Hessians showed up, I was able to take down 2 of them....But more showed up, I was about to lose Hope..Then a Couple Corsairs Showed up...It Made something in my we Fought Back, and took the Hessians down, That day..I realized how much is good to Fight with Brothers and Sisters by my side..Helping me and helping them, so here i am now, Offering my Help to the Brotherhood.....

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - stormrage - 07-09-2013

SENDER ID: Cino Marquez

Senor Valentin;
I have looked over your application and I find it rather interesting.
We could use a young fighter.

Come to battleship Prox for future testing.

Battleship Prox location.
[Image: 3ku5f.png]

RE: Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]) - shadowreign11 - 07-28-2013

Apologies BrotherHood I just removed my application to your faction
I've found being an independent can be quite lucrative while I waited for a reply.
Gunna see what the future holds on this path

Thanks again