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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 04-05-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Yoshi Karume
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Please continue your application to Delta Communications if you haven't done it yet.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Razer - 04-21-2011

***incoming transmission***
***channel: secure***
***transmission received***


i have interest in joining the KNF in service to the emperor.

my familiy name is kurogane, i have recently taken to the galaxy and wish to serve the emperor as per my fathers last wish. if you will accept me i will be able to honor my fathers wish and bring great honor to my family for i will be the first in our line to be in the service of the emperor.

"may the emperor live long and crush his enemies"


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 04-22-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Kurogane
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Commissar - 04-24-2011

[Image: IncomingTransmissionMiyagiAkira.png]
Transfer Request: Kaigun Shōi Miyagi Akira, Kusari Naval Forces Secondary Fleet
Skyp-3 Identification:david.ripper (Do not ask... It is a second-hand device.)
Current Ship Transponder/Type:Miyagi.Akira [Chimera]

Konninchiwa, Honoured Samurai.

As you no doubt know by now, I am Kaigun Shōi Miyagi Akira. I'€™m assigned as a Chimera pilot to the 142nd Reserve Fighter Squadron of our benevolent Emperor. My life story is neither relevant, nor particularly interesting, so forgive me if I am thin on the details.

My father was a Daii aboard the IKN-Kazaya, a Destroyer. He spent most of his time on duty, so okāsan had to take any opportunity she could to visit him. I must'€™ve decided I wanted to as well and was born in the infirmary. Father had to get permission from the Commander before I was legally allowed to exist.

There were three of us; my sister, brother and I down on Honshu. She married a few years back and he's working as an accountant now. I never had the patience for that sort of thing. I flew atmospheric racers on New Tokyo for a few years once I finished school. Things changed when there was an'€¦ accident.

Regardless, I found my way to the secondary fleet. I'€™ve put up with all sorts of rubbish to get as far as primary fleet selection. The people here do not'€¦ appreciate my presence, Kagakagari-sama. I want to do my part for Kusari, and in the secondary fleet I simply cannot. The Emperor needs us, regardless of gender. It'€™s about what you can do, not who are you doing it.

I can get this done.


Miyagi Akira

P.S: I must ask one further exemption, ue-sama. I performed a salvage task in the Sigma'€™s many weeks ago, retrieving antiquated weapons from our fighters. Two, addressed as Jades were handed to Samura for transport to secure facilities. I request your permission to continue using the remaining weapons, two Onyxs, as the conventional weapons of our forces do not properly synchronise with debilitator weaponry. Indeed, this weaponry set proved most effective in disposing of hostile heavy craft. With your permission, hai?

Quote:Kaigun Chūsa Sasaki Daichi
Commanding Officer, Battleship Myoko


I have had the misfortune of having Shōi Miyagi aboard my vessel for the past three months. In that time, she has four times disobeyed direct orders, on one occasion entering Bretonian Space. She is consistently late to mess and shows her superiors not an ounce of respect. Miyagi seems to believe she has a personal warrant from his imperial majesty himself. She'€™s a risk and a liability.

She is; however, a capable pilot. That is as much as I can say in her defence.

I leave this matter to your wisdom.

Sasaki, Out.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 04-24-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Miyagi Akira
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Primary fleet of Kusari Naval Forces.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Pancakes - 05-07-2011

-Messgae begin-

Konnichiwa honorable fighter of the nation.
My name is Kazuki Kato, son of the explorer Hinata Kato.
My brother was a soldier, brave fought for the kusari people against the honorless bretonians. he died with their honorless tactics, outnumbering him and his squad with an ambush of the murderous privateers at tau 29, when he was on his way home for the the monthly visit.
I wish to avenge his death, and bring the honor back to name of Kato.
It was for some time I am in the secondary fleet, but we almost never being deployed to the front, giving me little chance to recieve back my honor. Those bretonians must pay for their crimes against the nation of kusari, and they will.
I have attached a personal data to this, it should be visible shortly:

Name: Kazuki Kato
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Service Time: 9 months.
Ship correctly under use: Wyrm - J7P-34.

[color=#FFCC00]-Messgae End-

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 05-07-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Kazuki Kato
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Vyn Travers - 06-18-2011

[Image: neurote.jpg]
*Encryption : Low*


To : [KNF] Kusari Naval Forces

From :

[Image: blair1.jpg]

COM ID : Raphaël Richard
: Coeur de Tigre
RANK : None
VESSEL : Moldy Crow
LOCATION : Bar, Battleship Nagumo, Kyushu
SUBJECT : Application

Greetings honourable members from the Kusari Naval Forces,

My name is Raphaël Richard, an ex Gallic citizen. Through the past, I tried to join the Gallic Royal Navy, I would revenge my parents' death. They refused me for this reason. They openned my eyes, I understood that The Gallic Royal Navy are corrupted and are just like sheep around the wolf. I decided to escape my native country and I would like to find a country within people are honourable, respectful..
When I went in Kusari, I would like to meet your Naval Forces, in order to see your behaviour.
I was really surprised and that's why I would like to join your Naval Forces.

Moreover, I listenned to peoples who were talking about your emperor, a man with merit, in the opposit to the Gallic King. I would like to join your Forces, to protect your country, to prevent from pirating, smuggling or anything else like this ! I would the Kusari' supremacy !

Sure, I know that I'm not a Kusarian like you... But I'm ready to die for real Kusarian !

My ship is yours.

I send you a little background with my social condition & my studies.

Database access :

Please enter your name account and your password :

User : Raphaël Richard
Password : **********

Please, wait...
Access to database in progress... ... ... ... ...
... ... ...


Quote:[color=#009900][size=small]Welcome Raphaël.

[color=#009900]Access to Background... [*] Loading [*]

Background :

Raphaël was born 29 years ago, on Battleship Epinal, in Lorraine. He grew up on Battleship Epinal & studied on the same Battleship. He studied law & human resource. He learnt three languages : English, French & German. He "can" understand some Russian Words and try to speak. Then, he continued his studies in a military academy, in which, he learnt to pilot and manoeuvre. After that, he went in an officer school, within in learnt technical & tactical manoeuvre. He had traded for a long time and won a few money. 2 years ago, he tried to join the Gallic Royal Navy, but he failed, his answers weren't the good for the Gallic Royal Navy. That's why he left his native country & went in Bretonia, before join Kusari through Tau-29. Today, he's looking for a job in the Kusari Naval Forces.

Family :

Marie & David Richard, his parents were traders, they carried weapons & military vehicles for the Gallic Crowns. That's why they died... One day, they had been attacked by the Council and their ship was destroyed.
The Gallic Royal Police told him, his parents death. He was angry but he converted his rage into a revenge's wish. That's why he failed to join the Gallic Royal Navy.

Two years later, he spent some time to think & understood that he must do something in his life.

My motivations :

I would like to do something in my life, something which can people help. I would like to protect your emperor might from piracy. I'm ready to fight against Bretonia until death. I wish be considered like a Kusarian... Because, I'm not a Gallic anymore..

I hope have an answer.

Best regards,

Raphaël Richard.

Quote: [OOC] Flight experience : 6/10
Knowledge of Kusari RP : 4/10
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address : vyn-travers
//Your timezone : 1 Month (On Discovery)

[color=#CC0000]/!\ TRANSMISSION ENDS /!\

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Yaoquizque - 06-19-2011

Konbanwa, venerable officers of our glorious naval forces high command.

My name is Gamo Ujitsuna.
[color=#33CC00]*The mid-fifty man bows*

I know you are fairly busy so i won't waste your precious time.
I'm sending this message as i have a request.

*The man takes a pause and gives a quick sidelook at the sabrewielder near him*
I ordered my youngest son to join our navy.

As my heir is dead...
*He gave another sidelook at the sabrewielder who remained face stoned* The traditions have to be followed.

The heir has to fight for the emperor.
I'm therefore asking you to take my son in your ranks.

He's... Ah well... He was raised in Enryaku-ji so he isn't a warrior. He was supposed to become a monk... But it wasn't his destiny.
He has a lot to learn. But i'm sure he will honour our clan.

As he left that temple only a few weeks ago, he may not know very well how things work in our empire right now, but he can learn.
He will learn of he shall die.

I'm awaiting your answer, lords.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 06-20-2011

[Image: comheader.png]

Raphaël Richard, due to the current degradation of peace, a new directive has been enforced: we can only admit and train citizens of Kusari origin.
I am sorry to tell you that we cannot accept your application.

Gamo Ujitsuna-sama, we were sorry to hear of your former Heirs demise and would be pleased to educate your son in the ways of the warrior, if what I hear is true: his physical endurance and the Lotus Sutras' favour of skill will be assets in his new duties,

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