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Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Printable Version

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Megaera - 09-15-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
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Incoming Transmission

Sender: Yunoki Misaki
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: Some weird Blood Dragon cruiser


Has anyone else notice this strange Blood Dragon cruiser with the name of Kamiizumi? I encountered it twice now. Apparantly we contacted by that captain before. Her name is Sakura and she was there with her older brother.

I am honestly not amused by said captain's conduct. The first time she popped up out of nowhere in Kyushu, left after asking vague questions about some kind of transmission.

Second encounter was just unacceptable. Matsui-san and myself caught an IMG ship carrying those robot things used in farming. I took a few to take back to Kinkaku-ji. Always useful for the hydroponic farms there. But then that cruiser showed up again and started bothering the IMG while that was our catch. I told them to leave but I literally had to position my bomber between the transport and the BD cruiser for it to piss off.

I am a thief, but I am an honorable thief. Somehow this individual thinks they can just barge in and claim our catch. Matsui-san and I nearly opened fire on it before it left with the tail between the legs. I am still pretty pissed off about this all. I would have defended that IMG if it came to a battle. The IMG captain was a pretty sympathetic guy. He even wanted to pay the Blood Dragon, but I told him not to. You simply don't attempt to steal from a thief or you have something coming your way that you dont appreciated that much.

Both encounters are in the attachments.

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Shinibana, Yunoki Misaki
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Drakaisyl - 09-17-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Hiroyuki Saya

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Subject: Some weird Blood Dragon Cruiser & Blood Dragons in general

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Viewing Report

Konnichiwa Sisters,

I wasn't yet so lucky to run into this Cruiser,it's Captain alone or anyone of its Crew. Having read the Log files - especially of the encounter while your talk with the IMG Captain and it's behavour there, It is my opinion that we should reject any further communication nor interaction with this Captain and the whole so called Hayazaki-Clan.

They disrespected us in their Message and two times with their Cruiser. That's three times in a very short periode of time and I don't want to think what they pull off the next time we meet them. But these three times are enough for me. I suggest we just ignore this "Clan" as a whole. If they want something in the future,they shall beg for it and nothing more.

But there is another topic I want to discuss byside the Hayazaki-Clan affair. It seems for me,the Dragons as whole seem to lack Respect towards us or the Alliance at all that we have - or had. At least two of their Pilots - Muramoto.Tenshin and Blodo.Dragon - showed their true thinking towards us - and even towards our close allies the Outcasts in generall and the HS> in particular a few month ago. But I have my doubts that it is only them but the Dragons as whole who don't want us to be their friends or allies anymore.

To show them how much they need us at I suggest to give them a shot across the bow and restrict - temporary - the docking towards our bases within Kusari and KKJ and Shikoku in particular. Further we should deny them - again temporary - any form of help, be it to fight the Naval Forces, the Samura on Planet Tomioka or anything else they asked us for in the past.

Those are only my personal suggestions and thoughts. I leave it to you and our matriarch to react to this matter appropiatly.

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Katanamochi Hiroyuki Saya
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - The Gen'an Chrysanthemums - 09-19-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

[Image: iHaHiX2.png]
Gen'an Command


The following changes are now in effect:

Hiroyuki Saya will be elevated to to the rank of Senjōzaki and has therefore earned a place on the Gen'an inner council.

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First Communications Officer, Ikeda Yume
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Diaz - 09-22-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Matsui Yuriko

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Subject: Long departure finally home

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Viewing Report

Konnichiwa Sisters,

Well, as you all know I had a difficult time in past couple of months and I had to take my leave, but all problems are now solved and we are back in business. Well I am back but I didn't come alone. My old friend decided to join me. We had a good time in GC back then, but now she decided to come back.

We went on patrol in Shikoku, when my squad leader Misaki contacted us urgently that she was being attacked. We rushed there finding Misaki's ship in good condition. We headed to Matsuda for Misaki to repair and quickly develop a tactic to ambush the attacker. I told my old friend to follow Misaki to show her the location where she was attacked and i took another route for the ambush.

I manage to catch him quickly since I took a faster route and from what I saw, he was an confused policeman. I deliver the coordinates to my sisters and they quickly rushed there. It was a ship class "Gunboat" (Callsign Minato). i could hear in his voice he was lost, while I talked to him. Another ship spotted there was a Universal trader with "TLC" callsign. I manage to stop him and we have small conversation, when the other sisters arrived. The policeman quickly rushed to aid him, but the trader was too generous and donated 5 Million SC to the Gen'an Sisterhood. I was shocked when I saw the policeman sending me cash transfer, bribing me not to shoot down the trader.

The trader was free to leave but we didn't end there. The policeman turned on us and started shooting, we quickly manage to return fire and actually took down his ship. I don't know what happened to him, but I hope I will not see him again. With all this action I didn't manage to introduce my sister Shi Ling to Misaki-san.

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Yūrei Matsui Yuriko
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Megaera - 09-26-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-16.png]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Miyazaki Rin
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: The OS&C Connection


The OS&C were true to their word and delivered what we requested.

The captain, Hilda-san, also included some cookbooks for Yunoki-san. Seems like she made an impression.

This means that the OS&C liner called Maldives in Tottori is to be left alone as long as they adhere to the no stabiline rule we imposed on them.
Nothing has changed for the other OS&C ships within Kusari. Especially those that transport valuable cargo are still valid targets for piracy.
Review the attached logs for details of the transfer.

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Senjōzaki, Miyazaki Rin
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Diaz - 09-26-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Matsui Yuriko

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Subject: Weird Outcast, Nomad presence in Kusari

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Viewing Report

Konnichiwa Sisters,

Today I started my patrol with Chou-san in Shikoku, when we got transmission from a Zenos Cartel member. He was attacked by a KSP while he was traveling to Shikoku. We quickly reacted and proceeded to help, but unfortunately he got away. We manage to get in contact with the Zenos fighter again. He was acting weird and had problems communicating with us. His transmission antenna was jammed, and as we can see he was using too much cardamine in recent time.

After that we continued our patrol. Then another one of the sisters joined us GC-Katori.Jingu, when we encountered something unusual. An unknown ship appeared on our radars. We proceeded with combat protocol in case something bad happened. Our communication broke down one moment but later everything return to normal. I could see smoke coming from one side of the ship showing that ship was pretty damaged. It didn't show any aggression toward us but he got very angry at some point without any reason. Over our secure channel i proposed sister Hiroyuki, to attack while it was damaged. We managed to destroy it but unfortunately her ship was badly damaged. It took us long time just to repair it and get back to Kinkaku, but after that incident we took another victory for the Gen'an Cell.

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Yūrei Matsui Yuriko
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - JCPC - 09-27-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Ayakura Tomoyo

Recipient: Sisterhood

Subject: First outing in a while

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Viewing Report

Konbanwa sisters,

I must first apologies for the sudden departure of my sister, Sakura and I for a few months. We had some emergency matters to handle regarding a family contact that reached out to us from nowhere. It has been handled though it required us to leave the sisterhood with minimal notice. God I hate that we had to use Stabiline to avoid notice from officials while undercover.... Cardamine is so much more liberating

So today I went out on a flight with Misaki and Adachi. It seems they have found great routes to pirate while I was away, so I first took my Iris out for a spin while they showed me this route. Very lucrative, it seems the sisterhood has continued to prosper while we were away. Unfortunately, this "SDF-Midoriko" in a Kusari intelligence cruiser decided to spoil the fun. After stalling some time so that Adachi and MIsaki could get their proper bombers. With both of them armed properly, I tried my best to draw it's fire while the sisters obliterated him, however he got a lucky shot and disabled Misaki's bomber. I hurried to secure her escape pod while both Adachi and I withdrew out of it's fire range. We discussed over private channels what to do next when we heard of a blood dragon being nearby and offering to help. Once she arrived, Adachi re-engaged while I withdrew to Morioka with Misaki to get my own bomber at last. Finally returning to the fight, our combine firepower quickly overwhelmed the cruiser and It was dispatched with a finishing volley from my old Hakaishugisha.

And thus while I feared being rusty, it seems I've not lost it too much. Happy to finally return to the sisterhood and continue our crusade to free Kusari of the corrupt government at it's head.

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Katanamochi Ayakura Tomoyo
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - The Gen'an Chrysanthemums - 09-27-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

[Image: iHaHiX2.png]
Gen'an Command


The following changes are now in effect:

Ayakura Sakura has been reinstated to the rank of Senjōzaki with the possible return to Shirei-kan rank later.

Matsui Yuriko has been promoted to the rank of Karyūdo. Her combat experience has saved her GC Sisters from multiple dire situations

Amaririsu Kiri has been promoted to the rank of Karyūdo. She has proven herself a most capable smuggler.

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First Communications Officer, Ikeda Yume
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Diaz - 10-03-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

[Image: OG2gCbi.png]
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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Matsui Yuriko

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Subject: Gen'an reason for celebration

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Viewing Report

Konnichiwa Sisters,

As you know, we had a big day ahead of us. We are gathered in front of our base to take the path of Liberty. We set out on a plan to travel through Kusari to independent systems to liberty. The systems were clean. We got information that a large group of police and navy were in New York. We decided to take our chances and move forward. Everything went right until we ran into the Navy. Somehow we managed to escape through Virginia to Omicron Nu.

I've decided to stay and hold the stand until the other sisters escape. Soon after they escaped, the Navy appeared, there was a fighter, I stood in front of them and I didn't want to back down. I challenged him to a duel where he gladly accepted. But soon there was another one where he tried to help his colleague to get rid of me quickly. His colleague refused and continued the duel with me. Soon after, another sister came back and tried to help me . I beat the officer who stood up to me but soon his colleague saw that he had been defeated and he turned to me and started firing, shortly afterwards he fired a torpedo where he badly damaged my ship but destroyed him too luckily my other sister was there to pick up my cargo and took me back to Kusari.

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Karyūdo Matsui Yuriko
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Stewgar - 10-07-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Arai Reiko

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Subject: Combat Reports

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Viewing Report

Glorious Sisters,

Our convoy reached it's destinations without any resistance! Surely all of Sirius is understanding the power and strength of the sisterhood. I should have brought my transport for extra credits, hah!

After our transports were safe, we set upon a transport hauling RoboCultivars. The transport did not respond to our hails. I lust for blood, but I try... try, not to be cruel. We prefer credits, but instead we received RoboCultivars. This implies that yes, the transport was destroyed. Shame shame. But hey, I have RoboCultivars!

The crates even come with instructions! I must research how to use these. They will work great in the hydroponics! I want to learn how to use these equipments for better crop yields. For the sisterhood!

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Yurei Arai Reiko
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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