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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - rwx - 05-09-2011

After Alec left the [RM], I would like to know, who plays currently Lucas Engel (RM Bounty Coordination Officer).
The reason is, someone has to forward Adam Spires reports from this thread to the RCDB.
Because I'm not in the [RM] I haven't the time for one more forum acc (or access to the [RM]-Bank [and I don't want access to it, if I'm not in the faction] to pay him).

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Sturmwind - 05-10-2011

Lucas Engel is a shared character of the High Command. You should contact someone from there, alternatively you can also open the RCDB to Spire yourself.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Varok - 06-22-2011


I'm here to ask a very simple question: Why do you guys made so many laws for Rheinland?
Firstly, I'd like to say that Rheinland is the only house I try to avoid on all my characters that are not affiliated with a Rheinland group.

Mostly, because of the laws and because of the enforcing factions there that want to fry me everytime I say something bad.

Another thing might be the trading laws. Rheinland accepts only a few goods to be shipped inside it's territory, -and- when [RM] catches the traders with 'un-authorized' goods on board, they tend to open fire very quickly.

I hope to hear from you soon,
Best regards.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - SpaceTime - 06-22-2011

I will last from your last comment: Give evidence to support your thesis, otherwise we don't know how to help you.

The Laws were written some months ago. Then Police decided to add numerous more restrictions which are not even in the Laws. In fact, RM doesn't even enforce these police regulations which I find them overly restrictive and ridiculous. Yes the last restriction on the Barge was in fact very funny.

Disclaimer: What I said about RFP is my personal opinion as a [RM] member and not the official voice of [RM]

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Varok - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:these police regulations which I find them overly restrictive and ridiculous. Yes the last restriction on the Barge was in fact very funny.

Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Perhaps I'm not talking in the right thread then. I apologize.
Also, I do not need evidence to ask a question, don't I?

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - SpaceTime - 06-22-2011

Well, you said that we are quick triggers on transports which break the Rheinland Laws. And in order to reply on that we should have some kind of evidence to clearly understand what exactly happened and talk to the [RM] member if it is indeed in fault.

Just implying stuff without giving us a clue to understand and deal with the problem, it surely isn't helpful feedback.

Edit: Yes, you should contact the RFP regarding the regulationscenses. We are not involved with this in any way.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Varok - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:Well, you said that we are quick triggers on transports which break the Rheinland Laws. And in order to reply on that we should have some kind of evidence to clearly understand what exactly happened and talk to the [RM] member if it is indeed in fault.

Just implying stuff without giving us a clue to understand and deal with the problem, it surely isn't helpful feedback.
Edit: Yes, you should contact the RFP regarding the regulationscenses. We are not involved with this in any way.

I do not incriminate you for nothing. I just asked a question about Rheinland, and seeing that [RM] is the biggest faction in Rheinland I trought it would be the right place to put my question in.
Also please note that I didn't find myself in the sight of your guns too often, I just saw others being killed by [RM] members because of this 'law enforcement'.

I don't have any screens. You'll have to believe me. :laugh:

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Kharon - 06-24-2011

' Wrote:I do not incriminate you for nothing. I just asked a question about Rheinland, and seeing that [RM] is the biggest faction in Rheinland I trought it would be the right place to put my question in.
Also please note that I didn't find myself in the sight of your guns too often, I just saw others being killed by [RM] members because of this 'law enforcement'.

I don't have any screens. You'll have to believe me. :laugh:

Some Rheinland executive Faction Players indeed do that but i have also seen Liberty executive Faction Players enforce rules very strictly and kill Traders.

One big problem with this is that this executive policy is usualy completely corrupted by Metagaming in the sense that known Players are tolerated with most illegal activities (aka "look thy other way"-policy) and other unknown or "unliked" Players are treated like a Criminal for hauling basic alloy with a "wrong" ID.

This becomes worse ofcourse if it is supported by Factionleaders in that they provide "the laws" that allow or support such an individual "sorting out" of Players as is wanted.

Some Bargetrader-RP around you dont like?
Make it need a "Licence" and take care it dosnt get one.

New "Disco exclusive Faction house space", become Faction Member aka "get a Licence" or you are out.
Byebye Indy Player, go play your RP somewhere else..

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Razr - 06-24-2011

Well, Kharon, as an old member of RM you should know the laws and that there is a list of them in I believe two locations, only one the entire public has an easy time accessing admittedly. However, unless you were the one looking the other way, I don't see what your problem is.

Law enforcement isn't even the RM's job, just an extra task they dabble in from time to time when the RFP has activity droughts, it's still their responsibility first and foremost. If you've an issue with RM enforcing the law, make an RFP ship and be active with it, believe me, [RM] will happily back off.

If you've a problem with RM's leadership, be specific rather than making half-hearted claims which I believe come more from a grudge than actual justification, which is why I'd be nothing but eager to hear it.

Yes, most of the time the [RM] enforces their laws very strictly. Its military is known for disciplined and being hard-nosed. It's not that some people get special treatment for being liked, but some do earn it for being disliked, from time to time, what can I say? As for the indy bit, those who can behave are generally in factions, right

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Varok - 06-24-2011

OK, if you start with these aggresive answers I'm done with my questions. You can ban everybody in Rheinland, and you'll remain only with the pirates there. No foreigners.

Thanks for the answers.