Epic tunes? - Divine - 10-02-2011
Two Sworded
Epic tunes? - Stefz - 10-02-2011
HIM - Funeral Of Hearts
The man KNOWS how to sing.
Epic tunes? - Blighter - 10-02-2011
S[color=#FFFF99]ur[color=#FFFF99]prise link!
Epic tunes? - Blodo - 10-02-2011
Epic tunes? - Ayatolah - 10-02-2011
Jag Panzer- Tempest i love that song:)
Naglfar- Harvest the vocals really distilles hate, really great! a chill and excellent Black Metal song
Epic tunes? - Venkman - 10-02-2011
Epic tunes? - NOVA-5 - 10-02-2011
Art Of Noise - Moments in Love
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 10-02-2011
Epic tunes? - r3vange - 10-02-2011
' Wrote:That guy's stuff is awesome... Check this tune as well.
Ed Harrison - Tin Soldiers
None of these songs actually appear in the mod they were writen for.
Neo Tokyo was bloody brilliant, i had a cyberpunggasm playing it...to bad no one does now....
Disco people and C-punk lovers, care to do a little mod-reviving sessions?
Epic tunes? - Stefz - 10-03-2011
Inna - Amazing