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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Koolmo - 03-08-2007

Transmit to: South Alliance Command
Comm ID: SCRA Intelligence Command

Gentlemen, one of my agents has infromed me that you consider the SCRA to be a 'neutral' enitiy. We are coming for you, make no mistake on that, and if you wish to run, now is the time. If you do not join us, you will die. Warning will not be given, and ransom will not be sought, your deaths will arive in a blaze of fire.

Commodore Chazzzen

Transmission Ended

OOC: Sorry to post in your messge dump, but likelyhood is that we'll be engaging you if you are indeed coming back. Please, come back. Not enough lawfuls around anyways:D If you'd like us to hold off for awhile untill you get re-settled, please let me know, otherwise there might be some activity in your sector soon. Oh, and the 'joining us' option is always open:P

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 03-08-2007

---Incoming Transmission---
To: Governor Red Bear
From: DoD

No worries about your rank, friend, you still are 2nd in command. Just exert your power once in awhile.

In addition, for now the policies with the KNF stand as is. Negotiations with the HF must end completely, as in the KNF must cease podering the idea of even negotiating a neutrality agreement with the HF.


Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 03-08-2007


Gents, the SCRA is not to be shot unless they shoot at you.

They will continue to be regarded as "neutral".

Liberty Forces Message dump - Craines - 03-08-2007


To those it may concern within the Southern Alliance High Command,

This is Ambassador deLuna. Let me start by saying that an open dialogue between myself and anyone, barring a Bretonian, will always remain open. I am, after all, an ambassador.

That being said. I wish to meet with a representative of your fleet in Kusari space as soon as you possibly can. A single representative will be sufficient, but you may send as many as you wish. Please note, however, that I will not tolerate a battleship. Your Department of Defense seems very much to want to engage in a battle with my organization, and I will not welcome into Kusari territory a vessel capable of doing so.

I do not want to seem hostile. That is far from my goals. But I must consider all things, and safety is among the chief concerns.

Please contact me in space whenever you so choose. I will be waiting.

Madam Fiona H. deLuna
Ambassador of the Kusari Naval Forces


Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 03-08-2007

Transmit.......(ooc: crap to above)

Comm ID: LNS-RedBear


Despite Extreme damage to LNS-RedBear (3) and Heavy damage to SA-OsoRojo (2) the HF and AW encursion into Cali was repelled with the timely arrival of SF and F.E.A.R. forces. My heart felt appreciation to all of our allies. Damaged by our efforts were HF-Denelo, HF-Lorry, and others I did not catch. Overall, the defense was successful.


My compliments
Admiral RedBear

Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 03-09-2007


Comm ID: LNS-RedBear


Due to extreme damage during recent AW and HF raid the LNS-RedBear has been dry-docked at Norfolk. ETA of repairs is 2 days. This fast turn-around is due to an Admiral's perogative in re-routing personnel "What? ya think I am taking a number mister! Have ya been to Cali Minor?" and "Hand of God" mentality. Fortunately, SA-OsoRojo's damage is less of a problem and will be on shakedown patrol by tomorrow.


My respects
Admiral RedBear of Texas Sqdn.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Thor - 03-09-2007

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: Admiral Adamson / 226th ADF-CA

Only back on the job for one day and already swamped with paperwork. Well lets get to it shall we.

@DOD: Glad to hear from you command. We were begining to get itchy round here without direction. Orders regarding various hostiles and neutrals recieved. Continuing patrols.

@ Adm. Osorojo: Good work on repelling the enemy sir, I'm sorry that we weren't there. Hope you get that damage fixed fast. I'm sure this is only the begining. Perhaps it's best that you take up negotiations with the KNF. My recent involvment with that orginization may cloud th eissues and push us to war. Be careful sir, I don't trust them. If you need one on my ships, they are at your disposal.

@ LtCmdr. Joe Davis: It is heartbreaking to see a man with such unbelievable talent, stricken by such a depraved addiction. I am ordering you to report to rehab. Your flight status is dependant on your progress in that program. I am also demoting you to Maj. and placing you on 45/45. (days restriction/days extra duty) Come back clean or don't come back.

@ Interceptor: What the hell!? Are the SF's (security forces) asleep at the yards. Heads will roll for this one. As for the ship, capture if possible, destroy if nessicary. We can't afford to have a Dreadnaught running loose.

@ Ambassador De'Luna: Madam Ambassador, it is an honor to speak with you. I am sure that we can come to an equitable agreement. I know that in the past, we have not found much common ground. Please contact Admiral Osorojo or our Department of Defence to make arrangments for a meeting.

I think that covers it. All 226th units continue to enforce the No-Fly Zones and engage the enemy where ever they hide. Adamson Out.

Adm. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th ADF-CA

Liberty Forces Message dump - Ghost Pilot - 03-09-2007

To: SA
From: F.E.A.R
Bad times comming! But if we will unite we will win! I have want to ask about SA and Sirius Alliance! I want to add u there!
[F.E.A.R]Extermist and [F.E.A.R]-Sonnel stay in California sistem near Los planet! For supporting SA and SF in battles.


Liberty Forces Message dump - Thor - 03-09-2007

To: Ghost Pilot

Comm ID: Admiral Adamson / 226th ADF-CA

Sir, thank you for the assistance and welcome to California. Your men are of course granted autonimy within SA borders provided they obey all applicable laws and final DOD approval. Battle command shall rest with your own officers, however, I would appriciate it greatly if I were "kept in the loop" as it were. Please enjoy the many beaches and other ammenities that Planet Los Angeles has to offer. If any problems do arise please feel free to contact me directly at ADF-CA HQ, Comm Ch: 14. Again welcome.

Adm. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th Advanced Defense Fleet - California

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 03-09-2007

---Incoming Transmission---
To: Kusari State Ambassador Fiona de Luna
From: Liberty Department of Defense

My dear Ambassador, we do not wish for war...But do realize that we are quite disappointed at the fact that you are negotiating an alliance with our dread enemies?

Of course we realize the true purpose of the HF attempting to form an alliance with you is to further distract the SA and to open a 3 front war so that chances victory are greater for the HF-AW alliance, but you also must realize that any negotiations by you towards our enemies will be regarded as hostile acts, especially when those negotiations may implicate an alliance.

Thus be warned now that you, not we are the aggressors.
