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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 05-11-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source: Lt. Robert Jones, Battleship Derby---
---Subject: Reports---
Right, finally got the new report systems working, despite their best efforts.

OK, this goes quite a way back. The [GST] decided to move a cargo of Plutonium out to the Mollys in Newcastle. However, they first sent a decoy group. I was assigned to hunt the decoy group, just in case they weren't in fact decoys. The plutonium got through to Newcastle, however, I was determined to make them pay for the trickery and followed the decoys into the Dublin system, where they engaged me. A pair of Roc bombers against a lone templar. Hardly very fair odds, but my opponents managed to make up for it. First up was Firewind, who had decided on a few things: Cruise disruptors are useful, Mines are useful, Firing multiple weapons at once is fun. He then combined these in a close battle to rather humorous effect, leaving him open for a few tachyon blasts. He went down quickly and I turned by attention to his slightly more skilled compatriot, Rendar. This fight ended in a joust, with me hitting his hull with a mini-razor, then dropping a mine and crashing into him, while he dropped a mine and my shields. Thanks to our engineers finally fixing the Templar's explosives weakness, my ship's thick hull just survived the blast. However, Rendar wasn't so lucky and his ship was torn apart by his own mine. Later, I was attacked by a pair of mollys in the same system and Ramey arrived to help me. One of their Barghests was destroyed. (//I got the notice but Ramey did most of the work), however, the second one was able to force Ramey to eject and escape (//he was lagging really badly and to him, we were jumping all over the screen so I let him go)
---Report ends---
Attached files: 3

---New report detected---
A few days ago, I came on shift to see a corsair, one Spaceball_3, hanging around in New London. Taking my Challenger, I arrived on the scene to find him under attack by a member of the volounteer forces in an underequipped Challenger (//No SN, not even a razor) and oddly enough, a Rheinland Wrath. After taking him down with my SN, I went off shift for a while, but later the same day, I joined Gilead and a pair of Territorial Army lads to take down the [OPG]Espada. I think Gilead got the final blow, but we were all pouring fire into it so we're not sure who actually did get the final blow.
---Report ends---
Attached files: 2

---Transmission ends---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 05-13-2009

Incoming Transmission
Communications ID:
Lieutenant Austin Goodmen
Target ID:
Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff

Subject: Report

Don't really remember how everything went I'll just upload the Images...


Enemy ship that fired on my vessel while I was entering the scene of engagement, Gilead and Taylor where already engaged with it, Until the ship fired upon me, which I quickly reacted and destroyed it.

Kusari Naval Forces

Engagement with the Kusari Naval Forces, We only lost one fighter during the fray. Lieutenant Commander Jacob Carter owes me a drink for saving his behind, Sir if you're reading this, Strongest in Bretonia.

The Immortal Hunter

Can't really say how Immortal this hunter is, but the Terrorist ship was destroyed. Kusari ships where disengaged and we retreated back to Leeds orbital.

Unknown Engagement

I don't quite remember this engagement, but Ensign Taylor destroyed the enemy ship during the fray.

Operation Denial

Molly ships halted a Rheinland vessel carrying Military tanks to Leeds and demanded them to hand them over. I waited near the scene until Ensign Taylor arrived. We engaged the Mollies as they destroyed the Trader-ship. I took down the enemy freighter, then followed the bomber a few minutes later. We only recovered 22 Hover-Panzer tanks and returned them to Leeds.

Best to get 22 instead of losing 400.

Lone Molly Fighter

During my engagement with a independent Outcast, who attacked a few the Gateway ships, Ensign Taylor was forced to eject from her Challenger, I picked her up just as a Molly fighter came to join the fray. I allowed the waiting Bounty Hunter ship the privilage on the Outcast Gunboat, while I turned to a more common enemy. The fight lasted for a good twenty or so minutes before I forced the Molly out of his hole and into a rather bigger and empty one.

Until then.

Austin Goodmen, Signing off.

Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - deepsircar - 05-13-2009

Comm ID: Lt John Galt
Target ID: BAF intelligence

Incoming transmission

The graveyard shift is often a lonely affair. During a routine patrol, came upon a Corsair gunboat operating in Cambridge near the Omega 3 gate. Started the fight, a Phoenix was about to jump into the fray, when I got the scum with a Nova.

And that was another guest of Newgate.

Signing off

John Galt
Lieutenant, BAF

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 05-15-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: A. Goodmen
Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Armed Forces Pilots Secured along with Kusari weaponry.

Good Morning Sirs, Just signing off the graveyard sift.

Would like to report my shift was rather calm without anything firing at me, aside from one Gaian...who threatened the life of a few Admirals and whatnot. Erm, Was unsuccessful in capturing the Gaian, nor was I successful in destroying it.

I would like to report that I somehow got a hold of Two Kusarian weapons, which I handed directly over to Central intelligence.

Kusarian Weaponry

During the middle of my shift, a Captain of the Burninator, a Zoner Juggernaught, contacted me and told me that he rescued Eighty-nine Armed Forces pilots from an incident yesterday at Freeport One. I'm unaware of the incident, but I took it under my control and hailed Captain Henry James for the Merlin. Once onboard the Merlin with Captain James, Ensign Ashley Tayor and Volunteer Rin Tokasa, escorted the Transport to the Freeport. Where we exchanged eighty-nine Kusarian prisoners for the Armed Forces pilots. Quickly we returned to Norfolk to drop the, drunk, pilots off then returned for the prisoners, which the captain of the Burninator gladly held onto.

Receiving Armed Forces Pilots

Receiving Prisoners

The shift was ended rather smoothly from there. I released Ms. Taylor from duty because she wasn't feeling quite fit for some assignments. Richards approved of it and we continued to do assignments for Ms. Tokasa until her transponder was fixed.

Then we ended up in Salisbury....that's pretty much how it ended as well.


Lieutenant Austin Goodmen

P.S: Sir's, I would like an MI5 Agent to contact me, I have some rather interesting information I would like to share, in the near future. Thought about it hard and I believe now is the time to share it.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-15-2009

Leeds System

Captain Winston Doyle was pacing the bridge of the Sovereign. The Sovereign, her sister ship, the Blackpool, and an assortment of fighters had been patrolling the area around LD-14 for a few days now. Command had recently received intelligence indicating a possible Kusari raid on LD-14, perhaps even a full attempt to capture the station, and it's MOX production facility. So far, though, they hadn't had so much as a blip. As serious as he knew the situation was, Captain Doyle couldn't help but be a bit bored. A voice broke him from his reverie. It was the Bridge comm officer, a fresh-faced Ensign whose name he hadn't learned yet.

"Captain Doyle, I've just lost comm contact with both the Blackpool, and the station!"

"Equipment failure?"

"Negative, sir. The equipment is operating perfectly. There's just no signal."

"Oh hell.... we're being jammed. All hands to battle stations NOW!"

Just as everyone got to their posts, the sensor officer, Lieutenant Patil spoke up.

"Sir, I've located the source of the jamming. We've got three Kusari Destroyers, a handful of fighters, and" Lt. Patil looked right at Captain Doyle, fear evident in his eyes. "one Genji-class Battleship. I think they came in through the back side of the Uranium field."

Winston knew at once that the Kusari meant to take LD-14, and fast. The Genji-class Battleship was a very powerful vessel, and supported by three destroyers, they had brought a very formidable battlegroup..

"Helm, pull us back closer to the station. Gunners, target the first Destroyer, and fire at will. Comm, keep trying to break through the jamming. Contact the Battleship York if you can. They need to know what's happening here. Also, try to contact our forces here. If we can't coordinate, we'll lose LD-14 for sure."

As Winston watched the sensors, he saw that, even without communications, the Blackpool's Captain saw what the Sovereign was doing, and followed suit. Both ships were taking a pounding from the enemy ships, but their concentrated fire on the same Destroyer quickly overwhelmed it's shields. Both ships opened up with their Light Mortars. After a couple shots, the Kusari Destroyer blossomed into a miniature supernova.

Clearly, the Kusari hadn't expected such a coordinated response to their sudden attack. The remaining two destroyers moved into closer formation with the battleship The Genji-class battleship waded into the battle for the first time. With a few bursts from it's heavy guns, it brought down the Blackpool's shields, and the combined fire from both it and the remaining two destroyers reduced the Blackpool to a depressurized, radioactive hulk seconds later.

Winston was shocked at how quickly the Blackpool fell. He needed to take some more aggressive action, and quick.

"Helm, take evasive action, avoid their fire. Gunners, target one of the remaining destroyers and bring it down! Comm, have you broken that jamming yet?"

"No, sir. The jamming field appears to be coming from the Battleship."

Suddenly, the deck lurched, throwing anyone not strapped into a chair to the deck. The lights on the bridge dimmed, then went back up. Winston picked himself up off the deck. He had hit his face pretty hard on a console on his way down. He tasted blood in his mouth. He spit the blood out, and a tooth went with it. Still, he didn't outwardly show any pain.

"Damage report!"

"Sir, direct hit from a Heavy Mortar. Main power is offline, we've switched to backups. We can't power our Light Mortar anymore, but all other systems are fully functional. We've damaged one of their destroyers, first, though. It's moving away from the combat area."

"Target the Battleship at once, and fire with all turrets! Target it's weapons. We might not be able to kill it, but we can still pull it's teeth..."

"Aye, sir!"

Winston strapped himself into his own chair, so he wouldn't be thrown to the deck again. He couldn't afford to be knocked unconscious at this moment. He then settled and watched the battle unfold on his sensor screens. By focusing on the Battleship, he was leaving the Sovereign open to fire from the remaining destroyer, but it couldn't be helped. He needed to force that battleship to retreat, or the battle was lost. Just when it looked like they might succeed at piercing the Battleship's shields, though, the Sovereign was struck by an out-of-control Templar that had been seriously damaged by a Kusari Chimera.

The collision knocked the Sovereign off course for just a moment, but that was all the Kusari ships needed. Immediately, the Sovereign was struck by both a Light and a Heavy mortar from the enemy vessels. The ship lurched horribly, and there were small explosions all over the bridge. The main lights were off, leaving nothing but the feeble emergency lighting to see by. Many of the display screens had also went dark. Only a handful of bridge personnel were stirring at all.


Lieutenant Patil spoke up. He appeared to be in a fair bit of pain, and was cradling his left arm. He activated the controls on his console with only one hand.

"Sir, we've lost all main and auxillary power generators. We're down to backup batteries only. We're dead in space. The Kusari vessels have moved in toward the station, and have begun bombarding it's shields."

Winston considered this for a moment. The Kusari clearly considered the Sovereign out of the fight, and looking around him at the carnage on the bridge, he was hard pressed to disagree. Unless he could think of something, though, it looked as if LD-14 was lost, and the sacrifice of so many lives would be in vain. He couldn't let that happen. He considered a moment longer, and came to a decision.

"Comm, signal this to all decks: All hands, abandon ship!"

The young ensign at Communications, looking battered but not seriously hurt, looked surprised.

"Sir? Shouldn't we try to fight? There's got to be something we can do!"

"I've got one more trick up my sleeve, Ensign. Get to the Escape pod!"

"Aren't you coming, sir?"

"Of course I am. There's two pods here, and I think you can all get into one. I'll take the other one once I'm done here! Now, enough questioning my orders. GO!"

"Aye, sir."

As the remaining bridge crew evacuated, Winston sat himself down at the helm console, after removing the Helmsman's body from the chair. He brought up the command protocols, and entered the code that started the self-destruct sequence. He then re-routed all remaining power into the Cruise engines. He knew it wouldn't last for long, but it didn't need to. By the time it failed, the Sovereign would already be where it needed to be. After entering the instructions into the console, he pressed the 'execute' button, then headed for the escape pod.

He didn't have much time now, but he couldn't resist having one last look around the bridge before he went. This vessel had been through so much, it was a shame that it had to end this way. Winston then strapped himself into the remaining escape pod, and activated the release control. He was pressed back into his seat as the pod was kicked from the ship. A moment went by, then it felt as if the pod was struck by a massive hand. Everythng went black.

One week later

Winston opened his eyes. There was an intense light above him. He wondered for a moment if he was dead, then he heard voices around him. He tried to sit up, when he felt a hand restrain him.

"Where am I?"

"You're at a medical facility on Planet Leeds. Take it easy there, sir. You've been unconcious for a week. Rest up a bit before you try moving."

"At least tell me what happened out there. How is my crew?"

"I'm not clear on all the details, but your crew is fine. It's all we've been able to do to keep them out of here all week. You've got one visitor who asked to be let in the moment you were awake, though. I'll go get him now."

Winston settled back a moment, though it was difficult for him. He desperately wanted to know what happened out there. He heard the door open, and looked to see who was visiting him. To his surprise, it was Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles himself.


Fleet Admiral Nelles smiled at him.

"At ease, Captain. Given the circumstances, I think we can forgo the usual salute"

Winston chuckled a bit. He had too many questions, though, and he didn't waste any time.

"Sir, what happened? Did we stop the Kusari?"

"Indeed, you did, Captain. That was a hell of a fight you put up. The explosion of the Sovereign managed to take out both the Kusari Battleship, and Destroyer. After communications failed, the Admiral on the Battleship York realized that something was wrong, and moved in to investigate. They arrived shortly after the enemy capitals fell, and they assisted in mopping up the remaining fighters. Then they scooped up your escape pods, and sent you all back here. I've personally authorized some leave time for your people. You've all earned it. The doctors tell me you'll be fit for duty within a couple days. I want you to report for debreifing as soon as you're able."

"Yes, sir. What happens next? I want to get back into the fight, but I no longer have a ship..."

"We've got another one lined up for you, Captain. You've got two weeks leave coming up. Take some time and rest. After that, you'll report to Southampton Shipyard to take command of your new ship. I'll leave the details for you as a surprise."

"Thank you, sir."

"No, thank you, Captain."

With that, Fleet Admiral Nelles left. Winston fell asleep again shortly afterwards.

Two weeks later

Captain Winston Doyle, and his remaining crew from the Sovereign were in a shuttle approaching Southampton shipyard. In the row of docks, he saw a line of vessels, some being repaired, others being built. At the end, though, he saw one Dunkirk-class Battleship that appeared to be ready for service. He looked a little closer at the nameplate on it's hull, and was speechless.

The nameplate read "HMS Sovereign".

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 05-18-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

Notice - for relay to all units:

All [GST] tagged vessels, belonging to the Galactic Secure Trading Company, have been declared enemies of the Crown by the Home Office and Admiralty. Any of their security vessels are to be arrested on sight. Any of their trade vessels are to drop cargo and be escorted out of Bretonia. Should they refuse to comply they are to be destroyed. It is estimated that they owe a total exceeding 100 million credits in unpaid fines to the Liberty and Bretonian governments. Until they give up their attempts to attack law enforcement personnel and learn to pay their fines, they are not welcome in our space.

Details to be found here:
and here:

Admiral Sir Stanley Nelson
5th Fleet - HMS Suffolk

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 05-19-2009

***Incoming transmission***
***ID: Lt.Cdr. Jacob Carter ***
***Subject: Harvesters ***

Today, we were called to space because of weird things flying trough Bretonian space. These things, known as Harvesters, were located in New london. We moved in to investigate the situation and get them off Bretonia somehow.

Lieutentant Jones found one of them near lane from New london planet to Dublin. The Harvester was on his way to Dublin, we thought hes going to leave, which was what we wanted. While me and Lt.Cdr. Ring were moving to assist in the escort, another Harvester was found near the lane to Dublin gate. After a while he started moving towards Dublin too. We went after him.

In Dublin, Jones was having difficulties with his Harvester. He stopped moving and didnt want to go further. Odd things.

Third Harvester came to us, and suddenly, they wanted to "harvest" us! They opened fire on poor Jones, and we returned it.

Those things may be superinteligent, but nothing can beat human I say. This proved my opinion, as the Harvesters were soon biting the dust, and we were left without a scratch on our Templars, without losses.

[Image: 2vwskep.png]

In case they appear in Bretonia again, I strongly advise careful approach. These robots make unpredictable moves.

Lieutentant Commander Jacob Carter, Bretonia armed forces

***End of transmission***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 05-21-2009

After the Kent let him off on the Derby,

Austin stormed off to find the first high ranking officer to shout at. He passed Evyn Hunter's office, stopped, and turned back, pushing the door open.

"Right then. I want bloody answers right now! Why the bloody hell was I fired on and charged with high treason by some people impersonating Intelligence Agents!" He said not letting her get a word in. "My bloody ship was shot down by those idiotic chaps, and Right now I'm not in the best of bloody moods."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Those bloody ignorant fools are just like the BTA, not listening to people actually in charge. I could careless if they're 'Agents' mind you they have bloody stolen ID cards. No one goes straight from Reserves to Agent like that!" He kept shouting and pointing randomly to the wall. "Nor do I like to be charged with false claims of bloody treason, spying for the Kusarians AND the Coalition!? Seriously!"

"I want bloody answers, and I want them now." He said pausing once more, this time giving her time to reply.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Evyn - 05-21-2009

Evyn remained in her chair and raised an eyebrow towards Lieutenant Goodman.

"You want to try that introduction one more time Lieutenant?" She tapped her pen against the Commander rank cylinder on her shoulder.. "Or should I just write your name down for kitchen duty tonight now? And calmly this time, if you would please."

She leaned back in her chair and gave him a sardonic smile.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 05-21-2009

He slammed his hand on the desk. Ignoring her smile, he looked directly at her.

"Ma'am. I want to know what the bloody hell is going on." He forced himself to sound calm, he hated her for the rumors going around, but was the only person he actually found. "Apparently I've been charged with high treason, being called a bloody Kusarian, and then a Coalitionist." He paused staring directly at her. "I want to know what the bloody hell is going on. Ma'am."

He stood back up at attention waiting for her reply.