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GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-28-2009

" Cardamine is a drug, a substance that is made from a orange grass on a planet called Malta, it is grown by the Outcasts and we use it to 'weed' out any operatives trying to influtrate the organisation.
it also is used within certain ceremony's."

"Sit down on this..."
Saigo then pulls a chair out and then goes to her locker, puts her thumb on the print recognision pad.

" Access Granted. Please put in your passcode. "

Saigo than put in her passcode ****

"Where is it... ah there it is." She then pulls out a small vial of a greenish liquid and closes the locker.

A Minute later when Saigo then returns to Misao finding her giggling hyserically still...

"Here drink this in one go, the full thing. It will help the cardamine go through your system quicker and so make the effects last a lot less."

GC Tea House - Xing - 03-28-2009

Misao drank the liquid, trying not to spill any on herself. After a few moments, trying as hard as she could to suppress her laughter, she became a little bit more normal,
"y.. you said it was a drug?... b.. but why are you people trying to drug me?!"
"n... no one mentioned me that...!"

She was starting to be somewhat afraid... her body shivering a bit as she sat uncomfortably at her seat...

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 03-28-2009

His behavior modification systems pushing him on, Steve could not help but warm up to this horrific woman.

"Well... I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So... you are a Chrysanthemum it seems?" he asked.

As much as his brain and asthetic sense told him ':shok:', his subliminally forced subsurvience and remnants of the Bushido code he followed as a KNF captian pressed him onward.

"So, tell me about yourself, Akiko." He said warmly


Meanwhile, in the Lab...

"You cross referanced the C-Bouys, PECKERSAT grid, AND Ryuku's sensor array?" Watsas asked to an unseen individual over secure Consortium cummunications.

"We have that, AND reports from Dragon patrols. They're active." The individual, by the sounds of it a Consortium lieutenant, replied

"Alright, I want the Abyss prepped for deployment. The Hoshinokatana put on standby for on-demand transit. And I want the Basul.Re and three attack squadrons readied as an immediate reaction force. I will get in touch with the NovaPG and request that two of those be allowed to base off of Ryuku,the other off of the Basul.Re. In the meantime, I want recon wings, new sensor probes, and Jumphole monitors placed on every route in or out of that system. Get it done." Watsas ordered, clearly not happy with whatever turn of events.

"Acknowlaged, Overwatch. I'll see to it."

"See that you do. I will have to speak to the GC and inform them to keep their patrols back. Their lack of training and Cardamine modification makes them EXTREMELY vulnerable to the Exogens.

End of Line." Watsas replied, cutting the comlink.

He immediately left the lab and headed toward the Tea house to inform Saigo and Kurisho of this new state of affairs...

GC Tea House - kikatsu - 03-29-2009

"Indeed I am. I used to fly for Kishiro tech, I was a helmswoman on one of their transports for the longest time." She paused, trying to get the right words formed.

"I was born on Honshu, but I spent most of my life in Liberty actually. It's nice there, really no restrictions on what a woman could do. But of course, I love Kusari... Piloting ships is what I'm good at, and Kishiro was good, no denying that. I made some good friends there..."

She went on like this for sometime, babbling about how she and the cargo loading guy bickered all the time, how the captain was so caring, and on and on and on and on and on and on...

Surely, to Steve's relief, the familiar sound of heavy foot steps approched the bar...

GC Tea House - farmerman - 03-29-2009

Quote:"y.. you said it was a drug?... b.. but why are you people trying to drug me?!"
"n... no one mentioned me that...!"

"I don't think anyone is trying to drug you," Miharu said, attempting to be reassuring, "Steve is just, uh, well, that's a long story. Let's just say he's not the most effective person around, and even less so when there are women around. A bit of a problem..."

Sipping her tea, with just a little cardamine, as Saigo had suggested, Miharu leaned back in her chair. "Or is there something else afoot? Are they following you?" she said as she frowned. "Some of those Naval Forces types seem to get a little... clingy. One kept trying to capture me for several weeks until I finally introduced him to Watsas."

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-29-2009

"Misao, Steve wasn't meant to give you the drug, and i apologise for it. I wouldn't worry about it though, no-one is here to hurt you. The Drug as i said before is essential however and is needed to become part of the GC.
There is another teapot of normal tea on that table we was sitting on, with no cardamine in it
There is no need to be afraid."

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 03-29-2009

Lady Kurisho returns to her corner table.
By this time, her commutation datapad is beeping softly, indicating an incoming message.
She presses a button and a hologram appears of an unknown pilot:

Pardon M'lady but I am encrypting my identity here. I do not wish for "CS" or the "Wild" to know who I am and that I have reported this. Nonetheless, out of concern for you and your honored sisters I submit the recording fragment I was able to overhear in passing through Tohoku earlier today. My apologies for repeating the insult--more was said that was even worse but this is all I captured:

A data log is received, scanned for viruses and spyware. Lady Kurisho reads the fragmented log then lets out a frown upon her Black Painted face.

May you be avenged seven-fold and if I may ever be of assistance do not hesitate to contact me. There were four "CS" in the assembly there but this one and "ironwatsas" were the only ones I recall by name. This was the only Wild I heard as well.

She presses the transmit button and replies to the Unknown Pilot:
"Thank you for your .....'report'. We shall look into the matter further.
Lady Kurisho, out.

She ends the commutations with the unknown pilot. Switching to internal coms channel and setting the encryption :
''Gold Security, where is Watsas ?"
"He just left his lab, Ma'am. Seems to be headed towards the bar. "
''Prep all Gold teams on standby. Loadup the Heavy Anti-cyborg gear and await my direct command. The following areas are to be 'secured' on my 'mark' : Watsas's Lab , the Hanger bay and the bar. Have the Prep work done quickly BUT quietly & discreetly. "

The guard on the other end of the coms replies back with a stutter in the voice:
" a problem, Ma'am ? "
"Yes. We might have to kill a friend. "
"uuummm........Yes Ma'am."

She set her coms datapad down on the table and reach over to one side, removing one of the nearby seat cushions.
Reaching into a hidden compartment, she withdraws an old side-by-side 8 gauge sawed-off shotgun, loads up 2 black shell rounds into the breach and places the weapon back into the hidden compartment, reclosing the seat cushion lid.

By this time, another com message is incoming. She picks up the data pad and presses a button:
On the secured diplomatic channel :

To the /CS/, Encrypted:

I indeed got told some disturbing news earlier on today.
You insult us behind our backs. and then you are working with the wilde?
Talking like you are 'Best of friends'
You have gone too far.
You are not allowed to dock on any bases under GC control and any Consortium equipment and personnel are required to get out of our space until you show you are truely allies, and you have destroyed Wilde Boeser Verraeter. If you do not comply i will give the order to have all Consortium destroyed on sight.
We are not your pets, and we are definately not your Organic breeder shells.
That will be all.
Elder Saigo Watanabe.

Lady Kurisho sighs deeply and places the coms data pad in her lap.
"Mother Amaterasu-sana, help us in this time of need....."

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 03-29-2009

Steve, oblivious to the diplomatic clusterfrak now unfolding in space, was utterly focused on Akiko. His heart was racing as he could not help but stare into her eyes.

"Wow... that is quite a story. Ooh, may I interest you in some of this?" He reached under the bar an pulled out a bottle of champaign. "It's the finest stuff we've got."

Naomi meanwhile had finished up her Cardi tea, and overheard Kurisho apparently discontent with Watsas in some way. She walked over to her curiously.

"What did he do this time?"

Before Kurisho could reply, she saw the datapad, grabbing it from Kurisho and reading it thuroghly.

"That... soulless... mechanical... bastard! I'll tear out his hard drive! RAAAAAAAWR!" Naomi yelled.

She was not happy.

Quickly she proceeded to open a nearby storage device, and removed what appeared to be a large electromagnet, which she took and headed out into the hallway towards the Lab.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 03-30-2009

Lady Kurisho is very displeased about having her personal data pad snatched from her. Before she could yell at Naomi:

"That... soulless... mechanical... bastard! I'll tear out his hard drive! RAAAAAAAWR!" Naomi yelled.

Naomi turns away from Lady Kurisho's corner table and storms towards the storage lockers of the bar.
"I don't have time for this cr....", Lady Kurisho mutters to herself, getting up from her seat. She goes towards the bar counter and grabs a plastic pistol looking device marked with a Sticky Pad : Use on Steve's advances.

Naomi proceeded to open a nearby storage device, and removed what appeared to be a large electromagnet, which she took and headed out into the hallway towards the Lab.
Naomi takes about 2 more step into the hallway when Lady Kurisho aims the plastic pistol at Naomi and pulls the trigger.
A 250,000 volt charge of Tazer energy bolt jets across the room and hits Naomi squarely in the back. She jumps slightly then falls over in a heap

"You Bi...." . Naomi is knocked out.

Lady Kurisho looks at two crew women nearby, sitting in the main lobby room.
"You and you !!! Take Naomi down the OTHER hallway to medical. Have them knock her butt out for an hour. Tell them it is a DIRECT ORDER from me. MOVE -----NOW! "

The crew women quickly grabs the knocked-out women and removes her from the room.

Lady Kurisho picks up the large electromagnet and tosses it back into the storage locker then makes her way to the bar counter where the Tazer pistol is placed back.
She then keys up her personal coms, still encrypted :"Gold Security, where is Watsas located now?"
Hallway 15, Section 5...still headed towards the Bar. He about halfway there, Ma'am.

GC Tea House - Dra1003 - 03-30-2009

Zio.Internecine starts face palming after Naomi's outburst

Bugger... this entire situation is giving me a headache. I find it disturbing that anyone here would think we would ally ourselves with the bloody wild.

Arg..i was going to introduce you all to Carla but im not so sure right now.

I need a drink.. Steve get me some tea will you? steve..? STEVE! im talking to you!