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Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Printable Version

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RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Cremotoria - 10-21-2013

>>>> incoming transmission<<<<
>>>> Reason: application for recruitment<<<<

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name: Cremotoria
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Height: 1.8
Weight: 70-ish Kg

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?

I have been on my own for far to long, being without friends takes its toll. The main reason i Transmitting this is because, the goals of the Order and me are one and the same, Maintaining the safety of the Human race, no matter how bleak the situation.

How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?

I have no measurable length of time to mention

What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?

Unquestionable loyalty, I have an reasonable amount of experience in the field, against the wrath of the Gallic fleet if i may add

Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)

I'm not a person that would rate myself, but I would say i'm between a 3 and a 5 with a fighter, 7 to 9 with a cruiser. With a battle ship? it would be in the negative numerals. I'm also very inexperienced with gunboats/gunships

Section II: Pilot History
I was born on Planet Erie, raised on planet Manhattan. Joined the Liberty Navy at the age of 18. some years later I've been promoted to the rank of Commander with a ship of my own namely the LNS-Titanev, witch was decommissioned some weeks ago, thus I became the first captain of the LNS-Luna, with several deployments at the Rheinland front, I was transferred to the newly formed Gallic front, after some time I became wary of the question that often fills my mind " Why am I killing fellow human beings, just following orders?". At this point I've done some "field tests" with experimental sensor countermeasures and targeting systems.

I also have also had some Nomad "close encounters", witch usually end with me and my crew being nearly blown into space

Section III: Other (OoRP Section)

Skype: can't get it working for now, but i'm working on it
Teamspeak: works fine

Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?

For the most part my life isn't that busy but it occastionly happens that i can't make it for a training session, the times when i'm usually active is between 10:00 and 19:00 SMT (Sirius mean time)

Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.

Never, not even a warning, but I've been corrected in terms of RP engagements, the reason for this is when i'm in a sizable battle i panic and can't type as fast as usually

Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?

Respectful to members of the Admin team, Yes. Respectful to members of the Moderation team, Yes. Following the Rules of the Forum and the Server, Yes. Being respectful to fellow players? I tend to be humble, respectful and helpful ( helpful, if they're new-ish)

Do you respect and adhere to the chain of command?

Yes, I will be the instrument of your will

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - King Owl - 11-01-2013

Section I: Personal Pilot Information



Section II: About YouI am a freshman and a gamer .i like to find new game to play and make friends
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?I want to join the Primary Fleet to be in fight and help us
[u]How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?

About 5 weeks
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
A lot of freshness and a fight and goal hunter
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)I have about 7


Section III: Pilot HistoryRose is childis human being.She had an a peacefull childhood on Toledo with her familly.Her dad Jake Kallos was a engineer and her mom Vera Kallos was a house wife . Her passion from the time she was a young lady was to fight ,in the main fields.She would allways tell her dad..,,When i will grow up i will become the best pilot ever existed''.During the age of 12 ,her mom died of and unknown disease.Hre familly was crashed and her dad become and alcoholic and soon died as well. When she was 14 she started to work in diferent places to live and survive . When she hit 16 she become on of the great engineer for Order...But she didin't wanted to build ship all her life.She decided to take and elementary course for flying and she gratuated as the best pilot . When she hit 19 the engineering dep gave her first ship the Anubis.From that day she done 18 hours a day escorts do make enought money to buy Osiris.
Even those day she is a child with a big hart.

Please provide a brief history of yourself.I have been playing games from the age of 6...and now i am 14. I was a a shooter guy and a big simulator fan
Some things you can include are;
  • Your Origin:Romania
  • About your personality:I am a joker and nice dude and a har drinker of juice
  • Any previous ventures you have undergone:No i have not

    Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
    NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

    Skype name:tudor.vlaicu1
    GMT + 2
    Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly? I will be around 4-5 hours active every day and 6-7 in weekends..I do i check the forums 4 a week

    Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.I have never been sanctionated ..i guess i am a cool guys

    Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
    I do

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Johnathan Nox Carter - 11-01-2013

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name: William Chance
Gender: M / Male
Age: 34 / born 15th Jan. 786 A.S.
Height: 1.82m / 5.97ft
Weight: 72kg / 158.7lbs
ID Photo:::::Attached

Section II: About You

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
Aside from the obvious reasons, such as my willingness to join the fight against the alien threat, wishing to find my place in the silence of space, I also want to make up for what I owe you.

How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
Not as much as i should have, probably. Just about a week or two.

What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
A cool-head under the heat, someone who knows what coordination means and while i'm not some top-notch gunner, my wits make up for it.

Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)

Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are:
  • Your Origin
  • About your personality
  • Any previous ventures you have undergone

Not much to be said at the beginning. Born on Planet Los Angeles, California, to a LPI officer (father) and an IC secretary (mother), I started my life like any other Libertonian: school, college, flight school and all the rest - then i joined my father in the ranks of the LPI. Quite the dull life, what can i say.

Still, it all changed about 5 years ago. Given i was never more than a small-duty officer, how would I know those blasted LN folks coming from Area 21 were bad guys. I met up with a group of pilots who seemed ok at first, but then their eyes went glittery purple and tried to kill me for no reason. Luckily a few other ships (which i later found out they were Order by rumors) came just after them and saved my life. Of course they flew away right afterwards, so i didn't have who to thank, although my heart told me there was more to it. But after 4 years of digging for information and spending all my money, i managed to find my way here into the Omicrons, where i learnt more about the Order from Zoners. Now i'm here to join your ranks in hopes of paying back that dept.

Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

Skype name: w3.player
Timezone: GMT+2 / Romania.

Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Well i hope that my schedule will allow me to be online at least one hour per day or so, or more. As for forum activity - that's rather constant.

Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Nope, you all know i'm clean. [Image: bandit.gif]

Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?

Indeed, I do.

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Omicron - 11-04-2013

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
You are in. Accomodate yourself with the new environment. Report to recruitment office to receive your new gear and uniforms. You are now agents in training.

Command out.

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Lythrilux - 11-23-2013

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name: Alister Zael
Gender: Male
Age: 26 / Born Dec. 9 794 A.S
Height: 1.95M
Weight: 165lbs


Section II: About You

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
The nomad threat is real, very real. In order to eliminate it, I'll be needing to be part of something bigger, more organized... Something more aware.

How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
Two weeks, then I took a break from the chaos after being mortified from seeing my wing-man killed in action. I've recently come back, a new man, to deliver justice to the alien threat.

What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I am headstrong, my goals must be accomplished, with or without human cost. In hindsight. Evil can only win if good men to nothing to stop it.
I also used to be an employee at Ageria, then moved onto the Lane Hackers briefly.

Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)


Section III: Pilot History

Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
  • Your Origin
  • About your personality
  • Any previous ventures you have undergone
I don't like talking about the past, people can only look towards the future for a new tomorrow. Those who dabble in the past can become deluded, their judgement can be made unclear. Anyway, let me begin...
I was born on Planet New London. Good family, nice upbringing, all that jazz. Went to a good school, finishing with good qualifications, moved onto working for Ageria. I didn't really enjoy the direction Ageria was going in, and after filing a complaint which was coincidentally followed by me being fired from Ageria, I decided to seek revenge; I joined the Lane Hackers. Hacking into Lanes, blowing up transports, it seems like a faint dream really. The lines between revenge, destruction and evil were all blurred, after realizing what I was doing, I felt bad.
Desperate, I wanted to find a way I could fill a void in my life. I decided a life in the Edgeworlds might be what I was looking for, so I set off. Eventually, I came into contact with Order ships. They told me about the organization, what it stands for, all that stuff. Enthralled, I enrolled in the secondary fleet. I flew on a few missions, traversing across Sirius to shoot the nomads. To be honest, back then I saw it as some kind of joke. I thought they were just easy come easy go jellies that would pop on your radar now and again. Damn, I was one cocky bastard. That actually cost me, when I was out on patrol and it costs a wing-mans life to make up for a foolish thing I did. Mortified, I went into hiding. I decided to re-train myself physically and mentally, remove all the weakness I had in order to get stronger. Recently, I decided to resurface within the Order and take my fight back to the nomads. Now, with a new mindset and rethought goals, I am applying for the primary fleet.

My Personality? I used to be cocky, arrogant, selfish. A bit of a prick. Aftering seeing how my actions can affect peoples lives, I realized I needed to change. Now I am stern, merciless, considerate, bold, strong.

Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

Skype name: thefrostyflame
Timezone: GMT

Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Depending on how many people are able to log at a time, if there is stuff to shoot etc., then moderately active. That includes factoring in my busy RL stuff too. I come online at about 15:40 GMT weekdays, till about 23:00 GMT. Weekends is whenever I feel like waking up, till about 0:00 GMT. I check the forums extremely regularly.

Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Once back when I started. I used to think that F1ing was a legal cloak (facepalm).

Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Yes, I agree to those terms.

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Lutz.Torwald - 11-26-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
*** Transmission ID: C. Luther, Transmission
origin: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta***

Greetings to you Ladies and Gentlemen of the Order. I'm contacting you to submit my application as an agent. The following files should provide all necessary data about myself. Should something be missing please dont hesitate to ask about it.
With regards
Christian Luther
***Attachment files detected***
***incoming download***
***Opening attatchment: Recruitment Form ***

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name: Christian Luther
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 1,75 cm
Weight: 80 Kg


Section II: About You

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I want to work with the best of the best to protect our homes, fellow humans and our race.
Also I'm interested in research about nomads and their origin.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
Not for long.
//Maybe a few hours. I was part of the Order| for like 3 years but left Discovery before 4.86 came out.

What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
Activity, maybe some helpful advice, decent fighter skills

Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Well I would give myself a 5 out of 10.


Section III: Pilot History

Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
  • Your Origin
  • About your personality
  • Any previous ventures you have undergone

    Well its always difficult to decide what to put in here and what not. I think I will be completely open to you. Any human has some bad attributes and hiding them won't be helpful in the long term.
    I was born on planet New Berlin on the 1st August 799 A.S. right as my we had entered the "dark side" of the planet, leaving us in near darkness for half a year. Some say this was a bad omen of some sort. Children born into the "dark period" usually came across much trouble in their life. I went to school as most children did and I can't recall anything special to happen during my school time. With graduation I ended up looking for a job like most of my friends and fellow school comrades did.
    Though not wanting to end up in one of the big companies factories like my father I joined Daumann Heavy Construction and became part of their security forces.
    In 818 A. S. we were escorting a DHC convoy through Omega 7 as we came under attack by Rheinland ships (more correctly Wild) most of the convoy and the escort wing was destroyed and my fighter was drifting out there in the Walker Nebula for nearly 3 hours until I was recovered. Not wanting to believe the poor excuses we were given for the attack I soon found myself digging through multiple reports in the Daumann database.

    After 2 weeks of investigation I had enough material to convince even the toughest Daumann employee that those ships were not renegade Rheinland Military pilots.
    Shortly after I had finished my investigation I was approached from MND agents and during the following conversation they made pretty clear what "could" happen if I would refuse to give up on the whole thing. So I handed over all files and data I had and instead canceled my contract with Daumann.

    I used the few founds I had left to get a , more or less, decent civilian space ship and travel into the Omegas. Trying to find out more about the Wild. After a few weeks on Freistad base in Omega 7, I got a hint that lead me to the Omicrons and to Freeport 11. From where I now contact you.
    This would be a brief summary of my previous life.
    Following I want to share some thing that I want you to know about before deciding my recruitment.
    I usually are more of a calm and silent fellow but sometimes I can become pretty stressing. Mostly when focusing on some of my own ideas. I'm not saying that I would disrespect anyone or refuse to follow a given order but I sometimes give myself too much liberties.

    ***Transmission terminated***

    Now for the OORP stuff.

    Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
    NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

    Skype name: lutz.luther (if you have difficulties finding me just PM me your skype name and I will add you)
    Timezone: UTC +1

    Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
    Well quite active I hope. Being able to play at least 1 hour every day I will spend quite some time on my Order| chars. I do browse the Forum but I dont look through all sections every day.

    Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
    Not been sanctioned.
    Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
    I will follow the rules of the server and respect my fellow players and also listen to the Admins/Staff.

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Pammy - 11-27-2013

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name: Sarah.Hoffmann
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 170cm
Weight: 62Kg


Section II: About You

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I am really looking forward the adventures in the entire universe, such as talking with the wild and nomad.

How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I've been in he secondary fleet for one week.

What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
Hmm... I will obey the orders from the higher ranks, show my duty and my loyalty.

Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Fighter: 4

Section III: Pilot History

Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
  • Your Origin
  • About your personality
  • Any previous ventures you have undergone

    I was born 22 years ago on the planet Hamburg. My brother was a Rheinland Cruiser commander. He used to come back home at six and enjoy the dinner I prepared for him. On that day, however...I still can remember it was October 11th...he didn't come back. One hour later, a military officer knocked on our door.

    "I am so sorry to tell you that....Frau Hoffmann...", he said in a very low voice, "your brother, our captain Herr Hoffmann, was killed in an two unknown vessels when he was patrolling in New Berlin."

    I was shocked....the ladle hold in my hand fell off to the ground before I fell down to my knees. "It is impossible, " I told to myself, "it must be a mistake".....

    After I woke up, I found myself lying in the bed in the Hamburg Hospital, the officer was still sitting beside me in a wooden chair. He told me the details...My brother was killed by the Wilde-- the disgusting infested was not a mistake....

    This application was just finished five minutes ago after the recovery...

    Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
    NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

    Skype name: grenadierrm
    Timezone: UTC 4.00

    Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
    Approximately 2 hours a day.
    Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
    Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Sath - 12-08-2013

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name:Victor Nova
Height:187 cm
Weight:85 kg


Section II: About You

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
To keep the human race dominant and to eliminate all the threats challenging the integrity of the human race.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I have not been in the secondary fleet before.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I can bring along my fighting skills and my little experience in combat to help the primary fleet.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
I can give myself a 5.But it also depends on the ship.

Section III: Pilot History

Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
  • Your Origin
  • About your personality
  • Any previous ventures you have undergone
    I was born in Planet Manhattan.My father and mother were pilots for the Liberty Navy.But unfortunately both were infested with the nomads and had to be killed making me an orphan.I grew up on my own,flying through the skies of Manhattan.I graduated from the Manhattan Institute of Arts and Science recently.I always wanted to be a pilot and my blood thrives for revenge against the Nomads,because of whom I lost my parents.I tried out all oppurtunities available and I am very much angered on the news that Liberty is conducting experiments on the nomads.As I searched for groups that would have the same policies as mine,I stumbled upon The Order.I think The Order are the only group which can remove the nomads out of their place.So,here I am,filling out this recruitment form,hoping to see a better future and a good start to my flying experience.

    Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
    NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

    Skype nameConfusedathish.wazza
    Timezone:GMT +5:30

    Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
    I will be available for the Order for approximately 4-5 hours a week.Yes,I check the forums twice a day.

    Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
    No,I havent been sanctioned on any issues.

    Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
    Yes,I do.I will utilise the best of every oppurtunity that is thrown at me.

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Ivan90 - 12-10-2013

EDIT: Got accepted in other faction so do not wanna mix them up

RE: Order Primary Fleet Recruitment Network - Exodus - 12-12-2013

Section I: Personal Pilot Information

Name: Gerard Wilhelm

Gender: Male

Age: 68

Height: 1,83 m

Weight: 79 kg

Section II: About You

Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
To reveal and destroy every bit of alien technology and eliminate affected or related "human" beings. The best defense is a good offense, thats why I would like to join.

How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I've been around for a few weeks. Not much, but I'm getting used to the Omicrons.

What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I'm good at gathering intelligence and examinating tactics.

Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best).


Section III: Pilot History

I was born in Rheinland, on planet Hamburg. When I was a child my family moved to Liberty, my mother worked as a nurse at a local hospital, my father was a cornet player in a jazz band. My birthplace and eventual allegience might confuse people, but I grew up in Liberty on planet of Los Angeles. I was even in detention for a week as a rebel teenager for vandalism. Anyway, I moved on and wanted a more majestic profession than my ancestors had and eventually I've ended up in a military academy. I was good at tactical analysis. I served on several vessels as tactical officer then I received my own ship.

I've spent more time on the frontlines than I wanted to. Saw people dying because of political and economical interests. Yet there is a greater threat than one can expect. So I left the fleet, causing them a big financial loss. That does not mean I'm not loyal only I don't like total secrecy and ignorance when it comes to aliens. Some may say that I'm insane or paranoid, and that might be true in some measure but I'm more and more certain that there is a conspiracy going on in the favour of nomads.

In overall, I follow the rules and respect the chain of command. My past is irrelevant as I was a usual person living in the suburb of a metropolis. I have not achieved any award during my career, so at the end of my life I'd like to do something worthy to remember of.


Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes

Skype name: biroadi1
Timezone: GMT+2

Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I can be active, few hours a day, with possible RL interruptions. From the perspective of GMT I'm active in the late hours. I check the forums several times a day.

Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
No, I have been not. And I tend to keep it that way.

Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Yes, I definintly agree.