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Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Alexander - 12-01-2014

Name: Michael Gold
Callsign: Sailor_Moon
On behalf of company (if applicable): -
Visual evidence of affiliation:
Visual evidence of loadout:
#1# #2#

Visual evidence of reputation:
#1# #2#

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-10-2014

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To: Michael Gold

Your application has been denied.

Your application was rejected for the following reason

Visual evidence of your neutral-positive standing with the forces of Liberty(LPI, LN, and LSF) and at least three Libertonian corporations was not provided.

Please provide this information and we will reprocess your application.

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Alexander - 12-10-2014

***Incoming Transmission***
ID:Michael Gold

I apologize for the misunderstanding.
This is my reputation for LSF: Here
This is my reputation fot LN and LPI: Here
And here's my reputation for three Libertonian corporations.

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-18-2014

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To: Michael Gold

Your application has been reprocessed and accepted.

You are now an approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Good Hunting

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Black Widow - 12-26-2014

Please add Red.Sand to your list I am independent bounty hunter

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-27-2014

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To: Red.Sand

Your application is incomplete and therefore DENIED

Please resubmit your application with ALL required information

• Your full name.
• Your exact callsign.
• Visual evidence of your identification papers.
• Visual evidence of your ship and loadout.
• Visual evidence of your neutral-positive standing with the forces of Liberty and at least three Libertonian corporations.
• Visual evidence of your hostile standing towards the bounty targets.

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Holoarc - 12-31-2014

Name: Jon Taylor

Callsign: SFMC-Holohunter

On behalf of company (if applicable): N/A

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:

#1 #2 #3

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - SiriusFreeMercantileCommittee - 12-31-2014

<<.......Encryption Error>>

Howdy Folks,

Not much used to this here whole typing business, but if i'm in charge of a ship. Apparently i got to learn to live with it.

Anyhow i do not want to waste your good folkses time with my babble so i will cut to the point. I can fly a ship and i can shoot at lawbreakers so i would like to sign up.

My credentials are here below:

Quote:Name: Gaff Kingston Ryder

Callsign: [SFMC|Scylla]

On behalf of company (if applicable): [N/A: Individual Application]

Visual evidence of affiliation:

Scylla ID

Visual evidence of loadout:

Scylla Loadout

Visual evidence of reputation:

Scylla Rep Card

If there are any things missing or wrong in my application give me a holler!

Much love,

Gaff K. Ryder

<<.......Encryption Error>>

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-31-2014

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To; Gaff Kingston Ryder and Jon Taylor

We have looked over both of your applications and everything seems to check out.

Applications approved. You both are now contractors for the Republic of Liberty.

Good Hunting

- Ferris Dufresne, Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - SiriusFreeMercantileCommittee - 01-09-2015

Name: [Tony Westgate]

Callsign: [SFMC|Laelaps]

On behalf of company (if applicable): [N/A]

Visual evidence of affiliation:

Laelaps ID

Visual evidence of loadout:

Laelaps Loadout

Visual evidence of reputation:

Laelaps Rep Card