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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Evyn - 05-21-2009

Evyn couldn't help but laugh at Austin's words. "I'm sorry, this just struck me as funny." She twirled her pen through her fingers as she looked up at him. "Perhaps you'd better start at the beginning. Who were those 'Idiotic chaps,' what happened before they shot you, and what might have given them cause to suspect you? But do not worry, the Armed Forces don't think you're a Kusarian spy. Kusarians aren't exactly sharp on that side of the fence, and the Coalitions don't have the grace for it. Besides, a spy needs brains. So no, we have no suspicions about you."

She waved her hand through the air. "Treasonous behavior, well that could be possible. Nothing has crossed my desk about it. Won't rule it out though."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 05-21-2009

He sighed. "The very bloody beginning? Well then."

"Just got done with a Kusarian trying to take VIP's to Kusari space, luckily for him he wasn't spaced." He paused. "The Kent and I returned back to Leeds to find, Tom King, Dick Turpin, and Dennis Moore, coming to Edinburgh. I gave them my normal hello towards these chaps.

Then, well Tom had to be the smart ass that he is and reply back with the words 'that's agent to you.' Obviously I obviously ignored it and went directly to wondering how Volunteers go right from Volunteers to Agents. Without entering the Armed Forces." He sighed. "Then all of a sudden, King decides that I'm a Kusarian spy, and they take up formation Alpha-3, the triangle surrounding formation with the gunboat in the back, anyways.

I tried explaining to him that it would be rediculous for me to be a Kusarian spy. Granted I've been to Kusari prisons twice now, but that's not the point." He mumbled and continued. "He kept going on until I said, 'Blaming the Hero of the People with treason?' Oh how he went off on how I was a communist."

"That's when I got passed being annoyed. I told him straight up to arrest me and see what happens. Ofcourse he didn't do anything, yet. However his Gunboat lackey fired a missile, then static came over the Comms. I took this as the first hostile action and told the Captain of the Kent to be ready. Ofcourse the Kent was.

That's when I took a more defensive position in my Paladin and told Mr. King he was placed under arrest for Impersonating an Agent, was just getting to Dennis Moore when Mr. King opened fire on my vessel. He took me by surprise and I managed to get out of the way of the first volley. I took his shields down, and ended up getting spaced by that cowards duel missiles.

Over the Comms they said never again mess with the Secret Service, the Kent started to engage and did heavy damage to the Bretonian Gunboat. They made it clear they're not going to listen to anyone. As they tried firing on a bloody Dunkirk."

He sighed lightly and looked directly at her. "Ma'am, these lads are bloody traitors, I don't care what you say. If you don't believe me, fine. But I do say, and I stand beside this. These chaps, and those bloody BTA lads are out of line and will get what's coming."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Evyn - 05-21-2009

Evyn chuckled as she shook her head, "Hero of the People? I'd forgotten the kind of ego that's in our younger pilots. Also, you mentioned the BTA.. But were these three part of the BTA? I've not received any reports that BTA has committed crimes, unless these three were part of that outfit."

"Whether they were or not, however, they must be dealt with. None of this was ordered by the Armed Forces or MI5, these three were acting independently. For now I suggest you hand over any photos the Kent may have recovered from your ship's blackbox, and avoid those three. I'll talk with the brass and see about what further actions we can take. They'll probably be stripped of their position in MI5 and possibly even declared enemies. I'll get back to you on that."

Evyn looked back down at her paper work and flicked her hand towards the door dismissively. "Now shoo."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 05-21-2009

Admiral Nelson read the report delivered to him by Commander Hunter angrily from his desk on the Suffolk. With a mass murdering terrorist on the loose and the Kusari and Corsair attacks inflicting heavy losses on his fleet, the last thing he wanted to see was Bretonian pilots shooting at one another, again....

He dispatched a brief note to the combined fleets.

Admiral Nelson to Combined Fleets
RE: Conduct

With our brave men and women suffering daily on the front lines, we cannot afford infighting in the Armed Forces. Any disputes between officers of any service branch, if unable to be resolved peacefully, are to be forwarded to more senior officers until someone is reached who can resolve matters peacefully. Under no circumstances are any Officers of the Crown, regardless of service branches, to fire on any other officers unless under life threatening circumstances. All men and women in the service of the Bretonian Armed Forces, be they regulars, volunteers, territorials or any other irregular forces, are to treat one another with the utmost courtesy and respect, particularly with regard to rank. Orders from senior officers are to be obeyed. Any reports of misconduct are to be forwarded to the Admiralty with all relevent evidence. Those found to have acted in violation of BAF code of conduct will be court-marshalled, regardless of whether they be regulars or volunteers. That is all.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 05-23-2009

Th *static* liu...ant rola....gil....d

we are un....der....*static* ire.... Repeat! heavy *static*

Begin *feedback* i say again

requ...imm..*static* backup.

Multiple ships, near *static*. BTA *feedback*... to york, that is an ord... *static*

Watch your *feedback* keep mov*static* almost there!

York! check your fire! mayday mayday i've been hit! i've been...*static*

_______________________Display monitor off________________________________________

*turning back to the BAF panel reviewing him for the loss of a ship*

Yes sir... We came across...*pausing to hear a question from the panel of officers* we as in the BTA Cornets Saint John Rivers, Alina Farwyn, myself, and BAF Gunboat Nester under command of Lt.Commander Byfield approached hostile forces near Stokes where we came across the people you see in the gun cam footage and my audio recording of the transmission to dispatch. I believe the hostile forces were motivated by the bounty put on the BAF by our enemies the Kusari from the references to credits that were made. Once we lost gunboat support, the Kusari Naval Forces were able to send in wave after wave of ships including battleships. BTA Saint John Rivers was taken down by one of these patrols.

BTA Cornet Farwyn and myself managed to fight on for an additional 5 minutes or so while the Reavers were using the waves of large Kusari cap ships to their advantage. I then gave orders for a tactical withdraw to the BTA to move back to Battleship York. While under heavy missile and gun fire we got to York. Once there, the hostile forces seemed to take a notice of the awesome firepower York wields. The battle resumed approximately 200-1500 M units away from York. At this time we were informed that backup was on the way. But as you know *clears his throat* I had to eject due to damage to my ship and only know of the final outcome of the event through the reports i've read.


Yes sir? Understood, I am to report back to duty immediately. *stands, salutes*

*feeling a bit of relief hearing those words 'meeting adjourned' and 'no fault found'. These routine hearings are just that, routine, but that doesn't mean your palms don't sweat sitting in front of so much brass.*

*he turns for the door in the proper military fashion to leave a room filled with superior officers.*

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 05-24-2009

--Incoming Transmission--

Comm ID: A. Goodmen
Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Rheinland Military vessel in Bretonian space.

I'll have my after action report later in the day from the combat engagement yesterday with the Kusari forces.

But for now I find this of up-most importance.

Over the emergency channel I was getting reports of Corsair gunboats, which wasn't out of the norm. However one of the reports was of a Rheinland Military vessel, the RNC-CROAT, I decided to launch from Derby and make my way there, Support wasn't going to show. Commander Wallace had to disappear for some odd reason. The Kent was running a skeleton crew as well.

I got to the Freeport and waited, then a Corsair gunboat unmoored from the Freeport and left, few minutes later he came back just as the Rheinland vessel appeared on scanners. I turned, ignoring the Corsair.

The Rheinland vessel, to my surprise, broke the International No-fire zone, and engaged the Corsair vessel, without warning. Powerless I was forced to watch, trying to decide which side to help. The Corsair managed to get away to the station that is.

That's when I told the Rheinlander to get lost. I would like someone, in the admiralty board, to take this up with the High Command of Rheinland. This is the second time a Rheinland war vessel was spotted in Bretonian space.

--Attachments 2--

Rheinland Military Vessel (Sighted)
Communication Logs

Lieutenant Austin Goodmen

--Transmission Terminated--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Seth Karlo - 05-24-2009

Greetings all,

Due to various reasons, I, Lt Commander Soloreth Kest am hereby resigning from the BAF.

Good luck to you all gentlemen and ladies.

Soloreth out.

//The characters will be deleted within the next couple of hours.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 06-05-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Sender ID: Lt. Robert Jones---
---Subject: Weekly reporting---

Right. Looks like I haven't given in a report for a while, but I guess I'd better do so:

Well, Almost a week ago now, I came on shift to a distress call from Galt. The GST had attacked him at southampton. Now this probably wouldn't be such a big problem, except that they had corsair allies, the VV group, or something like that. Galt was taken down by their forces, although one of their lot got taken down by a destroyer patrol. Being the only one left, I decided to try to make a break for the Norfolk. Luckily for me, the cavalry arrived in the shape of Commander Hobart and one of the BPA. We were still heavily outnumbered, but we soon recieved more reinforcements; Carter and Goodmen, I think. Well, Hobart bagged two, Carter bagged another pair, and the rest fled before us, although the BPA chap was shot down.

---Report images: none---

The next day, I was helping Driscoll get the correct papers for a paladin. I was flying my challenger, and while flying around waiting for Driscoll to get us a mission, I noticed a GST security member was floating around. I called Driscoll for aid, and attacked the GST ship. My bomber isn't exactly the best ship for dealing with fighters, however, and I was losing the fight convincingly. Driscoll entered with his templar, since the techs were still adding new armour to his new paladin, and so some of the pressure, at least, was taken off us. Unfortunately, the cur had called for his own reinforcements: A gaian gunboat going by the callsign of "Danny". Taking the advantage of this opportunity, the GST took the opportunity to run with his tail between his legs, obviously thinking that his gunboat friend could defeat us. He was wrong. Very wrong, and the gunboat ended up exploding, after an antimatter shot destabilised its engine cores.

---Report images---

I'm not sure which day this is on, since they all seem to blend together out in space, but I'd hunted down a corsair, known as Gorgon. The oddest thing about hunting him down was the fact that on my side were a trio of angry transport captains, who helped me to shred his bomber into tiny pieces.
---Report images---

A couple of days ago, I got into a scrap with a member of the OPG, a certain Chrysler000. we were both using bombers, and so the fight was quite even. I decided to uneven the odds, and since a bounty hunter asked if I needed help, I took her up on the offer. the distraction she created (along with some very useful shooting) allowed me to destroy the corsair's ship with my SNAC.
---Report images---

Right. And this brings me to today's events. Not much actually happened, apart from a freelancer in a kusari transport, broadcasting a Samura IFF, who decided that the fact that I wasn't letting him into bretonia was a good enough reason to try to kill me. Naturally, he ended up in his escape pod, although I don't have the guncam shot to back it up. All I have is an image taken of his ship, ID and IFF combination
---Report images---

---End of report---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 06-07-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart, Commander, Great Essex fleet
To: Bretonian Armed Force
Subject: Report

Dublin system, onboard Essex
I am sure that you would like to know how it all started, but anyways lets proceed with my report. I slowly walked towards the officers cabin to eat something real. For the past few days i have eaten only artificial stuff and i wouldn't mind if i had a cooked meal for a change. I heard that Essex got a new cook, and that everybody was praising his cuisine, I just had to check the rumors out. What i got was even worser then what i ate before. My meal was served cold and did i mention the milk? I think it was probably the worst milk in whole Queen's fleet. On a side note i would like to use this opportunity to request a 'fresh' shipment of milk to be transported with the next supply convoy. I have already spoken to Essex admiral about this little problem of fresh supplys but lets return to the important stuff. After i finished my breakfast, I jumped into cockpit of my good old fighter and started to fly around following my patrol waypoints. Dublin was suprisingly calm for this time of day and for a change no one tried to shoot me. Few Hours later after i finished my lunch i got a new assigment. I had to do a routine check of both New London and Cambridge systems. Although i tried to avoid any encounters i failed in the end. I ran into Goodmen and Taylor who were patroling in the area. After we exchanged few words i continued to Cambridge system to investigate strange reports i recieved. Off course that's what i have told to everyone, i just needed some time for myself since every time i connect to our communication array i hear Gilead and Goodman arguing. Those two are full of hate towards eachothers. Well atleast beautifull colours of Cambridge managed to calm me down.Watching all those variations makes you think who or what made it. You can almost feel god touching you through this artwork, but as always something had to ruin my moment of peace. I got a distress call from one of my wingmen. They have encountered a Smuggler flying a ship full of marijuana in New London. We have put him under arrest until policemen come, but moment of our carelessness and gave him just enough time to dissapear. I would also like to inform all pilots about some kind of dimensional thing around kensington station, watch out how you fly!! So , ma'am Taylor started acting weird again so i had to run again from her, that woman is really annoying and i believe she wants me dead more then alive. Best way to loose someone is to go to Newcastle system. You could hide half of Kusari Fleet there for 100 years and nobody would even suspect anything. But i failed again, i have never saw such tracking skills. I intercepted a weird communication from Austin Goodmen, i like to call him Goody. He switched to his personal ship, while Taylor was buisy with chasing me around Bretonia. I really didn't care what people do when they are off duty but this message intrigued me.. It said Lt. Austin Goodmen, Queen's cross, the best Bretonian pilot; or he believed so is commiting a treason act against his beloved country. I didn't know what to make out of this....

The reall report, Omega 3 Cambridge Manchester, Newgate
For quiet some time, Wilde are after that cursed Artifact from Cambridge Research station. They want it so bad that they are sending their ships over and over just to fail again. For the love of god we have a whole fleet of Templars stationed there. I assume Wilde are not so smart after all or they wouldn't waste their ships like that. Personaly, I dont know anything about projects that are currently being worked on that station, but I know what kind of mission I got. To protect Cambridge station with my life if I must. Nomad war is still fresh in our memory and anything that is connected with Wilde or Nomads present a high risk for the humanity. So, about Goodmen. He did something very very stupid. Everybody knows that giving anything to Wilde is like commiting a suicide. We recived this communication just on time to try and stopGoodmen before he delivered 30 stolen Artifacts. Meeting place for this stupid transaction couldn't be in Bretonia space. It was far too dangerous for Goodmen so we believed transaction will be done somewhere in the Border Worlds. Somewhere where you can even "loose" your mother in law and noone will ask how or why you did such a thing. Omega 3 seemed like an ideal and logical place for that. There is far less Armed and Police patrols...empty space you could say. Taylor and me, currently in Newcastle, tried to get them in time. When we arrived to Omega 3 he was still chatting with one of Wilde pilots near Douglas station, but we were too late. Goodmen already gave the Wilde what they wanted. I ordered ma'am Taylor to shoot down that Wilde pilot before it ran away with all those Artifacts onboard but we failed and Four more Wilde ship arrived in the system, i guess to protect their goods. We didn't have any options except to flee and take Goodmen with us. For that foolish act, which was also an act of treason I arrested Goodmen, and escorted his ship to Manchester system, Newgate station. I still don't know why did he do that, and after I spent hours thinking about it i decided to stop and leave it be until we investigate this. He was a good pilot rather annoying but good and a very funny lad and i am dissapointed how he ruined his life. I must suggest extra guards to be put infront of his cell just in case and I would also ask the chaps from MI5 to take over this investigation. Well, with this sad news I would like to end my report.

Signed by: James Hobart

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 06-12-2009

*signs the electronic screen to give up custody of his battle records for his report and leaves to return to his ship*

The reports:

0544: I was on patrol when I caught a short glimpse of a Molly on my scanners. He managed to evade me, but there were several Armed Forces indies in the area who helped spread a net for the outlaw. Eventually the indie gunboat Viktor_007 and Jeff.Smart came across the targets, two Mollys in Barghests. I observed as they eliminated the enemy with extreme prejudice. Viktor_007 seemed especially eager.

0630: A Molly bomber entered into leeds from the dublin jumphole. Several independents engaged him in their sheer excitement. In fact they were so involved that they ignored Lt. Jones' warnings that the bandit was luring them away. Moments later Lt. Jones was proven right when a second Molly bomber and a Molly destroyed came into Leeds from said jumphole.

The Molly managed to destroy an indie gunboat with the call sign Sunfish. Meanwhile we had indies Jeff.Smart and Steven.Dawson on the two bombers in their templars, Lt. Jones and I neutralized the Molly destroyer. Also one of the Molly bombers was also down leaving just the one. He was hunted down and killed despite orders from Lt. Jones and myself, telling them to let the wounded man go. He had no fight left in him and he was fleeing.

2012: While patroling New London I was attacked by a [GoE] Molly in an outcast gunship named Robert.Macauly. Target was neutralized with the help of HMS-Lawrence.