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GC Tea House - Printable Version

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GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 03-30-2009

"Gah! What's going on!?!??!" Steve yepled in terror as Naomi was tazered and hauled out of the room.

He looked around, to Kurisho, Naomi, Zio, and back to Akiko, whom by this point he found quite beautiful without conciously thinking about it. He stared at her for some time, thinking about what to say next.

Quote:I need a drink.. Steve get me some tea will you? steve..? STEVE! im talking to you!

Steve annoyadly turned to face Zio. "Fine, but stop yelling. Don't interrupt..." He went and quickly made Zio a cup of tea, before returning to sit on the barstool next to Akiko.

"So... you have any plans for tonight?" He asked playfully...


Meanwhile, Watsas was making his way to the tea house as normal. He made a side trip to a storage closet and began searching for something, rummaging about through several shelves.

The two GC crewwomen carrying Naomi ran past, unnoticed by Watsas.

Watsas, not finding what he was searching for, resumed heading towards the Tea house.

GC Tea House - kikatsu - 03-30-2009

Akiko looked on at the incident, dumbfounded. Some tea dribbled down out of her mouth.

What the...

The unexplainable occurrence was rather swiftly blurted out by Zios sudden demanding of a drink at the bar. Steve got up to get the interrupter the tea and returned, sitting down on the opposite side of the bar, next to Akiko.

"So... you have any plans for tonight?" He asked.

She blushed at this sudden remark, Steves sudden warming up had caught her off guard for sure. Grinning she tried to find something to say.

Hmm Well, we can figure out something maybe want to get dessert or something?

Obviously she did like dessert. No doubt that Steve could figure out this.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 03-30-2009

"Dessert you say? You wouldn't happen to be a fan of Cheesecake, would you? I'm sure we have some in the Galley..." Steve replied.

By this point he was quite flustered. Weather this was from forced affection or sheer terror was up for debate. Irregardless, he began to lead Akiko toward the Galley, and delecious desserts...

"Zio, man the bar. I'm on break..."

He glanced back at Akiko, as affectionately as he could through his gasmask and tactical armor.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 03-31-2009

Lady Kurisho grabs a quick shot glass of booze from the Bar counter, then types in a few commands into her data pad.

Internal Security Motion Sensors : Activated.

She patches one of the displays sections to the Internal Security Cameras where she switches the cameras channels until she spots Watsas walking down the hallway.

By this time, Additional commutations are being received on the GC to CS Diplomatic channel.

She reads the transitions and lets out another frown upon her Black painted lips.

"This is going to turn into a train wreck and quick."

She reaches over and picks up a bottle of booze and a shot glass, making her way back to the table, where she takes herseat.

"Bartender, have Watsas favorite drink prepared and brought to my table. I get a feeling he gonna NEED it before too much longer. Harta! "

The bar-bot gives an acknowledged reply, setting the glass of strange brown liquid on Kurisho's table.

She watches the incoming Watsas get a bit closer then switches off the incoming Internal Security Cameras feed on her display.

GC Tea House - FooFighter - 03-31-2009

Juliet's eyes followed Steve for a moment. She started smiling again, thinking about the lines of code she'll be feeding his neural conditioning unit, before she eventually turned to whoever who was serving as Steve's replacement as bartender now.

"Tea, please" she just repeated, still with a smile on her lips.

GC Tea House - Dra1003 - 04-02-2009

Zio rushed a bit to prepare Juliet's tea.

Bugger.. yea thanks steve for leaving me to do this.

He then finished serving Juliet her tea then started to rush off to his outcast destroyer.

Sorry i cant serve anyone else now i just remembered i have something vastly important to do.. ill be back to socialize more. smiling back at everyone he left.

GC Tea House - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 04-02-2009

*Kaede is once again showing up in the Tea House, having her cat besides here*
*She sits down on her usual table waiting for the things to come*

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 04-03-2009

Lady Kurisho's datapad beeps again, more incomming coms on the diplomatic channel.

She reads the updated commucations and types a multi-send reply then waits for people to show up.

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 04-05-2009

*As Lady Kuriso types in commands into her data pad, a single clear tone emits from the device in a very specific pattern alerting the lady to an incoming communication*

*A small corner of the data pad opens up to display the image of Lady Shikyo on the bridge of her gunship. Lights flicker in the back ground and smoke can be clearly seen. Occasionaly electrical sparks are see as Shikyo seems to be saying something before the audio kicks in properly...*

"...amage to main drives extens....comms system barely .... at thi...ime....estimated repairs...ree days...current location.....................should be able to reach Ainu in...ut five days..."

*Another large shower of sparks from a console as it blows out causes Lady Shikyo to flinch and the communication ends abruptly*

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 04-07-2009

Before Lady Kurisho can hit the reply button, the incomming signal fades out to nothing.

She lets out a mutter of curses under her breathe.

Everything seems to be going to Hell in a Ogami Ittō's handcart.