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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - X-Vlad - 03-31-2007

Transmit to: Grand Admiral Mcintosh
CC: Lt-Commander Totenkopt
Comm ID: Lieutenant Eugen Weise

' Wrote:I have reports that Comrade Eugen Weise has managed to capture a fleet admiral of Liberty, and, in addition to shredding the supply lines to New York, has destroyed several Liberty Cruiser Patrols. To this end he is to be awared the Star of Terra, one of our new awards. This commendation is to be given 'For actions above and beyond the call of duty, specifically for engaging the enemy when outnumbered three-to-one or more.' I hope we may all learn from our Comrade's example.

Sir, I am most honoured to accept this medal, I will wear it with pride. The incident described, although several weeks ago, has yet to be reported, as I've been continuing my actions in Liberty.

After myself and RAHF-ALZHIEL had finished off the battlegroups, we went our seperate ways. I briefly wandered the Ontario system in search of some new weapons, but none were discovered. The Admiral was in my cargo bay, and I decided to make one more run through the system before heading south. To my disgust, the South Alliance scrambled three fighters to intercept me. After a long and extended angagement, I was forced to retreat to a local pirate base, where my ship was repaired. All of the wings were blown off one Avenger, and another Defender was damaged. I would normally have been able to bring one down, but my supply of Nuclear mines was depleted.

The Admiral was initially blown out of my cargo bay, but I managed to tractor him in again before I retreated, he occupied the space between the cargo bay and the cockpit on the way back to GC.

I assume theres a storesman of something where I can pick up my medal? Or is there a ceremony of something?

Lieutenant Weise out.

Transmission ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-01-2007

Transmit to: SCRA Command
Transmit from: Lt. Cobalt

I like my gunboat it kills stuff real good.... but I scan other gunboats and they seem or look stronger. I think I am going get some new weapons for Sundered Heart then I can kill stuff even better.

End Transmission_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-07-2007

Transmit To:All SCRA Personnel
Transmission from: Commodore Korr Sleeper.Cell.II

I bring great news as RAHF_Red_Dragon_ joins our ranks as well for everyone the we lose 2 more come to take their place.

OOC: Were thinking about purchasing one of Commodores systems however its going to take a whole lots of time and credits.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-07-2007

*cough* yea, about that, I need confirmation from Igiss and the admins that we WILL be able to purchase omega-50, from that point we get someone to make it. I have a basic sysnopsis of the system and what I want in it, as soon as i get off my butt and get the forums set up we can discuss it there.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 04-09-2007

Begin Transmission

To: SCRA Command
From: Lt. Dieter Zehn

This is Lt. Dieter Zehn. I have just graduated from the SCRA Military Academy and promoted to Lieutenant. I am here to serve the SCRA in any way I can. Since I excelled in Bomber flight and Nova operation, I have been gifted with a fully commissioned Bomber.

The Coalition's victory will be decorated with the pieces of my enemies!

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-10-2007

Transmit To: All SCRA Personnel
Transmission From: Commodore Korr

Welcome to the Team! I have successfully upgraded Sleeper.Cell (Still waiting for name change). Encountered some FEAR in o-49 but the Terra and I showed them that they aren't welcomed.

End Transmission_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-10-2007

Transmit to: SCRA
Comm ID: Mcintosh

My Brothers! A great day has come to us! The Great Space Gods have approved our ownership of Omega 50 and construction is commencing as we speak. However, this endevour will cost us dearly, to the tune of 2,400,000,000 Siruis Credits. 1,000,000,000 of this shall be required within the next two weeks, so I expect everyone to be extorting their local shipping company.

Although Currently barren, Omega 50 will eventually contain several IMG bases, a Zoner research station, and a Corsair battleship. More to come on that later.

So, for the moment, anyone not tagged Zoner, Xenos, IMG, or Corsair, or not on the 'Neutral' or 'Friendly' diplomacy listing, is KoS within Omega 50, regardless of ship type or claims of neutrality. Even those ships who're tagged correctly must still present a valid reason for being insystem, and 'Sightseeing' is not a valid reason. There are a string of traders moving through that system currently: unless they meet requirements, kill them.

Biotechnic Enhancement: Old Coalition technology banks have revealed to us the secrets of awsome might, lightening reflexes, and massive longevity. The process takes several months, both to perform and recover from, but it is certainly worth it. Fighter Pilots get first priority, after that ground troops and intelligence agents. Enhancent is currently restricted to the Terra III, but a station devoted to performing it is under construction.

So, you've got your work cut out for you, now get to it! While not pressuring your shipping contacts, consolidate within Omega 50, and continue to harass the Alliance's shipping and military operations.

Welcome to Axe and Red Dragon, may your missles fly true.

For the Coalition! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-13-2007

Transmit to: ALL SCRA personal
Transmission from: Commodore Korr
Priority: Red

[B] tagged ship aka nomads have been sighted near Ouray base where our Xeno Friends live, While I was on patrol with a new recruit one of them in a fighter came out and attack him. So if you see a [B]$$%&@ ship or [B]XXXX (x's meaning symbols since nomads don't speak english) hunt em down and kill em.

End Transmission_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-15-2007

Priority Update: Code Red

My brothers, today is a great day. Transponders for the Coalition have been perfected, and are now avalable from *Classified*. However, the Great Space Gods have decreed that we shall no longer be allowed to destroy traders or civilians, and we shall continue not to demand cargo. Everyone else is fair game however, so go to it. I'll be announcing the location of the ID on more secure channels.

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-16-2007

Transmist To: All SCRA Personnel
Transmit from: Commodore Korr, Sleeper.Cell.II

Intel was wrong about the location of *Classified*. I was unable to retrieve the *Classified*.

OOC: is *Classified* even in this version of the mod yet?