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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - Mission Debrief Report - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 06-29-2023

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[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LTJG Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/6/29 | Colorado and New York Patrol Report

Good evening.

I did a patrol of the Colorado system. Things were not uneventful as an Outcast transport showed up. As the Outcasts are currently considered hostiles according to Liberty Law, it was promptly dealt with as it attempted to traverse the trade lane to Pueblo Station. However, my patrol didn't end here. Later, as I was patrolling the New York system, scanners detected a hostile Rogue cruiser and I engaged it. Later, one of our Delta wing's bombers showed up, and this caused the unfortunate Rogue to end up crashing into Planet Manhattan's atmosphere.

Looks like I'd have to investigate the collateral damage caused by the impact caused by the Rogue's decision. My ship, however, sustained some light damage. Repairs are still ungoing, but I expect completion within the next 30 minutes or so.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-02-2023

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LTJG Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/02 | New York Incident Report

Good evening.

Responded to hostile activity in the New York system. While traversing the trade lane from West Point to Norfolk Shipyard, encountered a motley of Rogues and Outcasts. They had a cruiser (/_\-Rusty.Nail), several snubs (mainly [404th] Outcasts), and a gunboat (Cadeceus[404th]) attacking our forces. I assisted and was able to dispatch their heavy assets while I assisted the smaller Navy vessels.

Later, as the fight dragged on, a Rogue gunboat (Birdie) showed up. Even if my ship was slightly battered, I engaged the Rogue gunboat and destroyed it. Deeming the enemy threat to be minimal at this point, I returned to West Point for damage check and repairs.

Confirmed dispatchments of mine are found in the guncam, while the fight is shown in the blackbox.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-05-2023

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LTJG Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/05 | New York Incident Report

Good evening.

Just as I undocked from Fort Bush, there were a lot of hostile ships, an assortment of Rogue gunboats, Outcast snubcraft and capital ships within a few clicks away. Knowing that, I set out to engage the enemies while Navy and Bounty Hunter reinforcements later showed up. It was difficult, indeed, with the larger enemy vessels targeting our snubcraft. Nevertheless, I continued to fight, persisting as much as I can do. As the battle dragged on, we slowly routed out the enemy capital vessels, to the point that we acheived victory over them, leaving only the enemy snubs. I told the other heavy assets to stand down as the snubs took care of what was left. However, a Hacker bomber (Mark.Lancer) showed up, and tried to flee in vain as his ship was disabled.

Another victory for the day, though not without losses. My ship suffered some damage. I'll need some time before the ship is ready to use.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-11-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
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[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LT Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/11 | New York Incident Report

Good evening.

I encountered a pirate liner (|HPF|Missionary) flying under the so-called "Human Purity Front". Their goal, according to the captain, James Steelwell, was "to oppose the darkness of the Nomads and the corruption of the transhumanist Auxo". However, his behavior was quite suspicious, as he was found near one of the trade lanes in the Badlands and had a cruise disruptor mounted. My suspicions were confirmed when an AWES vessel arrived at the scene and, knowing of the potential danger, fled away. I was momentarily shocked to see their intentions, but in the end they are just simple pirates. I managed to disable it as it shot back at me.

I returned to West Point intact. You may find the blackbox and attached guncam.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-17-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
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[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LT Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/17 | Texas Incident Report

Good afternoon.

Responded to a distress call from two allied snubcraft (46th|Mahina:Kamealoha and =LSF=Marisa.Marshall) in the Texas system concerning a group of Outcast snubcraft ([404th]) and a gunboat (EmptyPoint) near Beaumont Base. Said gunboat was attacking snubcraft when I came to the fight. Immediately, I engaged the Tridente, which relieved the pressure our fighters were facing. Later, two [404th] (Firefox[404th] and Fessalia[404th]) and one of our snubcraft (46th|Bishop'Zehel) showed up, but our fighters were more than able to take the new threats and disable all of them without losses from our side.

My ship was damaged from the fight, so it'll take me an hour at Norfolk Shipyard to get the Attrition back to its usual shape again. Blackbox and guncam footage are attached below.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-21-2023

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[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LT Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/21 | New York Incident Report

Good evening.

Encountered a lone Outcast Storta-class Destroyer (Maggie.) in the New York system, near the Colorado jumpgate. Seeing it as an immediate threat, I engaged the enemy vessel. Despite the ship class I was facing, I managed to whittle him down until he decided to flee towards the direction of Fort Bush. I stopped it in its tracks and resumed engagement. Eventually, the target was disabled.

Fortunately, no damage was sustained and the Attrition headed back to Fort Bush without incident.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-24-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
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[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LT Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/24 | California Incident Report

Good evening.

I received reports concerning a modular installation, named DrengrCo HQ. Apparently, after talking with some of their pilots, they mentioned about attacks from the Liberty Rogues. Several vessels, including one of the Aegis bounty hunters and a member of the First Armada, were present. Things were not eventful, however, as a passing pirate gunboat (OmegaKrait) tried to cause a ruckus. Fortunately, I dispatched it without issues. I suggest we keep a watch on the situation, particularly if other unlawful factions, such as the Outcasts, decide to intervene.

Excerpts from the blackbox are shown below, containing only relevant parts of the situation.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-26-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LT Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/26 | California Incident Report

Good evening.

I did a standard patrol around Planet Mojave in California. Everything seemed to be clear at first, until I was alerted to a distress signal from the First Armada. An Outcast ship was spotted (MNS-Mannaro), clearly engaged. One of their cruisers (1st|LNS-Paladin) told the carrier (1st|LNS-Radiance) to stand down just as I arrived to assist. Despite this, the carrier kept on firing until I told him to stop. Eventually, we destroyed the enemy cruiser and returned to base without any further issues, besides the fact the First Armada are known for being hesitant on following orders from the Primary Fleets.

Excerpts from the blackbox are shown below, containing only relevant parts of the situation.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - monmarfori - 07-27-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: LT Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 830/7/27 | California Incident Report

Good evening.

Another standard patrol in the California system. There was the same Outcast gunboat (EmptyPoint), found earlier in Texas. Near the DrengrCo HQ base, there was a sizable group of affiliated vessels and an Interspace Condor-class gunboat (Katya.Gleam) dueling the aforementioned gunship. However, things weren't in our favor as the Tridente outmatched the Condor and was disabled, forcing me to retrieve her escape pod. Following this, I engaged the gunboat and successfully disabled it, though my ship would need some repairs. On another note, I would like to personally commend the DrengrCo pilots for not unnecessarily intervening in the duels.

Excerpts from the blackbox are shown below, containing only relevant parts of the situation.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Chxlls - 07-29-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Lieutenant Hayes
Vessel ID: 46th|Callum.Hayes.
Subject: Report - 830/07/29 | Manhattan Engagement


We received a distress call from Navy assets near Manhattan. Lt Commander Kameāloha and I deployed snubcraft to assist. By the time we arrived our capital ship support had withdrawn. Kameāloha and myself were able to clean up some of the remaining snubcraft assets, but were both disabled following an immediate engagement after. Our escape pods were in close orbit to Manhattan and secondary fleet assets deposited us back on the surface.

I suggest increasing our patrols, as it seems like Outcast assault craft have been targeting Liberty more and more these days. Guncam footage below.

In service to the republic,
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Callum Hayes
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet