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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 01-09-2011

After a hard day of many meetings and decisions, Vizeadmiral Weissman was happy to get to his wraith and fly home. While he was on his way the same gefreiter stopped him.

Gefreiter: Herr Vizeadmiral...Herr Vizeadmiral!
Weissman:....not that again.... What is it?

The gefreiter saluted and said: Mein herr i have another recruit request and again vizeadmiral Putzkammer is not here to take care of it....
Weissman took a look at application, reads it very quick....
Weissman sighted...: Okay, answer him this

Herr Ralf Kulzer

The Rheinwehr is not here to gain personal revenge on anyone or anything. If you want to be a soldier and protect the Vaterland at all costs you have to be calm. We dont want to have any personal distraction, becouse every mistake can cost the life of your wingmate.
Next, your biography lacks some details. I want to know EVERYTHING! For example....what enemies?....what home?
Add every detail to it and you could also extend it so it would look like a bio.


Gunter Weissman, Vizeadmiral

After he said the last sentense he starts to run for his ship to finally get home.
The Gefreiter saluted and moved to send the massage to the recruit.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Exodus - 01-10-2011

Herr Vizeadmiral!

The Bio Is Extended.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Chenzo- - 01-11-2011

Discovery Forum Name: Chenzo-
Name: Rudolf Hoffman
Rank: - None.
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): vin.chenzo

Age: 26
Height: 6ft11
Weight: 14 Stone.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue

Planet/Station of Origin: New Berlin

Background Information:
Rudolf was born on Planet New Berlin into a small, successful family. From a young age, quickly mastering the ability to pilot fighter class vessles, it was only a natural choise to sign up for the Rheinland Militry. However, given his track history with crime, was only permitted to join the "Secondary Fleet". Rudolf was a troublemaker, he was allways causeing disputes between those around him at school and this made it rather hard for him to make any proper friends. When Rudolf was accepted into the Secondary Fleet, it became aparant that was all he was good for, to take orders and work his shifts. Thatall changed on the arrival of Emily, a quiet, stable minded individual who Rudolf quickly fell inlove with.

Emily, who's origin was also from Rheinland, New Berlin quickly fell for Rudolf too. Rudolf's life had changed, he was no longer a brainless drone working for no cause. It wasn't long before Emily fell pregnant. The harsh reaily being that Emily was to die in childbirth. The child itself was perfectly healthy, however Rudolf seemed to have little interest in her as he was once again, a broken man.

The years moved on as rudolf climbed higher and higher within the Secondary fleet. His only goald and motivation to continue being, the job was all he had left. Carla, Rudolf's and Emilys semi-orphand child is to this day being brought up in an orphanage, rudolf deemed too unable as a militry man to rais her. Applying for the Primary fleet of the Rheinland Militry is Rudolf's next step.

Basic Personality Traits:
Hoffman is blunt and straight to the point. He likes to stand out even if it means looking stupid. A humours char to interact with yet serious at the same time. He can also come accross as stubborn.

Ship Class:
Very heavy Fighter


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

Two and a half years, on and off.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
I was introduced to Freelancer by a friend INRL, who has since ditched discovery, yet I'm still addicted.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

Mainly.. infact Only my 101st chars am I "heavily" active on, |Sails also gets a percentage of my time. Also, the +LE+ but I confess I have failed with helping as I should have.

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

Because If I refused to join, Anne said she'd kill me and/or put me through most crewl tortures.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Lobster - 01-11-2011

Ralf Kulzer, your application is now under review.

I have sent you the quiz, please return it when you can.

Rudolf Hoffman, your application is now under review.

I have sent you then quiz, please fill it out and return it to me.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Lobster - 01-12-2011

Rudolf Hoffman,

[color=#33ff33]Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Lobster - 01-13-2011

Ralf Kulzer,

[color=#33ff33]Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Kreuzritter - 01-15-2011

[Image: wehrpasshollweg.jpg]

Background Information:
Ernst was born to Hermann and Maria Hollweg in 796 A.S. as their second son. His father, a proud Rheinländer, was serving as an officer in the Navy since he was 20 years old and expected the same from Ernst and his older brother Holger as soon as they would be old enough. Unfortunately their father would not live to see the boys grow up and join the military just as he did when he was young. During the Rheinland attack on Kusari in the Nomad War 801 A.S. his fighter was heavily damaged and he could not eject in time.

With her husband dead and two children to feed Maria had to accept cheap jobs in New Berlin to make a living, leaving the boys alone at home. His older brother took care of Ernst during this hard time but never forgot his fathers' wish. Against his mothers will Holger enlisted as soon as he turned 17 in 812 A.S. saying he wants to avenge his fathers' death. Shocked with his brothers obsession in this matter, Ernst decided not to join the military and stayed with his mother to help her out. In 815 A.S. two days after his 19. birthday Maria got sick and one month later she was dead. With nothing to hold him on New Berlin anymore Ernst followed the footsteps of his father and enlisted like his brother.

His training went well and he enjoyed the thought that after all that has happened his fathers' wish was finally fulfilled. Opposite to his older brother, Ernst was very calm and strategic, always looking for a plan to minimize casualties in the scenarios his instructors confronted him with. Holger, however, was very aggressive and brutal. His main priority was shooting down as many enemies as possible at all cost. He even mentioned to Ernst once, that all eject pods should be shot, so the enemy could not live for another fight should he somehow escape. Ernst despised his brothers attitude but never confronted him.

Personality: calm, strategic, disciplined

Other: has a slightly mistrustful attitude against members of other houses but nowhere as hateful as his brothers

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

About a month.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

A RL friend used to play here back when he played freelancer and recommended the server.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

Just one Independent Trader.

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

First of all I live in the real world Rheinland, so according to houses there is only one choice for me:)
I also like the Rheinland lore in general, roughly depicting a mix between the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. And last but not least your roleplay level is very good from what I have seen so far.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Lobster - 01-15-2011

Ernst Hollweg, your application is now under review.

I have sent you the quiz, please return it in a timely fashion.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Lobster - 01-17-2011

Ernst Hollweg,

[color=#33ff33]Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

You are also required to Download the Skype Communication Protocol from this location. Please send me Skype ID via secure communications after you have acquired one.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - fluidni - 01-20-2011

Discovery Forum Name: fluidni
Name: Valter Nowotny
Rank: - None.
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): fluidni

Age: 32
Height: 5ft97
Weight: 15 Stone.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue

Planet/Station of Origin: Omega-15

Background Information:
Valter was born on sunny side of Rheinland. Loosing his parents early he was raised by his grandfather, an Officer in Rheinland Military who was during his all life a guidance for him. From early ages Valter became familiar with ships used throughout all Rheinland, for many years only as a passenger but close relationship with his grandfather made him experienced shipmate. All his education he collected in military vessels flying across Rehinland without chance to finish it in accordance with Nowotny's tradition. After his grandfather passed away, Valter decided to experience Sirius. Some money, left to him by his grandfather, he used for his first ship, since then Valter floated across Sirius finding its own way. Many fights for it's own life made him and careful pilot, choosing the battle's wisely.
After years spent in Space, Valter, decided to come back Home, to grandiose Rheinland, to follow his ancestors and become notable member of Rheinland Military.

Basic Personality Traits:
Stubborn sometimes, likes to finish the "thing", no matter what are the consequences.

Ship Class:
Super Heavy Fighter


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
One month.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Largest community is a guarantee for fun.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
Sunny side of the System, best Ships, best Military, what else i should ask for??