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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Zeltak - 03-01-2010

[font=Palatino Linotype]Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[Image: SamuelZander.png]
[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zander


I read you loud and clear Fleet Admiral Hale.

I shall not disappoint the Navy with the new additional tasks that lay ahead of me.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sonja - 03-02-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg

Weaponry regulations;

Due to the prototype weaponry output by the technicians and researchers at Willard Research Station, the decision has been taken to allow the Lieutenant Commanders access to a limited number of these valuable cannons.

Lieutenant Commanders take note, you are now permitted to mount a maximum of two pieces of the following weaponry:

Blue Blaze
Wild Fire
Blood Stone

The colour indicated in the transmission above is a rough guide to the colour of the beam produced when the cannon is fired.

Bear in mind that these cannons are pure energy blasters, not plasma, particle, tachyon and so on. Against any types of shielding, they have no strengths or weaknesses. As the vast majority of enemies that we encounter use graviton shields, Magma Hammer V's may be better than these prototypes for certain situations, such as against masses of hostile gunships.

These prototypes are admittedly cannons made of parts that didn't quite make the grade to fall under classification of the Thor's Hammer, Excalibur or Archangel to name a few. That said, they are still powerful weapons and it would be a great shame if these were to go to waste because of small flaws in their design.

Choose wisely.

Transmission Terminated

Liberty Forces Message dump - Dashiell - 03-02-2010

::Incoming Transmission::
Comm id: Virgil Redline

Message begins:

My thanks for the promotion admiral Hale. I'll try to cut down on the liquor, weed, brothel visits and strippoker sesions. And I guess the shrink did his job a bit too well; at first I stuttered, now I seem to be speaking my mind too often...

So I guess I apologise to commodore Robinson for calling her a misirable old batt.

With regards to the prototype weapons, none for me. I prefer the trusty liberty engineered Hammers.

Now, time to celebrate this promotion with <strike>some booze, weed and ho's</strike> a spiritual journey into the soul to attain the ultimate form of self reflection.

Virgil Redline

end of message.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Irra - 03-02-2010

>>>>COMM ID: [LN]-Shade.Walker<<<<

first thank you for promotion. I will do all I can, best I can for Liberty Navy. I will continue my work and try to justify promotion.

Now back to report. Yesterday we had lots of pirate activity mainly at Colorado gate. We were lucky because we managed to caught pirates in three separate groups and taking out group by group was easy.

First group included three or four gunboats and fighter I think. We managed to take them all out with few bombers and two gunboats on our side. They tried to move to asteroid field near Colorado gate but not very helpful for them.

After that most of us didn't even had chance to restock our lost ammo new group showed up. We launched attack on them and soon they were history.

Liberty is Liberty and right after that Trident and Braghest moved to same gate and blocked gate. They tried to fool us as they were some civilians of some sort not looking for trouble.. in war ships.. right. They blow up pretty fast.

At the end of the day pirates lost five or so gunboats, three bombers at least and fighter or two.. We managed to save all our ships. No losses.

<div align="right]Commander Shade Walker over and out.


Liberty Forces Message dump - rayne - 03-02-2010

Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online
Verify Encryption Keys... Ok
Confirm Identity... Julia Wolfe Recognised
Initialise Video Uplink... Established

[Image: Julia.gif]

I responded to a distress call from a Navy Attack Cruiser regarding Rheinland Warships in Texas. They were holding station at the Bering gate. The two warships were Rheinland Cruisers and their Captains debating whether to attack my lone bomber or our Cruiser, they chose the latter and she didn't stand a chance. I witnessed many escape pods headed for Houston.

I wish to commend Lt.Cmdr Zander for his rapid response to my mayday, the two cruisers turned their guns on me. Lucky for myself the Upholder is agile and can take a few hits. Once the cavalry arrived the two cruisers spit up, we took the nearest one and she jumped to Bering. Our 2 fighters and 2 bombers gave chase and she was destroyed in the Bering asteroid field. That is all...

Miss Julia Wolfe
Associate Deputy Director
Liberty Security Force High Command

[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...

Liberty Forces Message dump - Zeltak - 03-02-2010

[font=Palatino Linotype]Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[Image: SamuelZander.png]
[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zander

Salutations Commanders.

Myself and recruit Reed initiated a patrol in the New York system and it didn't took long before a distress call was sent out to nearby wings. We picked up on the signal and proceeded to find a Lane Hacker Gunboat firing upon one of our Navy Pilots. Unfortunately said pilot was shot down but we managed to extract the escape pod. We immediately responded with fire and neutralized the target after several minutes.

[Image: hackergunboat.png]

Building up on Agent Wolfe's action report, I requested for back-up and launched myself to the Bering Jump Gate in the Texas System. First sight was rather climatic to say the least, two Rheinland Military Cruisers were firing upon a Fighter and a Bomber, one of them being Agent Wolfe. Fortunately their evasive maneuvers were top-notch and so rendered the Cruisers' weaponry system to nothing but wasted energy. With the newly arrived back-up our combined firepower managed to bring one of the Cruisers down, however, during the whole battle one of them decided to retreat.

[Image: pwnedunoob.png]

[Image: rmcruiser.png]

That is all - Zander out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sturmwind - 03-02-2010

=====[color=#000099]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

SOURCE: West Point Military Academy, New York System.
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.

**Opening message**

Submitter: Recruit David Calhoun, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Recipient: Liberty Navy High Command

Subject: Request of promotion


Esdeemed Officers and Commanders,

I have completed my flight time as a [color=#FFCC00][font=Century Gothic]<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]Recruit
, therefore I would take the liberty of requesting my promotion to the rank of [color=#FFCC00]Ensign
and receive the codes for a Guardian-class Very Heavy Fighter.

Here's an attached file of my ship timer and registration papers (I obtained the papers at around hour 27).

<Attached file: Data_01.doc>

Recruit David Calhoun signing off.


=====[color=#000099]TERMINATING TRANSMISSION=====

Liberty Forces Message dump - Dantrithor - 03-02-2010

SOURCE: Norfolk Shipyard
TARGET: Liberty Forces
COMM ID: =LSF=Mike.Edwards
SUBJECT: Kusari Police unit in Colorado

While doing a patrol, i found a Kusari State Police unit under the callsign "Sanae". She was discussing with several Liberty Police, and Liberty Navy units already in the area. Because of the unusual of the situation, and the potential political repercussions it may have, i quickly proceed to take over the situation, and discover what was going on.

[[Ship Scans]] [1] [2] [3] [4]

After a small conversation, things apparently got calmed, but the KSP agent refused to state her businesses in Liberty, neither why was she crossing our territory. Considering all, I feel it is possible she was in some kind of mission between Kusari and Rheinland, but as i lacked evidences to support that theory, i was forced to let her free, escorting her ship back outside our frontiers.

[[Conversation]] [1] [2] [3]

Considering the circunstances, i recommend to keep a close look on Kusari ships, even civilian ones, that cross our borders.

Liberty Forces Message dump - casero - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:
=====[color=#000099]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

SOURCE: West Point Military Academy, New York System.
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.

**Opening message**

Submitter: Recruit David Calhoun, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
Recipient: Liberty Navy High Command

Subject: Request of promotion


Esdeemed Officers and Commanders,

I have completed my flight time as a [color=#FFCC00][font=Century Gothic]<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]Recruit
, therefore I would take the liberty of requesting my promotion to the rank of [color=#FFCC00]Ensign
and receive the codes for a Guardian-class Very Heavy Fighter.

Here's an attached file of my ship timer and registration papers (I obtained the papers at around hour 27).

<Attached file: Data_01.doc>

Recruit David Calhoun signing off.


=====[color=#000099]TERMINATING TRANSMISSION=====

>>>>Incoming Transmission<<<<
>>>>Comm ID: Commander Casero<<<<
>>>>Loading Message<<<<

Alright, you got it Calhoun. You are now my new shiny stinky little annoying slave, or ensign if you want the official rank, but slave nor the less. Set your guardian or avenger, whatever you want, stay alive, as we don't like to lose ships easyly.

>>>>Transmission Ends<<<<

Liberty Forces Message dump - atlantis2112 - 03-02-2010

Incoming Transmission..
Source Verified.
Sender: Dean Winchester
Destination: Liberty Navy Archival Offices
Displaying Transmission..
[Image: Dean.jpg]


Just a quick report here on a quick patrol. I was responding to a distress call in Colorado, when I saw an Outcast Falcata. I thought it'd be a good idea to blow it up. Somehow the dead pilot managed to call me names after he died.. strange.


I then arrived at Colorado and assisted a Navy IFFed Raven's Talon... (I.. I don't know...) engaged the Rogue Gunboat for a while, when our Bomber support arrived and made short work of the gunboat. Unfortunately, the gunboat managed to fry a civilian transport. The transport had arrived and started shooting - I ordered the civilian away when the gunboat turned his razors on that vessel instead. I don't know if any crew survived.


After that, responded to a call from =LSF= agents. We took out an Outcast gunboat that was hiding in the badlands. At first we were going to escort it out of Liberty, but then he made the mistake of joking about the "Alaska" system. We couldn't let him escape after that.


I then went to West Point, and intercepted a Rogue Barghest that was running to Manhattan. I ordered him to halt and attempted to apprehend the suspect alive - except he had the bright idea of shooting at one of our Navy pilots. My mini razor made short work of his hull.


Dean Winchester signing off.

Ending Transmission.