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Public Newcomer Helper Log Thread - Printable Version

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Angel Message Dump - farmerman - 01-23-2010

Today I pulled an approximately 45ish minute shift. There wasn't a great deal of need around, as Mr Lindburger was also fearlessly cutting a swath through ignorance and confusion. I did assist someone in learning how to use the /restart command. In addition, I spoke with a pilot in need of a freighter. There were a few nudges about lollery and the like, too.

The most interesting part was watching a BHG ship attempt to test its agility by flying through the shipyard portion of Baltimore - and run smack into the side. Ouch!

I also put flashing blue lights on my Camara, but I am unsure if they are particularly noticeable. They are, however, blue.

Angel Message Dump - Marcus Lindberg - 01-23-2010

Well yeah I went on my Angel for an hour and a half this afternoon around the same time Ktayn did. I'll be honest, I don't remember everything I did, or all the names of the people I helped unfortunately, I was pretty much PM'ing 7 people at the same time for the most part.

2 People, I think Cronxs and [KOR]Kay needed help with mining, I gave them the details and redirected them to the forum as well, oh which [KOR]Kay didn't know existed, heh. Another guy by the name of Nameless.Citizen asked me a question about Vigilante's and whether or not they were allowed to use the Freelancer IFF, which I told him the were, but I did mention that some people in the server thought it was bad form and told him it would be better for him to use an LPI, BPA, KSP or RFP IFF instead (although I left the choice up to him entirely). Another guy (who's name I can't remember ><) asked why he couldn't buy a SNAC at Coronado, which was strange, because he was in a bomber AND had the freelancer ID/IFF. I told him he should probably go try Omicron Kappa, but I could've sworn I bought SNAC's from Barrier Gate for my merc. Wonder whats up with that. Oh and another guy wanted to move some CODES to another character but didn't trust anyone since they could just as easily have blown him up, so he asked me to do it for him since the rules prevented anyone from blowing my Angel up, so I did. This is also the point in my (Angel) life I found out how useful the Bastet could be for my Angel since it had 6 class 10 gun points, and the guy needed to move 6 CODES only, lucky me since I could mount all of them and guarantee a safe flight. The same guy also sorta went OORP in system chat, I kindly informed him that this was an RP server and that OORP should be restricted to private chats, which he seemed to agree to. There was also another guy who had a VERY lulzy name, I asked him whether or not it was a roleplay name (to which he asked what roleplay was), I redirected him to the forums as well, and notified him to the Naming Convention rule which stated you can't have any random numbers and constant capital letters and non capitals letters next to each other and such. I hope that isn't considered Rule Lawyering, if it is I'll make sure I find another way to inform people of such naming conventions and all. Oh and, those guys who needed help with Mining, I contacted a Kruger dude who was online at the time and asked how they could get recruited, I figured they would learn some RP and all. Dunno if they actually heeded my advice though, guess thats usual with all the 'go join official faction' stuff we do.

ew....wall of text. Anyways thats what I got done today.

Angel Message Dump - Bear - 01-25-2010

Had a long session today. Started out by being contacted to help find the Texas jump hole in Penn, I went to the guy and helped him find it. We went through and he wanted to find Planet Hudson. That was the start of the problems. We soon found out that Planet Hudson didn't exist and that the information that person had given this guy was false. He needed a new route so I showed him my personal favorite and he seemed pretty happy with it. I also explained the /stuck command to somebody. Why an Outcast wouldn't use a Rogue gunboat and also dealt with smilies in system chat and also OOC chatter.

Angel Message Dump - Sprolf - 01-28-2010

This would be my resignation.
I don't have the time to devote to this faction at the moment, and I can't stay in without feeling horrible about my lack of activity. I seldom write dumps when I go out, and I feel somewhat useless in-game.

Furthermore, as of late, I haven't had the time, yes, and I haven't had the presence of mind needed to help newcomers. This culminated into a distinct point tonight, and this is one of many actions I'm trying to take to reclaim my sanity. I have been of little use to newbs, and I will be of less use with the current stress levels that surround my life at the moment. This game has become less fun for me and more of a chore, and I don't have the state of mind to be helping people out in it, I'd do more harm than good as I stand.

Catch me on Skype sometime and we'll recycle my character.

~ Sprolf

Angel Message Dump - Birdtalon - 01-28-2010

Just did an hour and a half in game on my Angel.
At first it was quite quiet, with just the odd question.
Then I had the pleasure of helping a player called Snowflake with a transfer of two armor upgrades.

He also donated 10 Million credits to our cause, thank you very much Snowflake - forwarded to Bank
A donation was also recieved from [Ables_Aces]-Chris.Able to the value of 5 Million Credits. Thank you very much. I used 2 Million to help set up Barokan, 3 million sent to bank.

After this I helped a new player called Barokan to start up in the game and helped him with understanding the ID system. I also urged him to register on the forums, which he agreed with.
I introduced him to the Mining system and got him started in the helium field.
He registered on the forums and we continued mining for a while and we make a bit of money to help him start up. I continued talking to him for a very long time and he seemed very natural at RP and very mature. I'm looking forward to great things from him and from the friends he said he will bring to the server.

Good luck and my best wishes to you in game Barokan.

Sorry to see you go from the Angels Sprolf, you'll be missed.

Angel Birdtalon

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 01-29-2010

Hey Sprolf,

You're an awesome Angel and I hate to see you leave. Do what you need to do to de-stress and be happy. Feel free to come back whenever you like. The door is always open for ya.


Angel Message Dump - Bear - 02-02-2010

Pulled another shift today and got bored...really bored. The effect of this boredom will be seen in flood as soon as I edit the images. Anyway, after that little funny I was contacted by multiple people who had very differing problems. One was about to submit a SRP for a Kusari bomber and was going to join the Joker's people. Another was wondering whether he had to join the BHG faction because a person told him he had to. The last person wanted to know if there were any 3800 cargo vessels. I put each of them on the right path and after that I left and had tea.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 02-02-2010

I put in a quick shift yesterday and met the following groovy pilots: Linear.Odyssey, [Bomber]The.Scorpion, [Bomber]The_Gemini, Terkalahkan, The.Conquer, YellowLizard, and Gallows the dreaded Liberty Rogue.

I sorted out and educated a pilot on not destroying ships level 29 or lower. It seems his siblings were using said ship and didn't know about the rule. I hope the entire family is up to speed now. Explained why ships they were flying were instantly destroyed in Salisbury. It is a guard system after all. Recommend they get a police bribe then do BAF missions to rectify the situation. Recommended using the Roc for a generic pirate bomber as opposed to the Havoc.

Sadly a pilot offered to give the Angels a donation, but I got so busy sorting out other problems that I plum forgot. So, Terkalahkan, feel free to donate anytime to any Angel. Sorry about not getting back to you. You can also send credits to our foundation named [Angel]Swift.Foundation. That's our Angel bank and all credits are tax deductible and used to help new pilots just out of flight school.

Blessings to you all,

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Ash - 02-02-2010

Quite a walk in the park this afternoon. Spent an hour or two helping out random folk with their everyday questions. Angel Shadow helped out towards the beginning of the shift and Angel Sass hung out for a short while. Had one of my favoured contests with a newbie starflier by the name of Alastair1000. Helped resolve alittle OORP matter in New York, hopefully the two guys I talked to are now a bit more on the straight and narrow. Handed out 2.2m to Dunil, an ex-player who decided to get back on his feet after a while out of the game. He's now off to Magellan and good luck to him.

A nice day.


Angel Message Dump - schlurbi - 02-03-2010

Right, it started that Spazzydragon needed some Help with a Transfer. So I thought that I wanted to go on my Angel again anyway. While transfering I already got the first Question. A Person asked me how he can get a Molly Reputation in a quick Way, but I could only suggest him to get the Molly Bribe and an Allied Bribe. After that he told me about his wanted Roleplay and I gave hima few Advices/Suggestions.

While doing that a new Member called Wambi of the Server started talking to me, seems like the Message while joining the Server really does Help us. Anyway, he asked me about the Lane Hackers. Where he can get a lighter Fighter than his Sabre. I suggested him the Bayonet and Falchion, also told him the Way where he can find Monterrey. I had to go after I have answered him a few Questions and it was just a Miracle that I saw the Kill Message of a Lane Hacker Faction Member. So, he said that I am a Star. That really made me happy.

Last, but not least I introduced another new Member named Aizan to the Restart Command and it's Results. Also how and where he is able to start Mining.