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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - PhoenixGA01 - 07-05-2009

To the commanding staff of the BAF,
Hello there this is Lieutenant Phoenix, I have recently returned from rehab after the events that followed that nasty 'sair incident. I will be returning to active duty as soon as the paper work is cleared up and I'm once again cleared for the flight deck of the Suffolk, where my ship is currently being held. I would like to inquire as to my new orders and posting, My trusty Hussar and I are eager to see some combat again. Alas, once I am cleared for the flight deck, I will be doing my old patrols through Bretonia held space until I receive further orders. My it's good to be back in a uniform again.
Lt. J. Phoenix

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 07-07-2009

**Incoming Query: BAF DataBase + BAF BAttle Report

.... .... ....

Query Identified: Lt. Cdr. Roland Gilead.

Access Level:...
Incoming Access Code: Accepted.

Search criteria: Corsair Gunboat + Destroyed + New London + Fleet Admiral Nelson + 04/05

....Searching. File not found.

End Query**

The lieutenant commander makes a mental note, should have known better than to think a superior officer would do the paper work for a battle report, or any report for that matter. Those lazy...

**Incoming transmission**
**ID: Lt. Cdr. Roland Gilead.
**Subject: Daily report/Battle Report

Be advised:

Today, at 1920 hours, I came across a small trader ship named Kelvin. Nothing suspicious about this ship except the fact that I wanted to get a visual on it as sometimes scanners can lie. Upon visual contact and a complete scan of the trader ship, I realized he was carrying military vehicles towards Kusari space. The ship had no IFF to speak of and a freelancer ID. Questioning the comms officer, I came to learn that the ship was headed towards a Kusari base, Gaslow to be exact, to unload its cargo. Thinking that maybe the crew was perhaps being held at gunpoint to do this, I continued to question the person I was speaking to. It was clear that the crew was well aware of what they were doing and they continued to defy the crown by not following my instructions to dock at Leeds. Sadly, due to the lack of a cruise disruptor on my Templar, I was unable to stop said trader ship.

Battle Report:

While on routine patrol, I received information from QCP Andrew Stuart in Cambridge about a Corsair Praetorian and a Corsair Pirate Transport. Quickly I made my way to said location and ordered Ensign Underman to meet me there in a Challenger. The fighting was fierce, and the Praetorian was specially hard to kill due to ion interference. However I am happy to report that the targets were eliminated with no casualties to Bretonia. Thanks to the tip and efforts of the QCP.

**End Transmission**

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 07-12-2009

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID: Lt.Cdr Robert Jones---
---Subject: Report, or how all of my "favourite things" happened at once---
---WARNING: Preliminary scans show large quantities of sarcasm---

Right. Well, today's patrol started pretty well, the Fleet Admiral was out, as was a gunboat and Lt.Williams. Of course, the fleet Admiral had paperwork to do, didn't he? So after stopping some border hoppers, he signed off to do whatever it was he had to do. That left me, Williams, and the gunboat guarding Leeds. I don't think anything heading to Kusari got past us. Williams somehow managed to aqquire some gallian wine from a passing trader, and ended his patrol at the earliest possible moment, since I had forbidden him to drink it on duty. The gunboat left shortly after, needing to resupply for its next foray into Kusari space. Naturally, around that time, my comms started bleeping. I was told, by an increasingly hysterical comms operator of a Wilde gunboat in Cambridge. Naturally, I was half way there when I was told that it was a false alarm. So, of course, I headed back up to Leeds. I was sitting around up there, when once again, I got another message about a Wilde gunboat. Of course, I had to head down, commanding officers' orders, with only 2 minutes to go until my shift was supposed to end, and on the way I decided that if it had been another false alarm, the ensign who sent me the messages would be cleaning toilets for a week. Naturally, the Wilde gunboat had been sighted and had moved to Omega-3. I found it being pursued by bounty hunters who were apparently so low on fuel that they ran back to the freeport after a few k, leaving me with an angry Wilde gunboat. Perfect, just what I always wanted. Naturally, he decided that he wanted to become by best friend, and decided to do that by firing missiles at me, as you do, leaving my challenger (which they're still fixing down in the docking bays) in a "well loved" shape. Of course, it couldn't only be that fun now could it? Guess which of my best friends ever came to omega-3 to say hello. Salazar bloody Kithe. Even the Wilde gunboat told me that it wasn't my lucky day, although it could have been nicer if it had used my comms and ears, rather than just transmitting it directly into my brain. However, the bounty hunters proved themselves useful by taking down Kithe's sabre drone, and the Wilde gunboat fled from the hunters after being told that it was next.

---Attached images:2---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 07-15-2009

**Incoming transmission**
**ID: Lt. Cdr. Roland Gilead.
**Subject: Patrol report/Battle report.

While patroling, I came across a freelancer trader who thought it was ok to take shiphull pannels to the Kusari. I repeatedly warned him to change his flight route and to follow me to Leeds for inspection. When was informed several times as to why I was making this request, he merely replied that he was fully aware of the reasons behind and the existence of an embargo. The freelancer made it to the Taus and was sure to send his regards to our queen in a foul manner. Acting crude and bold, he thought he had gotten away with it. Seeing that my pleas had no effect on him, I decided to also go to the Taus to see if I could catch him, which I luckily did. I asked again several times for him to stop. When all else failed, I used force and arrested the crew. They were booked at planet Leeds but posted bail 4 hours later and were released.

I was later informed by the capt. of the trader ship that the outlaw group the Cartel will be coming after BAF for revenge. I am not sure if he can backup his threats or not, but I thought perhaps a memo should be sent out to officers to make their sebordinates aware of this possible situation.

On a side note, later, about 45 minutes perhaps, a freelancer Ravens Talon with 58 Kilos of boron was heading over to Kusari space. Moments later he announced to all of Leeds system bait-fully that he was going to Kusari space with the boron. Reminding him that 58 Kilos of boron wasn't going to win the war brought about more threats about the Cartel. At least these people are keeping us entertained.

**End transmition**

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 07-16-2009

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID: Lt.Cdr Robert Jones---
---Subject: Reports, and a few requests to improve BAF efficiency---

Report 1:
Yesterday, I found 3 pirates in Leeds: A hacker gunship, an outcast Tridente, and one of those stupidly brave outcast rookie falcatas who dare to enter the heart of the corsair empire to get their hands on corsair pulse weapons. The gunboats seemed like they would have difficulty hitting the broad side of a barn, and I was able to fight falcata without much gunboat trouble. However, the Falcata's pulse systems managed to break through my shields as he was firing a nova torpedo, leaving my templar somewhat the worse for wear, and in several small pieces. However, thanks to my double edged luck, he happened to be close enough for it to atomise his falcata. I'm not sure whether he survived, but either way, I doubt we'll be seeing him around with those corsair guns again.

---attached images: 1---

Report 2
Well, things have been pretty quiet today, nobody tried to jump the embargo, and everything seemed quiet. However, I recieved notice that our centre of operations in Salisbury had been entered by non-BAF personell. I went to investigate, and found nobody. However, I was reading some very strange anomalous signatures in the area, which may have been the cause of the distress signal. I headed back to Leeds, and was informed by Stoat, who I'm sure you've heard of, that there was a hacker gunship snooping about. The hacker fled to Manchester, and Stoat pursued. A few minutes passed, and I had entered New London for a patrol, when I recieved a distress signal from Stoat. Apparently the hacker gunship was too much for his solaris equipped gunboat to handle. Since I was in my challenger, I headed out to Manchester and engaged the hacker, who ended up exploding under our combined firepower. Apparently, Stoat has lost all faith in his Solaris guns and is requesting to be allowed to moor in Salisbury to trade them in for bretonian gunboat turrets. Since I don't have the rank to allow or deny such a request, I'm leaving it to anyone with the appropriate rank to send him a message as to whether or not he has the right to do so.
---Attached images: 1---

On the subject of my last report involving the foray into omega-3, I was completely unaware before now that the BAF had been ordered to withdraw from the omega-3 system by the police. I believe that it may be useful to place news about important events such as these into our central reporting system, so that those of us who check the news updates on the neural net less frequently (or have been to busy on border patrols to do so) are able to respond to these important orders

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 07-20-2009

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID: Lt.Cdr Robert Jones---
---Subject: Reports, although nobody else seems to be bothering to file them---
All right, since my last report, my Challenger has seen a lot of use, and a lot of firefights. I've been out on border patrol duty a lot recently, and the seemingly endless numbers of traders who claim to know nothing about the embargo has been wearing me down. All right, I'd better get these reports uploaded and stop rambling.

Report 1: Well, out on border patrol, I came into contact with a slaver group known as the LTC. After assistance from the gunboats the Golden Hind and the Surprise, we were able to destroy one of their ships and rescue all of the slaves on board, at least, that's what we thought had happened. They're more clever than we gave them credit for, and a backup ship bearing the same designation departed Leeds, hoovered up the remaining slaves and made a run for it. He entered the jump hole to Magellan and I pursued, only to find that he had doubled back right into the guns of one of the gunboats. The remaining slaves were liberated, but I'm afraid that I was unable to detain the pilot. This group appear to be using bretonian Shires and Percherons, and so maybe harsher regulation on their sale is in order. Naturally, we had to get even more idiots running through the system, and so I present specimen 1: A hogosha. piloting a Ryuujin train. right past Leeds. Filled to the gills with military vehicles bound to Kusari. An explosion quickly ensued, and with some assistance from salvage crews, we now have 1000 new hover-tanks for our defence of Leeds. Naturally, things couldn't stay calm and the Reaver mercenaries arrived, leading to the loss of my bomber.

Report 2: More of these slavers again. I took down another of their ships, and once again, a backup ship appeared. Luckily, Rescue crews were nearby and able to retrieve the slaves before they could be recaptured. I suggest a complete removal of their docking rights on Leeds, since it seems that temporary lockdowns have next to no effect. Some of my guncam shots have been mixed up though, so I'm trying to sort these into each slaver's destruction. The whole set of slaver shots will be filed as an attachment. maybe you'd have a better chance of sorting them than I would. Back on track though, our old friend Swiftshinobie payed a visit, this time with Kusari optronics, which were very likely to have been tampered with, rather than his usual trick of taking our gold to Kusari. I chased him away from the planet back to Stokes, only to find him trying to sneak round the other side of the sun. He made the mistake of broadcasting his position over public channels. Naturally, I moved in and left a rather large hole where his ship had been. Later on, we had a hacker gunship nosing around, by the Callsign of Methos. This makes the third time I've encountered him in the past week. We were roughly evenly matched in a one on one combat, despite an offer of help from one of our newest reserves, the HMS-Swordfish, who had been outfitted with a templar only an hour before. However, it seemed that his gunboat was unable to perform an engine killing manoeuvre, and so, using the superior turning rate of my challenger (now there's a phrase which doesn't crop up often), I was able to stay behind him and take him down. Just after that, we had another slaver from the LTC group pass through Leeds. I hadn't had the time to resupply, and I was forced to retreat.

---attached images: 12---
---Annotations added to speed comprehension---
(Previous declaration of intent of SwiftShinobie)
(LTC.Exporter with slaves)
(Backup slave ship for LTC.Unknown, who we destroyed, the 316 slaves were the ones we couldn't rescue from Unknown before)
(Hogosha idiot)
(Remains of hogosha idiot)
(Another LTC Slaver)
(Rescued slaves being placed on Leeds for evacuation)
(Swiftshinobie, packed full of optronics)
(Optronics, with occasional pieces of Swiftshinobie)
(Hacker gunboat)
(Distinct lack of hacker gunboat)
(The one that got away)

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 07-23-2009

BAF Comm System: OPEN
TO: Admiral of the fleet
FROM: Capt. Jack Frost
RE: Combat Report

First off i know ill get my arse kicked for not sending in too many reports so ill try and make this one good.

On leaving the Derby for a patrol i came face to face with some CR pests..

Alas my Templar could not outturn their ships so after a long battle i had to eject. I did notice however they had a little friend in tow so i would suggest if hes ever seen in Bretonia again he be, how shall i say, taught the error of his ways.

Alas during the ejection i damaged my spine and am now in hospital on Leeds. The docs say ill be back in action in two weeks or so.

Tll then...

Frost out.

BAF Comm System: Closed...

// Going on holiday for a couple of weeks. Back around the tenth of August. Fly safe.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 07-23-2009

From: Captain Blake Owen
To: Bretonian DIS
Subject: Criminal Activity in Leeds


As you are aware, the Lane Hacker group occasionally moves into Leeds, as well as the Corsair criminal element. Yesterday, I observed a Corsair fighter engaging a Lane Hacker controlled Outcast gunship. It is interesting that the Hackers are using Outcast military technology to fight the Corsairs, and intelligence may want to investigate the extent to which the Outcast and Lane Hackers are allied, particularly considering our "less-than-hostile" stance towards the Outcasts. Unfortunately, my gun camera was damaged by the Hacker's missile, but I did manage to destroy the already damaged gunship with my Challenger upon his refusal to leave Bretonian space.

For your consideration,

Captain Blake Owen

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 07-27-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: A. Goodmen
Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Trespassing ship in Salisbury

Armed Forces Pilots Involved:

Admiral Mark McKenna (Templar)
Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen (Support Templar)
Ensign Tommy Atkins (Templar)

Trespasser Vessel:

[DSS]-Achilles (Paladin) BMM IFF, ID Unknown.

Good day,

I received the notification over the secured S.K.Y.P.E channel that we had a trespassing ship in Salisbury. I headed down to the Hangers and launched my fighter. I met Admiral McKenna in Orbit of Leeds and we proceeded to the New London gate. Upon reaching New London, Ensign Atkins just entered Salisbury and began to talk to the pilot in question. According to Atkins the pilot wasn't responding. The Admiral and I jumped to Salisbury.

Upon entering Salisbury the Admiral hailed the pilot and ordered him to undock from the station. The pilot agreed and undocked from the station. I took up a better position and kept my weapons trained, waiting for the order to fire. When Atkins voice broke my concentration with a seemingly girlish screech of "He has a Kusari weapon! Scan him!"

I scanned the pilots vessel, and sure enough he had a Kusari weapon on board. His excuse "I killed a Kusari Navy in Leeds." Eh, tell you what lad, I kill them as well in Leeds.

Anyway's the Admiral made the pilot leave, and I took my scans to Winchester and forwarded them to Military Intelligence Sector 5 for further processing.


Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

File Attached:

Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 08-01-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: A. Goodmen
Target ID: Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Nuclear Bomb, Corsair Engagement, Outcast Battleship

Report One

Though, this is while I was off-duty, I'm expected to make a report of it due to national security reasons. The Luxury Liner "Rhodes" was scheduled to take a trip around Sirius, on board was one of our own, Lieutenant Sipher Rockwell, who is currently checked into the Hospital for a few hours.

While off-duty, I was in the California system, heading towards Magellan, not my usual route when I'm going back to Bretonia, but I decided to take it anyways. Upon entering reaching Freeport 4 I saw the Luxury Liner "Rhodes" docked, an escape pod fired off into space, then the Luxury Liner moving a few clicks south of the Freeport. I only heard Static over the comm array.

After a few minutes I was informed of the situation by Lieutenant Rockwell, upon my docking I headed down to the area of the nuclear bomb and attempted to disable it. With help from the Lieutenant I managed to stop the detention just as the timer struck one second. We disposed of the bomb later on in space.

Though I do not have any proof of this actually happening. I do have witnesses. If Admiralty wishes to launch an investigation into this matter, I'll be glad to help.

Report Two

Armed Forces Involved:
  • Captain James Hobart
  • Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen
  • Lieutenant Jaedon Phoenix
  • Ensign Tommy Atkins
  • Privateer Finn Hopkins

Civilians Involved:
  • Some Kusari lass that's lived in Bretonia before the war started (Her name escapes me.) She seems to be a former Chrysanthemum as well.
  • Uncle Trotter
Enemies Involved:
  • Bloody lot of Corsairs.
Upon returning official to Bretonia, via transport, I jumped into my Templar which was stationed on the Derby at the time, and I headed down towards the Suffolk, to move my Templar back to it's original station. Upon getting to Southampton, my scanners lit up with a lot of hostiles, and two friendlies, I turned about to see a fire fight in progress. Knowing the odds I sent over our Secured line for more birds in the air. After I sent the scramble for more fighters in the air, I received secured Comm's from Captain Hobart.

The fighting was a mess, but I managed, after a little bit of dodging, to get us back together with target assignments. We then proceeded fighting until literally the last man. Taking down one Corsair, and switching targets, more arrived. After we had two Corsairs downed, a Corsair Gunboat enters the fight. We switched off from the Titan, we pulled back close enough to Southampton for the station to provide us with an extra punch against the Corsair Gunboat. The Gunboat fell quickly.

Once the Gunboat was gone we switched back to the Titan we originally went after, it received a full set of Nanobots and Shield Batteries. Switching off that target to the Bomber that supplied it. We managed to damage the Bomber well enough that it lead us directly to a Pirate Transport, which resupplied it. We opened fire on the Corsair Transport, and took it out before it could supply the rest of the Corsair fighters.

Upon the transport getting destroyed, My ship ran out of nanobots, and shield batteries, and I was under heavy fire. But we continued fighting. Captain Hobart shouted for me to hang in there as we took the Corsair Bomber out, saying Reinforcements and resupply was on the way. A Corsair got a lucky hit and I ejected from my vessel, a passing by patrol quickly grabbed me and took me to Southampton.

Files Attached:

Corsair Downed 1
Corsair Downed 2

Report Three
After the commotion in Bretonia, I decided to head back to Liberty to relax and, earn some credits by helping people in need. Well, while waiting around for any escort, or mining job to come up, An Outcast Battleship appeared in system, and literally told us the location of it.

Apparently, the Captain of the vessel is an Admiral Jake, I didn't get his last name but he was extremely friendly to the Navy and Police vessels upon arrival. According to his story he was exiled from the Outcasts after the people that roam from place to place had no use for him.

His vessel is currently in Liberty space and is waiting for a pardon on behalf of himself and his entire crew. I told Commander Anderson that I would bring this up to the Bretonian Admiralty, on behalf of Liberty, at the time. Other then that I have nothing else to report on this situation.

Files Attached:

Exiled Outcast Battleship


Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Transmission Terminated