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GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 06-01-2009

Unfortunately, the GC staff failed to check the valves on the pressure tank. The tank itself was approximately a 225 Gallon steel cannister with the following words written on the side...

Warning, Powerful Aphrodisiac. Do not release into air system.

The valve was now cracked, and beginning to slowly leak into the air system.

It was only a matter of time before the effects began to be felt throughout the Tea House...

GC Tea House - farmerman - 06-06-2009

Miharu sat in her room on Ainu, reading a book about the genetics of particular microscopic organisms from the Omicron systems. She found it quite fascinating and was wondering if she could visit herself some day. She stopped her thought when she noticed an odd smell emanating from the air ducts.

She stood and quickly walked toward the tea house, to see if everything was all right there. Plus she had a strange urge for tea and conversation that she couldn't explain.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 06-27-2009

Lady Kurisho had not been feeling well that Day.

Something odd was going on...something that she could not put her finger on or figure out directly.
The 'explosion' in the old lab was handled by one of the station's maintenance crew. The incident was extremely small: caused no damage and no fire. The crew had reported that an old airtank had leaked and the pressure value just broke off, thus making the loud 'boom' noise. Other than that, no fire or damage to report.

They--however, thought the 'warning' label was a joke made up by some over-zealous male pig looking for a cheap laugh, thus did not note the Label into the report. The crew cleaned up the old bottles and busted values, tossing them into the metal recycled bin.

The effects of the gas, was still slowly having an effect.
Lady Kurisho glanced over the stations week worth of reports, not taking a huge amount of effort to read the details.

She .......was distracted by an inner , growing feeling. Something she still....could not put her finger on.
After placing the paperwork in the Done pile, she makes her way through the stations long hallway, heading towards the crew personal section.

She had to see someone. Someone that been in the back of her mind for a long time.

A passing crewman , one of the few males still on the station, suddenly reached around and kissed Lady Kurisho fully on the lips. She started to jump, reaching for one of her weapons but for some unknown reason, she didn't feel like completely killing this guy.

She broke off the deep kiss with a sharp snap kick to the crewman's groin. He fell over, with still a half smile upon his face as he passed out from pain.

''My lips are not for you. They are for ...... " She stops herself from completing the sentence then marches down the hallway. Eventually, other crew personal help drag the fallen crewman to the Medical Bay, whispering among themselves something about How lucky he is to still be living.

Lady Kurisho finally arrives at the 'apartment' ,opening the door, she says " Hey, Hon....How about we go out to.... "

Then she realizes that the person no longer lives there............That she left weeks ago.
The 'apartment' is now empty , save an empty desk, some dresser with drawers , bed and small table.

Lady Kurisho sits on the empty bed and sighs softly to herself.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 06-27-2009

Ironwatsas Wrote:Welcome.

Welcome to the Ainu Tea House.

You have chosen or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining watering holes. I thought so much of the Ainu Tea House that I decided to establish my administration here from the comfy seat so thoughtfully provided by 'our benefactors', and would extent to you the priviladge of partaking the charm and cheerfulness of this wonderfully engineered social enclave.

SO, weather you are here to stay, or passing through to parts unknown...

Welcome, to the Ainu Tea House

It's safer here...

~The Watsas a Plaque now adorning the entrance to the Tea House.

Naomi Ichiyusai scoffed at the sight of it, and immedietly took it down, setting it out of sight as she walked over to the bar and sat down, and slumped over onto the bar.

While her transfer to Kiretsu Squadron had moved her to the Battleship Matsuda in Okinawa, it was little less stressful then her former assignment to Ainu itself. Over time, the attitude of the Kiretsu pilots, and the much larger and more apparent and invasive Consortium presance there wore on her nerves more then the Tea House ever could. Infact, while she didn't dare admit it, she had missed the Tea House's light hearted insanity and felt almost relived to return.

Better yet, Watsas was gone.

Naomi's happiness soon faded as the exhaustion of her flight set in.

"Steve. Cardi-Martini. Make it fast..." She demanded.

Silence ensued for a few seconds before Naomi bothered to glance up.

"Ste... *sigh*"

Steve was not present.

"Oh for the love of... *sigh*" Naomi, seeing no alternative, stood up and walked behind the bar, getting herself a strong drink. Despite not being a heavy drinker, the stress of the faster paced Kiretsu squadron, and the various missions Naomi had been assigned had worn on her. She needed some distraction from the daily grind... the same time, she felt quite lonely. Despite having many friends in Kiretsu, her male-slave Kyosuke Takeda, and the occasional letters from 'secret admirers' (Whom she assumed was Reiko Senzo), all of these felt distant from her.

The feelings were only inflamed by the strange 'feeling' in the air.

"Did we get new insence while I was away?"

GC Tea House - farmerman - 06-27-2009

Miharu entered the teahouse as Naomi was making herself a drink.

"Hello there!" she said. "It's good to see you again. I think we did get some new incense. Or... something."

With that, she walked over and sat down net to Naomi. Closer than she normally would, in fact. She realized that after she had sat down, but she couldn't explain to herself why she might do so and quickly put it out of her mind.

"How is Okinawa?" Miharu asked with a smile.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 06-27-2009

"Utter crap" Naomi replied to Miharu.

She sipped her martini and began the tirade. "Well, aside from it being a train wreck of Farmers, Hogosha, Blood Dragons, and the GMG. Plus all the traders going to and fro, plus it being the Consortium Nexus in Sirius, plus that crazy Enya Shinkaku..."

"Enya" She grumbled under her breath before downing the rest of the glass in a big gulp.

She looked over to Miharu and paused for a few seconds. Miharu seemed... stunning, from the lights of the Tea house and the battery of windows.

"Wow... did you get a haircut recently?" She asked, leaning closer to Miharu.



\CS\-Steve had finally returned from his long-range assignment to Gran Canaria. The Consortium marked Scimitar touched down in the hangar, and the gas-mask wearing man left the ship, before opening a compartment on it's hull and removing a high-tech looking... thing. Carrying it directly to the lab.

He was infact, blushing at the conversation he had with a NovaPG pilot, which he initally thought was a woman. However, this was secondary to his hard-wired tasking, and he carried the ship's data-recorder toward the Lab.

Ironically, Steve was utterly indiffrent to the incense in the air, which were affecting everyone else on the station, as a result of him wearing a Gasmask. A few of the GC crew had managed to figure out that it was infact something in the air, and at the sight of steve, put two and two together...

He quickly made his way to the lab, and began hooking up the data recorder and collating it's contents on the Lab's computer system, not bothering to remove his helmet...

...blessedly for the inhabitants of Ainu.

GC Tea House - farmerman - 07-01-2009

"Wow... did you get a haircut recently?" Naomi asked, leaning closer to Miharu.

"Oh, yeah," Miharu answered, smiling, "I tried to get more volume last time. And I think it's shinier now, too."

"Thank you for noticing," she said before reaching out and giving Naomi a hug. She wasn't sure why she did so, but she couldn't seem to help herself.

Miharu stood and walked toward the bar. "Is it warm in here?" she asked, pouring herself a cup of cardi-tea.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 07-01-2009

"Oh... I think it is. The heating system is STILL messed up around here... *sigh*" Naomi discontentedly remarked, before walking over to the thermostat and checking it. She then sat back down next to Miharu, closer then before.

"I mean really, who maintains this place..." Naomi commended, while removing her pilot's jacket.

"So anyway, what's new with you? Anything happen while I was away? C'mon, talk to me." She continued, staring into Miharu's eyes more intently then usual.


In the lab, Steve continued to go through the data recorder on an interactive holoscreen, uploading it to the Consortium neurocyte hub, before noticing a trace-gas alert panel lighting up.

He quickly scooted over to the panel and checked it's status. It displated an accurate readout of the composition of the gases, highlighting the unknown elements within the cloud. Checking his database and records, he quickly determined the source of the gas and it's composition... and more importantly, it's effects on the human body.

This was a golden oppurtunity for him.

Quickly, he made his way to a small Cryogenic pod, and activated the defrost. Within 5 minuites, the contests of the pod were revealed to be a bouqet of Roses saved for just such an occasion. After brushing off the remaining ice from the leaves. He took the bouquet, and a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and headed for the personal quarters of Lady Kurisho...

GC Tea House - kikatsu - 07-05-2009

Akiko looked through some of the Liberated supplies she managed to acquire from a Junker a week or so ago. Nearly all of it had come from a Cryer ship or station, all sorts of medical gear and a few counterfeit programs. Actually that was what she was interested in, the software. In her free time, the rather round girl had been trying to come up with a new way to mess around with the captured Naval and Samura pilots. With some repurposed conditioning software and some of the stolen psychological programs she had come up with a relatively basic flash hypnosis systema small handheld device with a display screen on the front, and a command pad on the back. She hopes that all it takes to work is to input a simple for the subject, and the software should be able to calculate the required suggestions and condition the person. She really fancied the idea of making someone think they were a dog, or just force any of the rude ones to call her fat to turn into little blimps themselves.

She put the prototype down on her desk after uploading the final bits of information on it. She kept thinking she had forgotten something but she felt like something was off the past few hours. She felt like she was waiting for something exciting to happen that just would not happen. She just shrugged it off. Akiko turned on her computer display and checked the announcements. Normal nothing unusual she thought. But her heart rose when she saw that Steves ship had just arrived back. She got up and rushed over to one of her drawers and looked through it for something nice to wear, something better than her lab coat at least. She picked out a blue kimono and put it on her bed, and proceeded to undress. Something told her she had to make a good impressionnormally she didnt care at all how she looked but today she felt different. She grabbed a towel and headed into one of the showers, even getting the fancy shampoo this time. She surprised herself, actually going out of the way to do all this.

After getting all washed up and dried off, she grabbed her pair of frilly undergarments, supposedly all the rage in Liberty. Then she picked up the kimono and put it on. Her chubby face became red with embarrassment. It was too small. She cursed herself for ordering seconds on desserts for the past month. Throwing it back on the bed, she rummaged through her drawers for something else to put on. She took out a reddish pink kimono with some flower patterns on it. She crossed her fingers for this one to fit. It did, not by much but it did. Quickly she put her hair up and put a bit of perfume on. Slipping out the door quickly, rather eager to meet Steve, she left her quarters unlocked

There he was, she saw Steve a bit down the hallway. Strange that he was in the living quarters area. She brushed that thought aside. A feeling came over her, she knew what to do. Sneaking up behind him, she gave him a typical Libtertonian greeting, a quick slap on the bum. She grinned, her smile pushing her chubby cheeks up towards her eyes, and said with her Libertonian accent:

Hey there Steveits been a while hasnt it?

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 07-06-2009

Steve, walking through the residential quarters, noticed someone behind him, but didn't bother to look. The firm palm to the rear however caused him to yelp and jump forward several feet before turning around to see the identity of his assailant.

"Oh... Konnichiwa, Akiko!" He replied with a high pitched voice.

Realising that Akiko was infinitely more likely to go out with him (and not gut him, even with the circulating gas) then Kurisho, his attention changed.

"I've... been looking for you! Haven't seen you for a while now!"

"How are you doing? Maybe we should get a drink at the Tea House?" He asked.