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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Kaze Dagon - 03-01-2010

' Wrote://Edit: And Kaze is a guy.

Meh. Just look at my top post.

' Wrote:please PM their names.

I suspect it was the same incompetent idiots who was 14k from my miner, shouted.

Such behaviour is not tolerated by ANYONE. I am sure that most outcasts would rather marry a corsair then allow such gunboat captains.
Atleast, Lolcast tridents is somthing you should ALWAYS report to the outcast commonwealth. The removal of such "players" are essential to improving the life in the taus. In turn, you too profit at it


The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - CzeReptile - 03-01-2010

I wish outcast were made without you or reacher.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - mwerte - 03-01-2010

' Wrote:Because I felt like being a kind fellow and returning a few favors the Maltese locals gave me.
So you're fighting lolwuts with ololols? Common man, I know you can, and should, do better.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - cmfalconer - 03-01-2010

This is a feedback thread folks. This is NOT a place to flame the other party, it is NOT a place to make personal accusations against each other either.

Everyone needs to step away from the keyboards now. Go watch a movie, read a book, call a friend. Something other than Disco.

Any more ridiculousness that has been going on for the last 4 pages, and I will force a break.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Reacher - 03-01-2010

' Wrote:I wish outcast were made without you or reacher.

So I can take that as an offical statement from the Q-12 in response to my question?

To everyone else.... I'm still waiting for an answer. For now I'll assume Reptile is not the spokes person the colonials and point back to my previous posts. I'd really like to hear a truthful answer to my inquiry.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Panzer - 03-01-2010

Well, would be better if all Outcasts were 2-day knobs, cuz then they'd be easier to kill and marginalize on the forums.

They key to "getting nicer for each other" is to quit sharing a border. Through a war that's lasted for around 2 years now both sides have grown to genuinely hate one another. This kinda group-group prejudice is phun as far as RP is concerned... cuz when going into battle both sides have he right, hostile mindset...

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - arvg - 03-01-2010

I expected better than powergaming from you Kaze, the way people talk you are one of the better CR.

Guess I learned my lesson about that now didn't I?

[Image: Powergaming.png]

Powergaming, in this setting, is frowned upon as one of the biggest no-nos we have.

Also Alt-tabbing and screaming for as many fighters as you can muster... all launching from... you guessed it. Java station, yet again.

This is day three, in a row, of CR behavior that is deemed unsatisfactory.

I had significant odds on you, five ships to your one. I sent all of my ships away with the exception of myself and one Heavy fighter. 2-1. Considering the fact that we wanted to talk to you, fair pool.

What happens? a swarm of CR log in and come after us.

Not sporting at all.

That's why the CR are disliked.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Kaze Dagon - 03-01-2010

One. Well for once who i recalled that i pm'ed you that many people still had their ships docked at Java even before the whole mess started. I had two chars there personally and only moved them half an hour before you came to T23.

Two. You can ask IMG|Ron.Mastersson (Beck i think) that i specificaly told him not to call any reinforcements and i didn't also. They appeared on their own volition.. Plus.. You were attacking me with two fighters against me alone. So don't come here with honor since you asked for a duel (iRP) one of these days and decided that blowing me up was the way to go today (iRP).

Three. As you probably noticed and Cartel Nexx can well provide the signature if he so wishes it, i've sent all the CR that were with me on 29 to go back to 44 and to go trading or what else since i only wanted to talk to Nexx. In the time i got on =CR=Kaze[44th] and rp'ed with you till the time you decided to shoot me, it went what, 15-20 minutes i would say? And yet no backup for me came. Because i said i didn't wanted none.

Four. For that you are absolutly right, my bad. My BIG mistake it was.
Had that setmsg for my rp with a GC friend and thought it was my customary - *Grins fiendishly* -
Ask anyone who knows me, and you probably know too that i don't powergame. It was a mistake and i offer to you my sincere apologies.


The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - arvg - 03-01-2010

I made my position clear.

I want to see better out of the CR. You are an official faction and this continued behaviour is detrimental to you more so.

Their own volition or not (I doubt it sincerely) the fact was that while we were two on one I could have had it as five to one, and many agreed I should have.

We played sportingly, you guys did not.

If you want to improve the CR reputation, then you need to start acting like you deserve it.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Kaze Dagon - 03-01-2010

So that means you accept my apology for my Big Mistake?
And i am here, giving you my word that i didn't called for any kind of backup.
It's up to you to take or leave it.
Either way this business is finished.