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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-23-2007

Message to: Grand Admiral Mcintosh

Comm ID: Jay Simon CEO [IND]

One of your boys has just overstepped the mark a little, and then proceeded to smart-mouth my excecutives.
A ship named Dieter Zehn has just attacked, without provocation, and destroyed one of my fleet of traders.
A lower level armoured transport in Omicron Theta, a little out of his area too I believe.
His reasons for this were extremely thin and pretty flaky, seems he was bored and felt this was an easy target.
His excuse seems to have been, he was going to engage the trader's Gateway tagged escort, which left the
area Unable to do this, he attacked the trader.
I'm extremely upset with this so called SCRA operative. He thought it was very funny. Big lad, attacking a
trader without provacation or warning.
He will remain KOS to any of the Epsilon wing till reperations of 5 million are paid to [IND]Lexxian, and some
sort of public dressing down is administered.
I will not tolerate any pilot stepping beyond his brief because hes got nothing better to do, especially in AW
space, and when our diplomacy is set at neutral.
I hope to be hearing something positive on this very soon.

Message ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-23-2007

Transmit to:Jay Simon CEO [IND]
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mcintosh


Interesting, very interesting. You mean to tell me that your boys transponders are broken, still? I take it the Gateway wing is having a few startup issues. Do correct those, please, or we might have more unfortunate incidents.

Well, 5 million it is, if thats what an Armoured Transport is running for these days. I hope they get the right IFF's on the new ones, or it'll cost them in the long run. The man's been paid, and as for your 'apology' demand, unlikely. He acted as he saw fit, and an IND ship should know better than to run an LSF tag. Non-IND, Police tagged escorts are similarily frowned upon.

Lt. Commander Zehn, continue to carry out your duties, but take care that you don't cross paths with the IND again. They'll be leaving you alone, and If they don't, terminate them.

Mcintosh out.

Transmission Ended

OOC: Yea, I had one of those once, you can pack lots of guns onto them.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-23-2007

Message to: Grand Admiral Mcintosh

Comm ID: Jay Simon

Thank you for your swift consideration in these matters. A good compomise all round had been reached.
Following up on my end, I have admonished my colleages for their inconsistancies in ship registration papers,
and pointed them in the correct direction for the relevant office.
They assure me they were a little lost, though were not expecting any trouble in AW controlled space, as we
have an understanding with that particular faction for safe passage while in their jurisdiction.
The Epsilons have been stood down now, hopefully to just continue with escorting duties.
If your reputation allows, please drop by my offices at any time if further problems arise. I'm afraid I am
personally, persona non grata in your particular part of the world.
On a final note though, it would appear your Lt. Commander is flying a ship considered to be the domain of
the Liberty military only, perhaps some confusion arose from that. Something more suitable to his standing
should possibly be employed in the future, to avoid any futher misunderstanding.
Cordially yours ... Jay

Message ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-23-2007

Transmit to: Jay Simon (CEO)
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mcintosh

Charmed. If any more problems do come out of this, I'll be sure to make you aware, either in-person, or through a suitably 'instructed' messenger. Although, I'm sure we won't be having any more problems, aren't you?

Oh, and Mr. Zehn will fly what he wants, particularily if said ship is a proud part of our history in this sector.

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-24-2007

Transmission to: All SCRA
CC: AW Message Dump
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mcintosh

My Brothers, I bring you news of new treachery from the Asgard Warriors. While the RACS-M'zav'koh and Lt-Commander Dieter Zehn we're conducting routine mapping exercises through the Omicrons, they were assaulted by an AW Gunboat/Bomber pair. The Bomber (who appeared to be in command) later claimed that he recieved an 'Incoming Missle Warning' while face-to-face with the Frigate, and assumed he was being fired upon. A vicious battle followed, with the AW gunboat being quickly dispatched, and the bomber continuing harassing fire.

After quite a time, a Bounty Hunter Battleship appeared, and began firing upon the frigate. Although they crew fought back valiantly, the Albatross was no match for the larger, undamaged ship, and was reduced to near scrap. Of the 2300 man crew, 1800 are injured or dead, and Captain Kohlman estimates a three month minimum repair time, before it can even be moved to a more secure location.

Lt-Commander Dieter Zehn managed to escape the combat, with vicious damage, to Strongpoint Gamma, and is now awaiting a new ship delivery (expected within the week).

I was alerted to the situation once the M'zav'koh had been towed back, and I proceeded to make contact with the AW bomber. Although we're now hostile to the AW, I'm proposing a two-week ceasefire, in which we will refrain from entering Omicron Theta, and they will refrain from entering Omega 52*. If this two-week ceasefire isn't broken, both factions will downgrade to 'Unfriendly', and the situation will return to normal.

----------Remainder SCRA Only-------------

New news on our system, the Great Space Gods have decreed that rather than owning Omega 50, we will govern Omega 52. This system, although farther from Omega 49 than I would prefer, is otherwise perfect for our ideals, already containing a station, with plans for several more. I shall be submitting a plan to the Great Space Modder tonight or tommorow, and construction will commence soon.

Grand Admiral Mcintosh, out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-24-2007

Transmit To: All SCRA Personnel
Transmission from: Adm. Korr

So I was at Cadiz and all they really need to support docking mechanisms with Liberty cruisers.

[Image: screen27.jpg]

[Image: screen25.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-25-2007

Transmit to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Totenkopt

More Training Excersises conducted with Red Dragon near Strongpoint Gamma, he shows much improvement. I'd like to reccomend that Lt. Commader Zehn be given command of a new training squadron, based on Strongpoint Gamma, as his work with this pilot has been exemplory.

I've decided to keep my wing at Strongpoint Gamma for now, for although we've a ceasefire with the AW, I'd rather know what they're doing than not. Our latest intelligence has noted AW ranging from Omega 49 to New Tokyo. No idea what they were up to, but I'm requesting additional spyships be attached to my wing for the time being.

For the Coalition! Totenkopt out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-25-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Commodore Solaris, SCRA Treasury

Right, listen up. We've promised the Great Space Modder (Nightfall) One Billion Credits by Sunday, so lean on your traders! We need that money, and we need it now.

Solaris out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TankTarget - 04-29-2007

Comm ID: *******
Encrpytion: UNKNOWN
Run command...
SEND: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

"Many of you may know me, and through Sirius' 'underground' grapevine the news of my departure from this system has been made well known. I offer this warning to you all...the most elite pilots of Sirius there is a horror on the horizon like none we have ever seen..."

Trace disrupted.
Origin of transmission unknown

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 04-29-2007

Transmit To: John Cobalt Sundered.Heart
Transmission from: Jaden Korr Sleeper.Cell.II

Great horror indeed... John you have seemed to change... I don't know this "enhancement"... It changes people... I Don't know you and McIntosh anymore. Maybe I should really get it but I have my doubts about it now.

End Transmission_