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Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 08-16-2012

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IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Ludwig Becker, Recruitment officer
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Re: Review request
Sehr geehrter Kadett Erhard,

the best would be, you've a wingman, when fighting against superior forces.
However, I know, there is not always a police officer avaible.
For such cases you're free to request Rheinwehr support via the Sk1p3-Network.

Furthermore: To improve your fighting abilities against a gunboat, you can also request a trainings-fight with the Bundespolizei gunboat.

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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 08-16-2012

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PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Carl Becker
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Promotions
The Kadetten Nussmann and Erhard are hereby promoted to the Rank of Wachmann.

Keep the work meine Herren.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Inspekteur Carl Becker
Rheinland Bundespolizei

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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 08-16-2012

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PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Patrol file 20120810

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

as I wouldn't have enough to do, I was on friday the 10z August on patrol in New-Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg.

In New-Berlin, I had to investigate a possible violation of orders from the captain of the APM-Taurus.
Those, who remember ze callsign, will of course understand, zat I was suspect about the disorderly conduct.

Detective Wolthers clarified the incident, at ze end, it was an misunderstanding and I've to note, zat ze APM-Taurus is now commanded by anozer person.

While we investigated ze Taurus, a freelancer wiz junker affiliation crossed our way. He was transporting restricted materials.
Dective Wolthers was after him, but ze freelancer entered Sigma-13 and was out of influence.

Later I investigated ze OSI-Eternal.Light, which was using a liberty ship, commanded by Frau Kaitleen Rodriguez.
While a Zoner using such a ship is a bit suspect, zere was nozing wrong with the ship/captain/cargo.

However, I couldn't finish the verification, because I saw a junker ship (.:j:.Supplier) heading to ze Westerwald on scanners. He refuses ze order to stop and was to fast to intercept, finally the captain has broken ze embargo to Liberty.

On ze way back from Hamburg to New-Berlin, to report zat incident, anozer junker crossed my way, callsign Misfit, ze captain was selling manifolds wizin Rheinland.

While zis was not a problem for me, I asked ze junker for his destination. He said zat he wanted to trade on an hessian base.
Because zis junker was attempting to support ze terrorists of Rheinland, I tried to arrest said junker, unfortunately he declined to follow direct orders.
I was still trying to stop him from proceeding, but he managed to put out my ship in New-Berlin.
I had to wait until a Rheinwehr patrol found my escape pod. Fortunately ze blackbox was intact.

PS: Ze evidence of said violations will be put in ze RCDB.


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - SMI-Great.Fox - 08-16-2012

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PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Kommisar Daniel Artura
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
COPY TO: Personall Datapad
SUBJECT: Input Patrol Log

[font=Book Antiqua]Guten Morgen,

And a busy day it has been.

I was wise to request permission for a Fafnir class today. When it was reported that a small group of Hessians were reported near Berlin herself. And my vessel performed beautifully despite being a tad slow on the steering.

Mhmm. Small. The group consisted of 5 Hessian Class Battleships, 2 Vidar Class Cruisers, a single Heimdall gunship, and a few bomber craft.

It took us two rounds to clear the sky, but in the end, virtually 3/4ths of the Hessian capital group simply cloaked away. Seems they enjoy turning tail when they can, now that cheap hit and run attacks begin to fail them.

Kommisar Daniel Artura
Bundespolizei Rheinland

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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Ivan - 08-17-2012

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PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
SOURCE: Stammheim police department, planet Stuttgart
SUBJECT: Action report

[font=Book Antiqua]Per emergency call from Berlin at 21:30 I launched into space from Freiburg station, Stuttgart star system. Presumably at 21:45 I arrived to orbit of planet Berlin, Berlin star system. Orbital space station Neukoeln Industrial Complex was heavily bombed by 4 (number might be incorrect) Red Hessian capital ships escorted by plenty of fighters and bombers of various classes. Our reserves and reinforcements (BHG) started to arrive in next 15 minutes. While bombers were focusing capital ships, I was trying to get fighters off them. In next 10 minutes 2 Mandalorian mercenaries arrived and separated me from main fight. I had to take them on using the Ring automated defence systems. Occasionally I was also fired upon by Hessian gunship and one of their mercenaries.
At 22:30 I managed to shoot one of Mandalorians down, the other one being forced to escape, as Hessians have lost the battle during our fight.

Unfortunately Neukoeln Industrial Complex was destroyed. Luckily, all the personnel was evacuated before the station was blown up. 2 civilians casualities were reported, both were trapped in shootout. Unfortunately I do not have the records for them.

While on the way back to Freiburg station I stopped and shot down Hessian gunship.

IMPORTANT: Mandalorians had their ships equipped with BHG equipment. Presumably equipment is stolen, since BHG itself fought alongside with us.

Bundespolizei Rheinland

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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 08-24-2012

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PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Detektiv Thomas Wolthers
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Duty report 24th August, 818 A.S.

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Meine Damen and Herren, this is Thomas Wolthers speaking.

Today the Hessians and pirates tried to raid Rheinland, but me and others dedicated to the defense of our Vaterland were succesfull.

01: Hessian raiding New Berlin and Frankfurt
I heard on the emergency frequency of pirates in Rheinland. When I was about to move out and help ein Daumann transport, I encountered ein Hessian battleship near planet New Berlin. As it was a direct threat to the civilians of our capital, I engaged said vessel and with the help of the Rheinwehr, the Hessian vessel was destroyed.
Soon after, two more Hessian cruisers engaged us near Oder, both belonged to the Rotfront. One of them was destroyed, the other was somehow managed to escape in Dresden. Last but not least ein Odin fighter was disabled near Mannheim in Frankfurt system.
* * * * * *

02: Rogue Bounty Hunter capital vessel in Rheinland
Not long after I received ein message about ein rogue Bounty Hunter capital vessel that was spotted in New Berlin.
The RNC-Pressburg of the primary Rheinwehr fleet already tried to investigate, but the Bounty Hunter kapitaen did not respond to any message, instead it tried to flee to Halle system.
In the end it was terminated by the Pressburg and me in Halle.
* * * *

After I was sure that there was no threat left out, I landed on New Berlin got ein rest.

End of Report


Thomas Wolthers.

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - snortibu - 09-06-2012

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Encryption: Medium

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Comm Id.: Kadett Thomas Holtricher (in Training)
Source of Transmission: Planet New Berlin, Nibelung Polizei Plaza

Subject: Patrol Report 001 - Enforcement of Cargo Regulations

Meine Damen und Herren,

as part of mein training to become a Rheinland Police officer, after having completed ze two years duty aboard atmosphere-bound vessels in New Berlin, I was finally sent on my first space assignment on night duty from yesterday to today. And I have to say, it has not been that uneventful as I had hoped.

On zis patrol, we have encountered two ships carrying military vessels through Rheinland without a license (Art. 3 §1) according to the Rheinland Federal Polizei Cargo Regulations, one in New Berlin and the second one in Hamburg.

Both Ships refused to cooperate and decided to escape from being fined, and had to be put out of action according to (Art.2 §
You can look at the evidence here:


This was the first time in my life for me having to use deadly force, which is a nightmare to me, and now it happened twice on my first patrol. I sure wish the Captains of the smugglers would have behaved smarter and at least try to talk it out. It could all have ended with a fine.

I am returning to Nordberlin now to my regular Polizeistation.

Kdt. Thomas Holtrichter eh.

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RE: Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 09-29-2012

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IDENTIFICATION: Detektiv Thomas Wolthers
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Duty report 29th September, 818 A.S.

[Image: n5huc8fxgnxo.jpg]


Greeetings, meine Damen and Herren.

The following duty report is about yesterday's patrol flown by me and Frau Oberst Bommel.

01:Junker vessels causing trouble
TLAG sensors indicated ein junker vessel carrying light arms. As I was not sure if said vessel had ein license to haul this cargo, me and Frau Oberst intercepted the Congress vessel near planet Hamburg and interrogated the kapitaen.
During this interrogation we found out, that the junker wanted to haul polymers and other goods across the border to Liberty, we ordered him to drop his cargo expect light arms as they were meant to be defense weapons for the crew. After that the Pilgrim liner headed back to Liberty, with empty cargo.

In Frankfurt we stumbled upon one junker fighter, that was insulting ein Kishiro vessel. We warned him not to do this again and better obey our laws.

* * * *

02: Embargo violator hauling blood diamonds
During the second junker incident, TLAG-sensors tracked ein vessel hauling
blood diamons within Rheinland. I tried to intercept it, but it had already reached Bering jumpgate before I was even in Hamburg system.

Soon after I ended mein shift.

End of Report


Thomas Wolthers.

RE: Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 09-29-2012

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IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Rudolf Meier
SOURCE: Berlin-Tegel, Munich system
SUBJECT: Bretonia incident in munich

Guten Tag,

I was ordered from Oberst Schulz to report an incident happened yesterday in munich.

There was a Bowex) tagged Borderworld Export convoy consisting of 3 ships in front of Planet Nuremberg. Nothing unusual normally, but the convoy had a Bretonian Armed Force ship as escort.

It hasn't take long and BDM Direktor Voss as well as a DHC gunboat came as reinforcement.

The BDM Director Voss as well as Oberst Schulz were not pleased to see the a foreign Military craft within Rheinland.
Bowex assured that this captain isn't part of the Armed Force any more, but the tag and the papers have shown it otherwise.

We've escorted they out of Rheinland.


Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Kommissar Rudolf Meier, chief officer, Berlin-Tegel
Rheinland Bundespolizei

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RE: Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Weser - 10-03-2012

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Identification : Grenzwachmeister/in Linda Stein
Source : Nibelung Polizei Plaza , Planet New Berlin
Encryption : High
Priority : High

Guten Tag meine Damen and Herren .

Yesterday on an routine Patrol i got called by Kommissar Daniel Artura to assist him and his Patrol to drive back an Libertonian Attackgroup . The Libertonian Fleet was fast driven back from Hamburg in their attempts to retreat they lost an Carrier and one of their Dreadnoughts , after they jumped to the Bering System we charged them and ran again into their already beaten fleet , it's nothing unusual that the Navy brings Capitalships to the Battles but it is more than unusual that they bring an
Bounty Hunter Battleship . The Bounty Hunter Battleship opened fire upon us after we jumped into the Bering System , the Battleship got Destroyed by Kommissar Arturas Bomber wing and the rest of the Libertonian Fleet got destroyed by Military Ships .

Guncam :[*] [*] [*]


Grenzwachmeister/in Linda Stein

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