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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 08-04-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. We have managed to secure large quantity of Light Arms on Ouray. This will make running our supplying operation much easier. remember that Juveniles and above can take the Smoke Creek to haul any cargo. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Silekar - 08-07-2012 ***Incoming Transmission*** ***CommID: Silekar.Dravin*** ***Encryption: Network Coded*** ***Processing*** Hello everyone, I am here to report on events which took place yesterday (the ones I was there for anyway). A rhino freighter was moving through Colorado carrying light arms. The freighter refused to stop and refused to respond, so XA-Python and I (XA-Egg.Eater) took the liberty of blowing it up, with XA-Python firing the finishing shot. :::Enemy engaged::: Engaged by: XA-Python, XA-Egg.Eater Engagement location: Colorado (just outside Ouray) Ship Type: Rhino Freighter IFF: Knighthawk Outcome: DESTROYED Evidence: See below... After the freighter was destroyed, Python and I took some of the light arms back to Ouray (I delivered while Python stood guard). Unfortunately, a liberty rogue ran by and stole the remaining light arms after I made two trips. Python dropped off the remaining guns from his hold, and in total, we delivered 151 light arms to Ouray. Light arm shipment to Ouray = 151 light arms. Evidence for both the light arms shipments, and the destruction of the rhino freighter can be found here: picasaweb.google.com/118388966437439004810/AllYouNeedIsGunsEvent Egg-Eater signing off. ***Transmission Terminated*** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Horatio_Hornblower - 08-08-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: <Joshua (Python) Kent>::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: A couple days ago, I took off from Ouray in a Waren and flew to the New York jumpgate in Colorado, in anticipation of doing more for the mission codenamed 'big game paths'. The first catch that I had was called LNT-New.Amsterdam, with an IFF of Navy, if my databanks are correct. He was a Mastadon, carrying about 4750 plutonium from Okinawa to Pennsylvania. I ordered him to drop the cargo, and he did not agree to. I gave him one last chance, but he said, and I quote: 'I'd rather die than drop my this'. I immediately attacked, but before I could get him, he slipped through the jumpgate, and was able to get through the lane on the other side before I could stop him. Next came a Shire, name: Nautalis IFF:Bowex. It was carrying around 4100 Neon. When I asked him to stop, he said 'NO, *bleep* off!' That is a direct quote. He immediately started running, not even bothering to fight me. He was destroyed in a couple of minutes, and the neon was also destroyed, since I could not carry it all, and it was obviously going to somewhere in Kusari. As I was cruising around waiting for the next victim to come, the LNS-Ravenswood, a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser, with a navy IFF came in from the jumpgate. He ordered me to go back to my home, and I refused, telling him to mind his own business, and to run back to New York. He gave me one last chance to run, and I again refused. As expected, it came to blows, and I was soon my waren, while not much to look at, looked even worse in millions of pieces'¦ He left my pod there, and a friendly Xeno patrol picked me up and took me back to Ouray. My commander yelled a lot over the loss of the Waren, and so I was a assigned to a recently captured and refitted Arrow LF. A couple days later, I took the Arrow out for a ride, and encountered a Defender named Peregrinus_5, with a police IFF. We met in Pennsylvania, around Philadelphia station. It was a tough fight, as I was still getting used to the different controls a light fighter has than a bomber, but I pulled through, and he went boom. Reporting on some more recent action'¦ Me and XA-Egg.Eater did some stuff, killed a freelancer named Knighthawk, but he filed a report on that. Why bother typing it all over again? Today though, I ran some guns from Ouray to Nome base, while Lancehead and Rattler took some to other bases. This was all done under the mission codenamed 'all you need is guns'. I delivered 1070 light arms, in three different trips to Nome, filling it's quota. That concludes my report for today. Joshua Kent out :::Enemy engaged::: Engagement location: <NY jumpgate in Colorado> Ship Type: <Mastadon> IFF: <Liberty Navy> Name: <LNT-New.Amsterdam> Outcome: <Damaged> Evidence: <No Data (Ship Destroyed)> :::Enemy engaged::: Engagement location: <NY jumpgate in Colorado> Ship Type: <Shire> IFF: <Bowex> Ship Name: <Nautalis> Outcome: <DESTROYED> Evidence: <No Data (Ship Destroyed)> :::Enemy engaged::: Engagement location: <Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Station> Ship Type: <Defender> IFF: <Liberty Police> Ship Name: <Peregrinus_5> Outcome: <DESTROYED> Evidence: <No Data> :::Enemy engaged::: Engagement location: <NY jumpgate in Colorado> Ship Type: <Rhino> IFF: <None> Ship Name: <Knighthawk> Outcome: <DESTROYED> Evidence: <See Silekar Dravin's report> :::Cargo supplied::: Destination: <Nome Base> Cargo Type: <Light Arms> Quantity: <1070> Evidence: <Evidence link attached to bottom of report> :::Connection terminated:::
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Horatio_Hornblower - 08-08-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::XENO ALLIANCE AUTOMATED REPORTING SYSTEM::: :::Comms ID: <Joshua Kent>::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: Kent here, I would like to submit my apologies, I did not attach a link like I said I would in my report. Here it is, sorry about my mistake. Report Evidence from above report Kent out. :::Connection terminated:::
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Horatio_Hornblower - 08-08-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION::: :::XENO ALLIANCE AUTOMATED REPORTING SYSTEM:::
:::Comms ID: <Joshua (Python) Kent>::: :::Establishing data channel...done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done:::
:::Establishing video channel... done:::
I did a couple of different runs today for the mission 'All you need is Guns' This morning I did two harrowing runs from Ouray to Milford, delivering a total of 970 light arms, or two X-Shuttle's worth of cargo. That made it so that Milford only needed 100 more light arms to fill it's quota. The first trip back to Ouray, I encountered a big Navy presence. I just barely got away, and I only got away, because it was 'too much of an effort for them'. Take my word for it, it was too close for comfort. The second trip was very uneventful. Because of my great runs this morning, the commander gave me the keys to XA-Smoke.Creek, one of the Xenos precious captured Albatrosses. I filled it up with light arms, about 1935 of them, and applied for an escort, but there was none to be found. So I set out on my own, hoping to keep a low profile, and avoid trouble, cause I really didn't want to lose another ship, cause I had already lost a Waren about a week earlier. The plan I had was this: Take the NY jumphole to NY. Give Planet Manhatten a big berth, get to Penn, and head to Milford. Drop off 100 light arms at Milford to fill their quota, and carry the rest to Hudson through jumpholes. The plan went off without a hitch. XA-Lancehead was kind enough to escort me back, and I appreciated his help. :::Cargo supplied::: Destination: <Milford Base, Pennsylvania> Cargo Type: <Light Arms> Quantity: <485> Transporting ship: <X-Shuttle> Evidence: <Evidence link attached> :::Cargo supplied::: Destination: <Milford Base, Pennsylvania> Cargo Type: <Light Arms> Quantity: <485> Transporting ship: <X-Shuttle> Evidence: <Evidence link attached> :::Cargo supplied::: Destination: <Milford Base, Pennsylvania> Cargo Type: <Light Arms> Quantity: <100> Transporting ship: <Albatross> Evidence: <Evidence link attached> :::Cargo supplied::: Destination: <Barrow Base, Hudson> Cargo Type: <Light Arms> Quantity: <1835> Transporting ship: <Albatross> Evidence: <Evidence link attached> :::Connection terminated:::
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Horatio_Hornblower - 08-09-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION::: :::XENO ALLIANCE AUTOMATED REPORTING SYSTEM:::
:::Comms ID: <Joshua (Python) Kent>:::
:::Establishing data channel...done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: Python, reporting in. Today, I was ordered to take out XA-Smoke.Creek, to deliver some more light arms to Barrow Base in the Hudson system, to fill it's quota of light arms under the mission 'all you need is guns'. I was given the honor of pilot because I had made it back in one piece from the same mission in the same ship the day before. I filled my cargo bay full of light arms, and took off from Ouray. I made it through NY and Texas just fine, and dropped off the 1935 light arms at Barrow with out any trouble, fulfilling their needs of light arms. On the way back, I ran into a Battleship patrol outside Planet Houston, which was almost the end of me, but I was able to safely get away, with great help from countermeasures. New York did not present a problem to me, but I did run into a police fighter named BeleNus outside the jumpgate to Colorado. He tried to follow me, but he gave up the chase when he saw that I was going to get to Ouray ahead of him. Python out. :::Cargo supplied::: Destination: <Barrow Base, Hudson> Cargo Type: <Light Arms> Quantity: <1935> Transporting ship: <Albatross, (XA-Smoke.Creek)> Evidence: <Evidence link attached> :::Connection terminated:::
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 08-09-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. Two days ago, I brought one full Smoke Creek of guns to Nome and with some help of Rattler, we've finished the Dryden deliveries. Today, XA-Liberty (Me) , XA-Sonora (Racer) and XA-White Sands (Rattler), escorted by Anaconda, Golden Tree and a few more xeno pilots, we delivered almost 11k of light arms to Vespucci system. That concludes the "All you need is guns" operation. All pilots involved in this operation are awarded the operation ribbon. ![]() Rattler, Python, Racer, Egg Eater - you're awarded the Bronze Base Supplier Medal. Good job, people. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 08-09-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. Anaconda, Egg Eater, Golden Tree, Python and Venom. You're screwed. From now on, you're Ripes. ![]() Put these on. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Evo - 08-12-2012 .:Incoming Transmission:.
--Transmission ID Establishing.. --Transmission ID--Thomas Greenfield--Location--Ames Research Station, Kepler-- 'Allo. Good progress today, fixed one of those ignorant navy lads with Lancehead 'n whatnot. Flyin' one of those gunboats, demandin' us to leave our own home. We didn't like that so we decided to make him leave ours 'n whatnot. I neva' thought I'd make quite a score on ma maiden voyage 'n whatnot, good day for me. **Cracks open a beer, drinking loudly and belching after a short moment** 'Nyways, guncams should be uploadin' soon 'n whatnot. Picture 'o the papers One less oppressor 'n whatnot Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Horatio_Hornblower - 08-13-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION::: :::XENO ALLIANCE AUTOMATED REPORTING SYSTEM:::
:::Comms ID: <Joshua (Python) Kent>:::
:::Establishing data channel...done:::
:::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: Python, reporting in. A couple of days ago I was out by the New York Jumpgate in the Colorado system, hoping to interrogate some ships for the mission ‘Big Game Paths’. With me was another Xeno Ben.Valdez he was flyin a Roc, and I a Marauder. First thing that came through the Jumpgate were two Light fighters. One, Heart_Broken_ </3 was flyin a CSV, IFF: Freelancer. He had no cargo, so I let him go through with no trouble. The other one, named Eagle_Nest, again, IFF: Freelancer. I don’t remember what ship he was in, other than a light fighter. He had two Xeno Pilots in his hold, so I ordered him to drop them. Then, because I was quite mad, I destroyed his ship… But I realized I most likely shouldn’t have done that, so I tractored in his pod, and ejected him and his pod outside Pueblo station, where he could find his way to wherever he was going. Next throught the Gate was a Behomoth named The. Elder IFF: Freelancer. He said he was carrying the 3000 Neon in his hold from Erie to Pueble Station. We let him go. A little bit later he came back, with Pharmacuticals, from Denver to Erie. We congragulated him on trading in Liberty, but we warned him to get a nice good Liberty ship, instead of a stinkin’ foreigner ship like the Behomoth. He said he was savin up for one. A little later, a Liberty gunboat Mascherano.Javier IFF:Navy came through, so Valdez and I got out of there, not being enough to even think about taking it on and coming out alive. We docked at Ouray. Yesterday, I was at the Jumpgate again with Egg.Eater, Anaconda, and Bandy-Bandy, when a Bison called Ageira|Etna came through IFF: Ageira. He was carrying 4210 Neon, and when interrogated, he said that he was taking it to Misaki Station in Rishiri. We didn’t like that, and gave him an option. 1. Drop the Cargo 2. Be destroyed 3. Trade it in Liberty. We convinced him that he should trade the Helium at Philidelphia station in Pennsylvania, where he could get a decent price for it. But when he started to move, he moved towards the trade lane to Pueblo Station. We stopped him, and gave him a last chance to turn around. He finally did. I hope he did trade in Liberty, but knowing those corporate types, most likely not. Egg.Eater was going to report, but since I was already turning in a report, I offered to do it instead. Python out. :::Enemy engaged::: Engagement location: <NY Jumpgate in Colorado> Ship Type: <Light Fighter> IFF: <None> Ship Name: <Eagle_Nest> Outcome: <DESTROYED > Evidence: <Recorders not running> :::Connection terminated:::