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Sunbucks Cafe - Silver.2 - 08-26-2009

Aaron walked in slowly. 'Oh God' he thought 'my first time in'. The last time anyone in the Garretson family had come in here, it 'was disaster', as his dad put it. The welcoming smell of coffee filled the air. It seems like the LPI had their side of the cafe, and the other side was filled with a jumble of humanity.

'Hey!' a rather cheery officer called 'Hey man! come over here!'. It dawned on him that he was calloing to me. He seated himself in the spot next to him. 'Im Mace' he said boisterously. 'A-Aaron' he stammered out.

'Hey!' he called out again 'What's wrong whitcha?' At an almost total loss for words, Aaron only managed to get out ''s my first day..kinda nervous..'. 'Dont worry about it!' he said. You know, Aaron really believed him.

Sunbucks Cafe - Death.RunningVerminator - 08-28-2009

Trait saw the new guy walk in and threw a donut at "Aaron" Torro Trait walked up to him and said, "jelly filled... oh and here's a helpful hint. Ignore all those drama queens and princesses, marcus lindeburgndburgurndeburger falls in to one of those categories... i think. Well that's all! Cya!" Trait went back to his seat and continued to drink his coffee.

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 08-30-2009

Marcus got a paintball gun, stuck it up Torro's nose, and pulled the trigger. 30 times...

Sunbucks Cafe - - 08-30-2009

Lauren Myers walks into her dads office to find Matt sitting by the exhaust vent looking at a monitor on his left ...giggling

What the hell are you doing dad?

Matt turns around to show he is holding a fishing rod

Ok umm, Should I ask?

Matt grins and points to the Monitor showing a bunch of Officers jump at a dangling piece of paper, Lauren still confused tilts her head and notices in the top right hand corner of the piece of paper the words "Wage"

You evil dastard, Ohh and there will be more of those around as after I spring clean LPI those who deserve a wage will be getting one

Matt Myers has a heart attack and changes colour to match his background

You know that isn't physically possible

Sunbucks Cafe - Death.RunningVerminator - 08-31-2009

Torro Trait wonders how the ancient "paintball gun" survived into the future. Then Trait gets up and pops a plasma gun in Lindeberg/Lindeburgur/Lindeburger 's rear end.

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 09-01-2009

Marcus walked into the (LPI) Chief's office. Chief Myers wasn't there, but Marcus left a letter. It read 'Resignation'.

He left the letter on the Chief's desk, as well as his badge, and walked out the door.

Sunbucks Cafe - jshkornmiller - 09-03-2009

Walks in the Cafe and finds himself a seat. A waiter comes up and asks him what he wants.

"I'll have the usual my, Sunbucks burger extreme and a large fry. A coke with that as well"

"Yes sir, it'll be just a moment. care for a donut while you wait?" she replies with a smile and a sensual wink.

Fredro chuckles. "yes ma'am, Make it a cream filled chocolate glazed."

"okay! I'll be right back!" she winks as she turns around deliberately shaking her rump as she walks away, common for the girls to increase there tip. And Fredro falls for it every time.

He looks to the door as he sips his Fresh Coca-cola.

"wonder where Henry is, i wanted to get to know him a bit more.?" He says to himself lightly.

Sunbucks Cafe - Guest - 09-03-2009

Henry walks along the Fort Bush Station until he reach the Sunbucks.

-"Woah, this place is crawling of LPI people... No one works here?"

While Henry is looking for a seat, he sees a hand waving at the other corner of the bar.

-"Henry! Over there!"

Henry walks toward the seat next to Fredro.

-"Nice to see you Sergeant" - Henry says

-"How are you boy? Come on, take seat and order something to eat, the waitress is here"

-Oh, we have a new LPI officer here, because I haven't see you here before. What do you want for lunch? - Asks the waitress

-Yeah, no one explained me about this place until Fredro did it... Eeer, I'd like a Sunbucks Special Burguer, without onion, please

-And bring a doughnut for him too! You'd like them, Henry! - Exclaimed Fredro happily.

The waitress leaves to bring back the ordered food while Henry and Fredro are watching her shaking rump.
Fredro begins to speak.

-"Well, we have too much things to talk about on this difficult times, Henry"

Sunbucks Cafe - Death.RunningVerminator - 09-04-2009

Torro Trait walked beside the entrance and begun his "greeting" routine.

"Hello there! Grab a donut!"

Sunbucks Cafe - Boss - 09-04-2009

Jim had been having a bad day. No, make that a Very Bad Day. First visited by a ghost from the 207th, then he'd had to go deal with an insurrection in Shipping. Apparently the RepEx guy had delivered a package for one "Matthew Myers". The problem arose when the receiving clerk vehemently denied there being anyone by that name, and insisted that the RepEx guy change it to the Chief's legal name. (Well, as legal as he made it. Since he was the law, it was all Jim-Dandy) RepEx-man did not want to learn how to hyphenate "King-Emperor-Matt-Myers-Oogleplaghfn-The-Fortieth-Overlord-Of-All-That-Is-Chocolate". Carnage ensued. Tazers were fired, fines were levied, and donuts were eaten.

Jim needed a break. He headed into Sunbucks and cast around with his eyes, squinting a bit in order that he might look "vicious". He spotted a gaggle of new officers in the corner and slowly made his way over.