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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Antiker - 10-26-2011

[Image: comheader.png]

*Shin browses the new Applications in his office on New Tokyo*

This is Shin Takeru Recruitment Officer speaking,

Gent Bajko your application is under review. I requested you to open Personal Comlinks via S.K.Y.P.E.-Comlinks. As soon as you do this we will go on with the recruitment process.

*Shin closes the comlinks*

[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kiith - 10-30-2011

<<<Incoming Transmission>>>

From Isatu hirawata
Unit:Kusari Naval Forces Reservists
To: Kusari Naval Forces Administration
Subject: Reactivation

Konnichiwa to whoever will reach this message,
this is Isatu Hirawata, former Officer of the Kusari Naval Forces Primary Fleet. Once I served with many other fighter pilots right on the battlefield. Unfortunately I had to leave the Kusarian Forces alone, due to several personal matters. But I promised to return to active duty on day. And with this message to the administration I request the reactivation and reassignmed to the primary fleet. I hope to get a positive answer soon.

Isatu Hirawata

//Flight experience: Fighters: 4| Bomber: 2| Gunboat: 6
//Knowledge of Kusari RP: 8
//S.K.Y.P.E: delta_403
//Your Timezone: GMT +2

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Antiker - 10-30-2011

[Image: comheader.png]

*Shin is surprised as he reads the latest Message*

If that isnt my old friend...

This is Shin Takeru recruitment Officer speaking.

Isatu my old friend, of course you can return to active duty. I hope we will rebuild our old friendship.And I hope to see you in Space.

*Shin closes the Connection*

[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Tyler - 11-07-2011

:: Incoming transmission ::
:: Encryption: K#48-L ::
:: Source location: planet New Tokyo, Toranaga Tea Room ::
:: Comm ID: Kuniumi Sonoda ::
:: Target ID: Shin Takeru ::
:: Subject: Recruitment ::

A young man appears in front of the camera. He looks around with a calmness view of his surroundings and then his eyes lock on you.
[Image: knfpersonalpicture.png]

'Konnichiwa Shin-sama.'

'Gomennasai for my bluntness, but I refrain myself from talking too much, which is due to my training on New Mount Fuji's at Sudara's dojo. Thus, I'll keep it short.'

'My family name is Kuniumi, my call-out name is Sonoda. At the age of 22 I've just got out the dojo, booted as Sudara-sama, my previous master, told me I could learn no more on the samurai-ways with the katana and the use of karate. He did, however, said I could learn more by flying for the emperor. My knowledge on the worlds is limited, alongside with my knowledge of the rest of Kusari space. You see, I've been recruited at the age of 5 and kept my soul and being on the mountain.'

Sonoda bows and stays in that position.

'Hereby I'd like to be accepted in the ranks of the Kusari Naval Forces. To undergo training to keep the great nation of Kusari strong. If you would accept me the spirits of my ancestors would be granted peace eternally. After all, a Samurai's death is honorable.'

He looks back in your eyes.

'Would you grant me the honor of becoming a samurai?'


The camera link starts to fade out and changes into the Kaō of Sonoda.


Flight experience: 5
Knowledge of Kusari RP: 4
S.K.Y.P.3. protocol: tyler.durden417
Timezone: GMT +1 (Amsterdam, Paris, Oslo)

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Ebon - 11-07-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Shōshō Kogan Ryu
>>>>To: Kuniumi Sonoda
>>>>Subject: Transfer for the Kusari Naval Forces primary fleet

Konnichiwa. Your application is under review by HQ. Check your private communications to follow the recruitment procedure.
Shōshō Kogan Ryu Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Ebon - 11-08-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Shōshō Kogan Ryu
>>>>To: Kuniumi Sonoda
>>>>Subject: Transfer for the Kusari Naval Forces primary fleet

Konbanwa. Your application has been accepted. Im sure you know what will happen now. We expect you asap at Hiroshima, and then you will be dispatched to proper wings and Commander.
Shōshō Kogan Ryu Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Ryunosuke - 11-08-2011

To: Kusari Naval Forces Primary Fleet
From: Shoi Hikaru Sanosuke

Konnichiwa, I am Shoi Hikaru Sanosuke, I am assigned to Kusari core space for patrolling and trafic control at the Tau 29 gate. My superiors have told me that I am wasting my time, when I could be helping the main fleet with major tasks. Following their advices, I am here requesting to be transfered to the Primary Fleet, to fulfil my duty, and serve the Empire.

About my background, I was born and raised in planet Kyushu, in the Sanosuke family, a merchant traditional family. Both parents still alive and working for the best of their enterprise. I found my destiny in the Naval ranks after finished my education. And joined the forces at the age of eighteen, I am currently twenty years old.

I will be waiting for your decision.

Shoi Hikaru Sanosuke

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Ebon - 11-08-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Shōshō Kogan Ryu
>>>>To: Hikaru Sanosuke
>>>>Subject: Transfer for the Kusari Naval Forces primary fleet

Konnichiwa. Your application is under review by HQ. Check your private communications to follow the recruitment procedure.
Shōshō Kogan Ryu Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

// PS: provide us the OORP info about you,

Flight experience:
Knowledge of Kusari RP:
S.K.Y.P.3. protocol:

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Ebon - 11-08-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Shōshō Kogan Ryu
>>>>To: Hikaru Sanosuke
>>>>Subject: Transfer for the Kusari Naval Forces primary fleet

I dont have any reason why I should deny your application. That means you are accepted. Thats all for now.
Shōshō Kogan Ryu Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Melkor - 11-18-2011

Incoming transmission
Sender ID: Takehico Hotaru
Location: Battleship Sado
Subject: KNF Application

Full name: Takehico Hotaru
Birthplace: Battleship Sado
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Konnichiwa KNF brothers. My name is Takenhico Hotaru. Many of you may already know me and my family for we have been in the service of the Emperor and the KNF for 7 generations. My birthday was one week ago today. However it was not a day of celebration for me or my family. My father Takenhico Hiro and older brother Takenhico Hiroko both members of the KNF died honorably at the hands of the BAF in the Leeds system. They died trying to further the Emperors gains fore they new the importance of the Leeds system resources fore the Kusari Empire. Now that I am of age I wish to honor my father and brother by joining with the KNF and continuing the fight against Bretonia. I am ready to die for the Emperor as my father and brother have.

Flight Experience: 5/10
Kusari History: 6/10
Timezone: GMT +7 US Mountain
Skype protocol: ZJohns003