Do you like the avatar above me? - Bisquit - 06-14-2012
Always weirded me out. It's a cloud, right?
Do you like the avatar above me? - Crackpunch - 06-14-2012
Not my kind of food.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Barbarossa - 06-14-2012
Only one more cigaratte and you can beat the world record!
Do you like the avatar above me? - Eduard - 06-14-2012
that song...Unbeliavable...
Do you like the avatar above me? - SeaFalcon - 06-14-2012
if it had furr I'd have a baseball bat.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Eduard - 06-14-2012
I got a scarf, made of fur, hope that doesn't counts:P
Also, what's with the fur?
Also, awesome Photoshop is awesome:D
Do you like the avatar above me? - Captain - 06-14-2012
it's fap-ulous!
Do you like the avatar above me? - Eduard - 06-14-2012
,,What?You tell me I'm not allowed with a bomb in the airport?!"
Do you like the avatar above me? - Melander - 06-14-2012
I think of some weird male hair designer for some reason. Yeah, one of -those- people 8|
Do you like the avatar above me? - r3vange - 06-14-2012