Epic tunes? - NOVA-5 - 02-22-2012
Mr. Symarip ~ Skinheads Dem a Come
Note the pic at 47 secs, tiz Slade:cool:
Epic tunes? - Prysin - 02-22-2012
from the Ano Hana anime
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 02-22-2012
Dizraeli and the Small Gods - Million Miles
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 02-23-2012
Electric Wizard - Return Trip
Glorious sludge.
Epic tunes? - Venkman - 02-23-2012
Kreator- Hordes of Chaos
Kreator- War Curse
Kreator- Destroy What Destroys You
Kreator- Amok Run
-Ok that's it, i'm too lazy to post more links :cool:
Enjoy in this music.
Epic tunes? - Madvillain - 02-23-2012
Epic tunes? - ugliestmoose - 02-24-2012
TV On the Radio - Staring at the Sun
Gonjasufi - Duet
Bonnie Prince Billy - Wolf Among Wolves
Epic tunes? - Tommeh - 02-24-2012
Gotye - Somebody I used to know!
Epic tunes? - NOVA-5 - 02-24-2012
looking at you Michael Davis, RIP
MC5 - Looking At You
Epic tunes? - Lennox - 02-24-2012
Celdweller...the best.:ylove: