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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 08-01-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: BAF Combined Fleets]
[Source: HMS Harlow]
[ComID: Admiral Nelson]

Notice to all Fleets:

On 2nd August a combined GMG / Zoner Consortium Convoy has clearance to pass through Bretonia to deliver supplies to Java Station, Tau 23. Their route is to go from Gran Canaria, up through Bretonia, taking the jump hole from Edinburgh to Tau 31 near Harris, and from there to Tau 23. At no point are they to enter Kusari-controlled space. All officers are advised that the neccessary visas for this convoy have been cleared and that they are to receive the full protection of the Bretonian Armed Forces whilst within our space, providing they do not deviate from the route prescribed.

Details of the arrangement may be confirmed here:

That is all.

Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Guest - 08-02-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Armed Forces HQ]
[Source: HMS Derby]
[ComID: Bart Bell, Ensign rank]

I got a report from a patrol stating that they'd spotted a Kusarian battleship and escort at Stokes Mining Facility.

I reported immeditatly to my Templar class fighter, which was being rearmed from a previous patrol. Once the rearmament was complete I undocked from the Derby and joined the rest of the fleet.


The fleet composed of:

The HMS Kent - Battleship class
The HMS Repulse - Destroyer class (Commanded by Captain Hunter)
Templar (Piloted by myself)
Templar (Piloted by Ensign Greg Edwards)
Templar (Piloted by Captain James Hobart)
Challenger (Piloted by Lieutenant S. Rockwell)

The enemy fleet composed of:

KNS Hitokiri - Battleship class
Ritsuka-kun - Kusarian bomber


Once the fleet was ready, we proceed to Stokes. The Templars immeditatly engaged the bomber (I managed to hit him first and drain his entire shield before he had a chance to react). The Kent and Repulse along with Rockwell engaged the battleship.

Engaging the enemy bomber

After taking several, direct hits, the Kent's crew was forced to abandon ship. Shortly after the enemy bomber went down. Although me and Rockwell had hit the bomber hard, the credit must go to Edwards, who I, personally saw hit the bomber with direct hits to the engine and generator seconds before the bomber was shot down by the Repulse.

Me and Edwards then helped the battle against the battleship, we circled it continuously while dropping our mines. The Repulse eventually scored a direct hit against the battleship's that caused its destruction.

We then fell back and fortified our position around Leeds.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - LivingOtta - 08-04-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Armed Forces HQ]
[Source: HMS Harlow]
[ComID: Greg Edwards, Ensign rank]

I undocked HMS Harlow and hooked up with the HMS Rodney. We then got a distress call over the emergency channel to get to leeds and help counteract the corsair invading fleet, me and the Rodney got to southampton Shipyard were the Rodney was told to stay while i scouted out the leeds JG to make sure it was clear.


Armed Forces Consisted of:
Battleship - HMS-Rodney
Templar - Ensign Bell
Templer - Admiral Montgomery
Templar - Lieutenant Commander Goodmen
Templar - Ensign Edwards
Bomber - DSS-Heron
Bomber - Admiral Nelles
Gunboat - HMS-Nestor
Gunboat - HMS-IronDuke
Gunboat - St.Loius BraveHeart

Enermy Fleet Consisted of:
One Battleship
One Gunboat (Reported)
Seven Smaller Craft (Majority bombers)
One Reaver Fighter
One Molly Fighter


Once we got into the systems leeds, me and the Rodney were ordered to split up, HMS Rodney carried on our course to Leeds planet were I quickly lost all visual and scanner confermation of him. I was ordered by Goodman to assist him to fight off two of the corsair bombers trying to take him on. After seven minuites of my engagment with the bombers, one of them was taken down. The image taken was by Goodmans weapon cam because mine was damaged in combat.

Confirmed Hostile kill.

Our Capital ships then defeated the enermy's main fleet and dispursed. While my ship recieved a deadly blow to its engine's, knowing my ships fate, I quickly ejected from his cockpit and Goodman quickly trackered me in.

I have now woken aboard the HMS Harlow reciecing medical treatment and a place to stay. i'll be ready for duty tomorrow.


Ensign. Greg Edwards

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - LivingOtta - 08-08-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Armed Forces HQ]
[Source: HMS Harlow]
[ComID: Greg Edwards, Ensign rank]

I recieved a emergency call from a Transporter in leeds, the call said a bomber was demanding money and not letting passage to the station LD-14, Leeds. Hearing this I rushed down to my Templer in Battleship Derby. Goodman and I then hooked up outside and proceed down to Stokes, and the onto the Pirate.


Armed Forces Consisted of:

Templar - Goodman
Templar - Ensign Edwards

Enermy Fleet Consisted of:

IMG Bomber


Me and Goodman saw the hostile contact on scanners and then got disrupted out of Tradelane while the Pirate headed back to stokes. We then pursude him to stokes were he used the station has a barracde with its wepon platforms. we stayed out of the stations range and tried to avoid contact with Battleships on patrols. When the time was right we pounced onto him whilst trying to dodge the gun platforms.

Hostile Contact.

Then while Kusari Naval Forces Battleships and Fighter rained overheard, a Small dispatch of Templers came to join the fray and they managed to draw some fire. After a few moments of fighting we started to hit him with some serious hull damage and the finally Goodman took the bugger down for good.

The Bugger Is Down For Good.

After the kill we didn't waste time celebrating after all we still had Battleships overhead so we quickly dashed back to Battleship Derby for Repairs and re-armament.


Ensign. Greg Edwards

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 08-09-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: A. Goodmen
Target ID: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Encryption: HIGH
Subject: After Action Report

August 08th, 817 AS..

Report Begin...

Under Orders of Captain James Hobart, of the Essex 6th Fleet. We formed up with Captain Hobart as he set off to....bah, You don't need the full report.

Sirs, Ma'ams, fellow Lieutenant Commanders, and everyone else in the Armed Forces. It brings me stress to say this, but when our fighters went down quickly, it was just myself and Captain James Hobart.

I laid down terms of surrender to be taken prisoner for the Captain's safe return. Sadly, the terms changed on me. Captain James Hobart, has been captured by the enemy. It was my fault, and I bare the action of getting him out.

I am asking for a small strike force, at least five fighters, and a transport full of Armed Forces Marines. I will personally head the mission myself, unless Command has a different alternative. I made a bloody promise to get him out, so I will.


Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 08-13-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: Austin Goodmen
Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: After Action Report

Report Begin

Upon receiving reports of a number of pirate vessels in Leeds, I quickly got in my Templar and launched, heading to Leeds. Once I was in orbit of Leeds I received a hail from the Captain of the Wellesley, one of our Bretonian Gunboats, The Captain asked if Leeds orbit was clear, which at the time it was, his Gunboat later undocked and I took formation, only to receive orders to take the Stokes lane to see of any hostile contacts. Upon reaching fifteen clicks from Stokes itself, a Gaian appeared on scopes. The Gaian had a Civilian transport halted, I got there just in-time. I hailed the Wellesley, who latered arrived and waited seventeen clicks from the situation.

The Gaian, whose a native Kusarian, was in a Gunboat. Knowing the odds I prepared myself for an attack. The trader then turned, as I requested, and headed back towards Leeds. After multiple attempts at hailing the Gaian Gunboat and requesting it to leave Leeds, the vessel opened fire on mine. The Wellesley came to assist.

Once the Gaian Gunboat was destroyed, The Wellesley and myself returned to Leeds where a Zoner transport was in transit to Tau-37, and Freeport 10. I requested the vessel to follow me through Edinburgh, there I received reports of high Gaian activity. Upon entering Edinburgh, the first vessel on my scanners was indeed a Gaian vessel, a Roc bomber.

I quickly docked and grabbed supplies before undocking, the Zoner had either turned back or docked on the police station. Either way, he was safe. I headed down towards Perth station to run into not one, but two Gaian bombers. One of them being a 'Natures Last Hope' by the codename "Shadowcat" I requested both ships to leave the station and traders they were harassing alone. Suddenly one of the Gaian's opened fire. It was the Roc bomber from before. The lad made a terrible mistake, so I toyed with him for a decent amount of time before finishing his vessel off and forcing him to eject.

I then turned my attention to "Shadowcat" and requested her multiple times to leave, I managed to chase her away from the station without any firing done. After a few more minutes, she finally left towards Islay and....was...crying.....

Anyway's, Edinburgh's threats were finally neutralized and I returned to the Suffolk, I signed my shift over to standby.

Attached Files:

Stokes Engagement
Perth Engagement


Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodmen
Suffolk 5th Fleet, Stationed in New London

Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Hieggen - 08-18-2009

Incoming Transmission

To: Bretonia Armed Forces HQ
Source: HMS Derby
ComID: Ensign Hieggen Seo

I had just returned to planet Leeds from a patrol around the southern part of the Leeds system when a Cosair by the call sign of [OPG-Rat]Panchi appeared on my sensors. It seems as though he was coming from the Stokes Mining Station Area and started fleeing towards into the West Leeds Smog Cloud when he saw me. I then ordered him to cut his engines and halt and he responded with "Fine, fight. Then the Cosair nation will have your blood." He then stopped, turned around, and opened fire at me. I quickly cut my cruise engines and started taking evasive manuevers.

We preformed something that I believe is typicaly called a "Joust" by pilots, for the next minute or so. After that time a group of four to five Gaians moved into attack us. This made the engagment quite chaotic as there were three different sides, with the Gaians shooting at both of us. When they came we both started evasive manuevers and continued the fight untill about five minutes later I won. The battle took place in sector D6 and it was my first engagment ever and my first with the BAF.

I then quickly destroyed the Gaians and procceded to Battleship Derby for repairs and restocking my equipment.


Ensign Hieggen Seo,
Derby Great Fleet, I Battlefleet, B Squadron, 2nd Flottilla, A Wing, 3rd Flight.

Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Hieggen - 08-19-2009

Incoming Transmission

To: Bretonia Armed Forces HQ
Source: Freeport Four
ComID: Ensign Hieggen Seo

It started when I got a message from a merchant who told me that there was a pirate in New London near the Manchester Jump Gate. I arrived and sure enough a pirate trader by the name of Apollyn was just going through the gate to Manchester. I followed quickly and I ended up chasing him all the way to the Magellen gate useing no trade lanes. I attempted multiple times to stop him but he dodged my TCDs. We got into Magellen and he started to flee towards the Lane Hacker base Mactan. I stopped the chase about seven kilometers away from Mactan when he docked with it and started flying back to the trade lanes. Soon enough I realised I was being chased by two Lane Hackers.

They were both in sabres and I was in a Templar. I cut my engines, turned around, and attempted to arrest them without a shot being fired but they had other plans. They engaged me at sector D4. I used the asteroids to my advantage and I went after what seemed to be the worst pilot first. It was a tough fight but after I destroyed the weaker one the other fled.

After the engagment I tractored in the Hackers escape pod and flew it to Freeport Four where I turned him over to the IMG employee who was in charge. I then repaired my ship and restocked it.


Ensign Hieggen Seo,
Derby Great Fleet, I Battlefleet, B Squadron, 2nd Flottilla, A Wing, 3rd Flight.

Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Unseelie - 08-22-2009

Comm ID: Christopher Wren, Bowex Director Of Operations.
Official Complaint, re: Policies regarding Pirates.

Sirs of the Admiralty Board. I've just had an encounter which shocked and appalled me. My ship, the Underbridge, and Pete Conroy's vessel, Farstrider, were both pirated by one M42 Ghost.Ship, around the Bretonian region. Myself in Leeds, and the Farstrider in 49. We then formed a convoy to protect ourselves from such extortionists. When we entered London, we discovered, on scanners, the Dunkirk HMS-Majestic and the Ghost.Ship in close quarters. We dropped out of the lane to lend our aid. What I find so appalling folows:

We found this Dunkirk negotiating with the gunboat, because of some sense of fairplay. The Majestic's captian felt that, for some reason, the Gunboat was beneath him, too easy a target. When that Gunboat assaults tradeships, a simmilar imbalance of firepower, it has no such compunctions.

The Comms officer of this Dunkirk, likely at the commander's urging, spent a great deal of time trying to shoo us away from the Ghost ship, telling us to return to our trade. Now, sirs, lest you misunderstand, we are not civilians. We're veterans of more than a hundred convoys through hostile space which the BAF dares not enter, we run blockades and encounter more corsairs, more pirates, outside of Bretonian space than the defenders of Bretonia ever see within it. If we are to 'return to our trade' we will do it secure in the knowledge that we will not, in fact, find the same pirate just across the next lane whenever we have the firepower to make sure he'll not.

Bowex does not hold a place undeserving of combat respect. It is our policy to destroy pirates whenever we have the requsite firepower, lest they join into larger fleets, and pirate again. When we enter a feild and find the BAF declining to fire upon a pirate gunboat, we have every right to act as vigilantees and secure our own safety. We do so in every region beyond the coattails of the BAF, and we'll damn well continue to do so inside, wherever we are threatened. Letting a Gunboat flee will in no way ensure our safety, nor the safety of less defensible convoys.

I'd expect any officer of a Dunkirk to understand exactly how dangerous to the trade of bretonia even a lone M26 can be, and to not be taken in by the sob stories told by its coms officer about ailing sisters. Any person trying to finance a hospital stay could find much better employment than the helm of an M26.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 08-22-2009

Notice to Combined Fleets:
Re: Pirate Vessels


Piracy is not to be tolerated in Bretonian Space; referring to the guidelines to BAF Officers available here: all BAF officers shall note that preventing piracy in Bretonian space is our primary objective after defence of Bretonia from invading foreign forces.

Naturally valuable assets such as battleships are not to be wasted in use against targets that can be destroyed without them. However, it should be clarified that in situations where no lighter BAF craft are available to engage pirates and our capital vessels are not urgently required elsewhere, officers can and should engage pirate forces with them if said pirates are or have been actively pirating Bretonian shipping.