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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-29-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Korr, Sleeper Cell II
Comm ID: Mcintosh

Admiral, I keep telling you, its fine. To the unenhanced, an enhanced person seems, more vicious, more quick to anger. But those are by-products of our enhanced thoughts and reflex speeds. You're scheduled to start in four days, and you'll be incapacatated during the procedure, and limited during the recovery time. Normally, a Cruiser Commander wouldn't be as soon to get it as this, but as the XO its important that you have a full understanding of how the enhancement process improves you.

Don't worry about it Admrial, the process has less than a 1% failure rate.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-30-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Mcintosh, RACS-Terra III

My brothers, a great victory has been won this day. As the Terra III Launched from Cape Verde station, an alert ping came through from Omega 49, stating that a Hellfire Legion Battleship had been spotted insystem. We launched, and travelled to 49, where we immediatly engaged. Unfortunatly, our Cruise Disruptors were heavily damaged by Bounty Hunters, and we were unable to stop them from running.

After a long, needless chase, we caught them outside America Base in Vespucci. Despite the assistance of nearly a dozen LH fighters, the HFB Vircruz was completely destroyed. Lt-Commander Zehn was rushing to assist, along with Madame Onyx of the Phantoms, and although they were unneeded, their support was appreciated.

This victory will be sure to cow those alliance fools, and is a precursor of things to come.

For the Coalition! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 04-30-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA
CC: Helghast
Comm ID: Mcintosh

My brothers, I've been reading the intelligence reports from my agents, and it is with a heavy heart that I make this proclamation:

Helghast, and indeed all Junkers, are now Hostile, KoS, and whatever else with the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

I've let their obnoxious pirating activities go unnoticed for long enough. I've let myself be swayed by their claims of terrorism, of revolution, of a fight for a new beginning. No longer. They're pirates, pure and simple, and they will be cleansed from the galaxy. All Heghast are to be purged, and purged well.

Also on that note, new Battle Orders are coming into effect as of now. When confronted by conflicting lawful and pirate forces, specifically the Helghast, Hellfire Legion & Co, your orders are to Engage the Pirates first. The preying upon civilians has gone on long enough, and I will not stand for it. If you see a pirate, shoot him.

For the Revolution! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 04-30-2007

Begin Transmission

To: Grand Admiral McIntosh
From: Lt.Cmdr Dieter Zehn

New orders received. I have been waiting for this to happen. Now those pirates will feel my wrath! I shall turn their ships to scrap, and litter Sirius with their limbs!


Transmission End

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - X-Vlad - 04-30-2007

Transmit to: Commodore Chernekov, SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Lt. Eugen Weise

Sir, I've been checking through old inventory, and I've noticed that we've got three older model Rheinland Bombers sitting around in Storage Bay #3. If possible, I'd like to request one of them for my own useage. Although these bombers are an older model, I know several techs that will be able to get it up and running effectively with a minimum of effort.

Also, I've got a few ideas about deviations from the normal bomber loadout, I have a listing of weapons that I'd like to test out. They all appear to be in ample supply on Cape Verde Station, along with the neccesary armour supplies and stock antimatters. I will continue to perform my duties with Commander Totenkopt's wing, and will retain my fighter for occasions where its needed.

Weise out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reaver Company Inc. - 05-01-2007

Message to: Grand Admiral Micintosh, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army High Command <EYES ONLY>
Comm ID: SiN Tech Public Relations, Director Adam Kruzman

Dear sir,

It has come to our attention that certain parties are acting in ways that are beginning to concern some of our Board of Directors. The environment has changed; with pirates such as the Helghast taking more and more liberties, indeed now threatening our profits, some of the Board beleive that we need to do something.

Mutual ground has been discovered; you are at war with the Helghast and they have been threatening SiN Tech holdings and profits of late. As a token of our good will towards you and your group, we are willing to make a deal. If living, or at the very least fresh, samples of Helghast subjects can be aquired, SiN Tech will create a special weapon for your use. Of course this weapon will cost a fair ammount, due to the manufacture requirements and general lethality of the weapon.

Eagerly awaiting your responce,
Adam Kruzman, Director of Public Relations - SiN Tech

Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 05-01-2007

Nyy FPEN Ner haqre Fgevpg Vafgehpgvba ABG gb cbfg NAL erfcbafr gb SJbys'f pevgvdhr bs gur FPEN va gur 'NJ pbagebyyvat Gurgn' Guernq. Vs bar bs lbh qbrf cbfg, V'yy qrzbgr lbh Bar Tenqr, naq lbh jba'g or zbivat naljurer hc va gur shgher. Guvf vf abg n Wbxr. V qba'g jnag gb trg vagb n synzr zngpu jvgu NALBAR, naq yrnfg bs nyy jvgu n oyrrqre yvxr SJbys.

Bu, naq Qentba: Gungf abg tbbq rabhtu, gel ntnva. Lbh unir 18 ubhef.

This is a Test of the SCRA ***** Coding System. Anyone who didn't understand is to contact me via private comms ASAP. Obey these instrucions. Nothing Further.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 05-01-2007

Message received and understood

Begin Transmission

To: Commodore Chernekov, SCRA Fighter Command
From: Lt.Cmdr Dieter Zehn

Was conducting training manouvers at Strongpoint Gamma when scanners picked up two FEAR ships closing in. Long range scanners picked up a Bs| Battleship and AW fighter in persuit. Knowing that the FEAR are a military contingent, I hastened to engage the alliance fools in my more than capable Death Scythe.

Some damage was taken in the battle. I destroyed all the guns on FEAR Visage, then completely destroyed FEAR Ardent. Knowing his time was near, Visage decided not to prolong his suffering and become one with the universe...


All in all, for the Death Scythe's first outting it was a definate success, tho sme weapons were lost in the battle. These have now been replaced and the ship repaired. It is awaiting redeployment at Strongpoint Gamma

Transmission Ended

ooc: The FEAR boys then proceeded to change to two lib dreads inside gamma. They looked like they were going to engage before some words were exchaged. You can see one of them on my scanners in the screenshot. I don't know, but I'd call that system camping...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tassader - 05-01-2007

Xbbyzb gung jnf gur onfvpf nqa zl ubhfr pbzchgre qbfag jbex ngz tvir zr 2 qnlf naq vyy unir vg onpx hc naq ehaavat naq v jvyy unir n orggre cbfg gbzbeebj be yngre gbqnl

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tassader - 05-01-2007

Genafzvg gb : Nyy FPEN crefbary
Sebz: ENUS_Erq_Qentba

Jnf ba cngeby arne Servfgnqg Onfr va B-7 jura n rkcevzragny Znagn genvavat fdhneqba fubjrq hc ba ybat enatr fpbcr. Gurl cebprqrq gb qrznaq pnetb sebz zr vafgrnq bs wrggvfvbavat gur pnetb v bcrarq sver

Va cvgpurq pbzong v gbbx bhg 2 bs gur 3 svtugref juvyr fhfgnvavat zvavzny qnzntr. Ynfg svtugre cebprrq gb zrffntr bire flfgrz pbzz

Fubegyl nsgre ur iragrq uvf pbpcvg gb fcnpr naq abg jnagvat gb yrg n tbbq svtugre tb gb jnfgr v znqr n qrny jvgu fbzr ybpny whaxref '' h thlf oevat onpx guvf svtugre gb bhe onfr naq vyy fcner lbhe yvsr''

Gurl npprcgrq.....oebhtug svtugre gb tena Pnanevn naq gura gb Pncr Ireqn fgngvba.....Bapr gurer v cebprrq gb eha n flfgrz purpx ba gur svtugre

Cebirq fcnpr jbegl naq v pbaivapprq fbzr grpuf gb genafsre jrncbaf & fcrpvny flfgrzf gb gur svtugre cebirq tbbq va pbzong jrag onpx gb npgvir qhgl nsgre bayl n jrrx va qel-qbpxf naq njnvgvat sheger beqref

Xbbyzb n genqre anzrq Zvare_49 unf bssreq gb yraq hf uvf freivprf va cnlvat gur terng fcnpr tbqf njnvgvat erfcbapr

'' gb gur jryy betnavmrq zvaq....Qrngu vf ohg gur arkg terng nqiragher''