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Liberty Police, Inc. Applications Office - Printable Version

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LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Bauer - 08-16-2011

You sound like you'll be a great addition to the force. Go get your Liberator kitted out.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Soulbanis - 08-17-2011

[*]Name: Amdis Reed
[*]Age: 20
[*]Height: 6ft 4
[*]Weight: 8 stone
[*]Previous Jobs: Nothing Major
[*]Qualifications: Degree of liberty Law and Advance Fighter Training
[*]Brief Biography: Born on fort bush, mother had died during birth of me so been raised by my father who taught me basic flight and fighter training who was within the Liberty Police. Join the academy in advance fighter and flight training while i was learning the Liberty law. 5 years ago my father pasted away so i have been fending for myself. so now i am out to follow in my fathers shoes.
[*]Reasons for Joining: To follow in my fathers shoes and the upheld the law within liberty.
[*]5kyp3 protocol (Skype): Soul2k8

// I would of joined the Liberty Navy but the app has grown since the last time i was here.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 08-18-2011

' Wrote:[*]Name: Amdis Reed
[*]Age: 20
[*]Height: 6ft 4
[*]Weight: 8 stone
[*]Previous Jobs: Nothing Major
[*]Qualifications: Degree of liberty Law and Advance Fighter Training
[*]Brief Biography: Born on fort bush, mother had died during birth of me so been raised by my father who taught me basic flight and fighter training who was within the Liberty Police. Join the academy in advance fighter and flight training while i was learning the Liberty law. 5 years ago my father pasted away so i have been fending for myself. so now i am out to follow in my fathers shoes.
[*]Reasons for Joining: To follow in my fathers shoes and the upheld the law within liberty.
[*]5kyp3 protocol (Skype): Soul2k8

// I would of joined the Liberty Navy but the app has grown since the last time i was here.
No previous job experience. Hm... Everything else checks out. As long as you've been through the Police Academy it shouldn't be a problem. You're in, 5KYP-3 Protocol contact request sent.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - - 08-19-2011

  • Name: James Waricson
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 167cm
  • Weight: 74kg
  • Previous Jobs: LSF Agent, Bartender, Blackjack dealer, Freelancer
  • Qualifications: Nothing official just loads of experience. I was however considered up to scratch for the LSF in Pistols and diplomacy.
  • Brief Biography: Well I grew up in the shadier parts of Denver to a middle class family and left home as soon as I finished school. from there I took jobs as they came until I earned enough for a small ship and tried my hand at freelancing. That didn't go well and I was stranded back on Denver with my parents. In dire need I turned to the LSF for a way out and promises of excitement. Spent 6 months there I'm here now.
  • Reasons for Joining: The LSF has just become too stressful. When your not patrolling Cortez and being bored to death your being called out to [redacted] to fight moronic [redacted] before being flung back to Bering just so they can send you to [redacted] so you can [redacted] and then [redacted]. Then there was that one time when i went to [redacted] in [redacted] before landing on [redacted] captured by a race of intelligent monkeys before [redacted] and [redacted] up the [redacted] to just be sent back to Bering anyway. So yeah, looking for something slightly less stressful.
  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): Jacob.Rogers40

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 08-21-2011

' Wrote:
  • Name: James Waricson
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 167cm
  • Weight: 74kg
  • Previous Jobs: LSF Agent, Bartender, Blackjack dealer, Freelancer
  • Qualifications: Nothing official just loads of experience. I was however considered up to scratch for the LSF in Pistols and diplomacy.
  • Brief Biography: Well I grew up in the shadier parts of Denver to a middle class family and left home as soon as I finished school. from there I took jobs as they came until I earned enough for a small ship and tried my hand at freelancing. That didn't go well and I was stranded back on Denver with my parents. In dire need I turned to the LSF for a way out and promises of excitement. Spent 6 months there I'm here now.
  • Reasons for Joining: The LSF has just become too stressful. When your not patrolling Cortez and being bored to death your being called out to [redacted] to fight moronic [redacted] before being flung back to Bering just so they can send you to [redacted] so you can [redacted] and then [redacted]. Then there was that one time when i went to [redacted] in [redacted] before landing on [redacted] captured by a race of intelligent monkeys before [redacted] and [redacted] up the [redacted] to just be sent back to Bering anyway. So yeah, looking for something slightly less stressful.
  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): Jacob.Rogers40
Sorry for the small delay in processing your application - I'm still only working part-time due to the holidays.

..."race of intelligent monkeys" wasn't redacted by the LSF? I'm not sure if I even want to know what the others were...

Welcome to the force, anyhow. You seem to have plenty more experience than most of the rookies which I usually get, which of course is a welcome change.

5-KYP3 contact request sent.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - welshdemon - 08-25-2011

Name:Ian Richards

Age: 36

Height: 6ft 6ins

Weight: 17st

Previous job: Freelancer with alot of hours in combat against the priates of Siruis

Qualification:Trianed in Bretonia Air Force,also as above many hours in combat

Breif Biography: Was born on Cardiff station,father was a miner and mom died when i was a young boy,i decided that i wanted to fly and not mine as i used to watch the police of bretonia fly past my portal everyday.
So i joined the academy and spent rest of my young teens learning about flying and the enemy i would face.

Reasons for Joining: Wanted to explore another system and keep the law in that system also liberty police is the best force in the Siruis system

Skype name:welshdemon

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - meoshi - 09-03-2011

  • Name: Allan Benson

  • Age: 21

  • Height: 6`1

  • Weight: 190

  • Previous Jobs: Mercenary, bounty hunter.

  • Qualifications: I have flow as a mercenary for about 3 years, I am fairly decent with my ship, And i know my way around liberty.

  • Brief Biography: Well i was born and raised on planet Denver, Didn't really have an eventful life.
    My dad was a bounty hunter, And my mom was a pharmacist. My dad tried to raise me to become a bounty hunter like him but i only worked as a hunter for about a month, Didn't really like it so i quit and became a mercenary. I have been working for the past three years, And its starting to become a boring job.
    So i decided to join the police academy looking for some excitement.

  • Reasons for Joining: Bust some pirates, protect some traders, eat some donuts, drink some coffee, But the biggest reason is to rid liberty of the pirate scourge.

  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): otakie

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 09-03-2011

' Wrote:Name:Ian Richards

Age: 36

Height: 6ft 6ins

Weight: 17st

Previous job: Freelancer with alot of hours in combat against the priates of Siruis

Qualification:Trianed in Bretonia Air Force,also as above many hours in combat

Breif Biography: Was born on Cardiff station,father was a miner and mom died when i was a young boy,i decided that i wanted to fly and not mine as i used to watch the police of bretonia fly past my portal everyday.
So i joined the academy and spent rest of my young teens learning about flying and the enemy i would face.

Reasons for Joining: Wanted to explore another system and keep the law in that system also liberty police is the best force in the Siruis system

Skype name:welshdemon
After a bit of discussion, we've chosen to give you a try - Welcome to the force. 5-KYP3 protocol contact request sent.


-Deputy Chief Colin Sinclair of the Liberty Police, Inc.
' Wrote:
  • Name: Allan Benson

  • Age: 21

  • Height: 6`1

  • Weight: 190

  • Previous Jobs: Mercenary, bounty hunter.

  • Qualifications: I have flow as a mercenary for about 3 years, I am fairly decent with my ship, And i know my way around liberty.

  • Brief Biography: Well i was born and raised on planet Denver, Didn't really have an eventful life.
    My dad was a bounty hunter, And my mom was a pharmacist. My dad tried to raise me to become a bounty hunter like him but i only worked as a hunter for about a month, Didn't really like it so i quit and became a mercenary. I have been working for the past three years, And its starting to become a boring job.
    So i decided to join the police academy looking for some excitement.

  • Reasons for Joining: Bust some pirates, protect some traders, eat some donuts, drink some coffee, But the biggest reason is to rid liberty of the pirate scourge.
  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): otakie
Hm... If you're looking for more excitment than you'll get than as a mercenary, I'm not sure the police force is an ideal career choice - but it's a change of line of work, at least. We'll see how you do - Welcome to the force, recruit.


-Deputy Chief Colin Sinclair of the Liberty Police, Inc.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Redirion - 09-03-2011

..::Incoming transmission::..
..::Videouplink established::..
[Image: 00rob5.jpg]

ok I believe its time for me to sign up.
  • Name: Daniel Dusentrieb
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 1,67m
  • Weight: 70 kg
  • Previous Jobs: LPI secondary officer for like two months now
  • Qualifications:
    I know every section, paragraph and note of the Liberty Law and I got used to inform Libertonians and visitors about their rights and duties.
    Fighting skills self-assessment(Rating 1-10, while 10 is best):
    Fighter: 6
    Bomber: 5
  • Brief Biography:
    Grown up at Planet Erie, I was first working as a helium miner in a business ran by my family. Meanwhile I was studying sirius history and sirius law ony my own. When my parents got divorced and our business collapsed, I decided to start up on my own. At first I felt lost, so I decided to join the Navy forces to get started. For reasons I won't want to go into detail here, I got shifted to the voluntary LPI forces. To not leave this matter completely open for imagination: Some Navy capital ship commanders did not agree to my interpretion of liberty law and especially the liberty trade embargo.
    At the LPI voluntary forces I found a friend called Andre Victorious. He introduced me to the LPI and agreed to my comprehension of the law. He showed me that there are other ways then just shooting everyone who appears to be hostile.
    I liked the idea to be a friend and helper, defender of every civilian regardless of his origin. I began to start living up for this, supporting the ones who got caught in destitution while fighting off the ones who dare to threaten their freedom.
  • Recent activities:
    So far I only took part in one patrol with other "LPI-"-represantitives. Most of the time I am patroling alone or watching traffic at Planet Manhattan, Riverside Station and Planet Houston. Sometimes I am working with the Navy, performing remote scans for them to hunt down smugglers. Once I was under command of some LN-Forces to fight off an invasion attempt by Rheinland.
  • Reasons for Joining: I want to carry on with my dedication to justice and the welfare of the Republic. But I have the feeling I have reached a point, where I can't move on single-handed. The best thing to do in this case would be joining the primary LPI forces.
  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): redirion
See you in space,
Dusentrieb out

..::transmission terminated::..

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - jwcoffell - 09-04-2011

  • Name: Robert Joseph Ryson
  • Ship Name: Protectorate
  • Age: 28
  • Height: 6'1'€
  • Weight: 173.4Ibs
  • Previous Jobs: Did a lot of 'Freelance' work in Baffin.
  • Qualifications: Was a freighter escort pilot for twelve years. Also proficient at ship repairing, since the traders I used to work for usually like to cut corners.
  • Brief Biography: Long story short, I was born and raised on an old Pelican Transport vessel called The Legacy. On my twentieth birthday The Legacy was attacked by a famous Outcast who goes by the name '€œShark'€. I was the only one that survived.

    '€œShark'€ is now incarcerated at Attica Supermax Prison. For the last twelve years I've seen my fair share of scrapes. And I have been placed in many situations where I had to go by instinct.
  • Reasons for Joining: I feel a need to play an active roll in keeping Liberty safe from pirates. If I can save entire families with the exchange for my life, I would consider that option as a blessing.
  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): joseph.coffell2