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The future of mining? - Printable Version

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The future of mining? - Jack_Henderson - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:See how many people stay mining because it's part of their faction RP.
Discovery Hypocrisy 24/7

I would because I spent about 10 millions per playing session on escorts, informants, mercs and people who need help. So I mine one cargo of ore per session (about 20 minutes with the crappy Molly mining bonuses), sell it for 12 million and can keep giving cash to people (thus generating roleplay interaction) indefinately.

So: No Hypocrisy on my part.

And I cannot understand why so many people think that making money is something "bad". And that making progess (better equipment, better ships) in the game is bad. No. It is a vital part of the game. Restrict the flow of money and new players (not the old ones, they already have their toys) will not have these chances of development. This is plainly unfair.

The future of mining? - FGDireito - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Turn it back on, but add other mining spots that are just as profitable as Dublin/o7/t23, to spread everyone around and lower the ratio of new players to experienced players in the mining areas, and as such increase the level of integration between new players and experienced players.

What I mean by this is; Currently there are (or were) about a dozen or so mining spots, however, all but 3 were not very profitable, hence everyone got concentrated in those three systems, causing the levels of stupid behaviour to rise, all that needs to be done is that mining spots other than the ones in t32, o7 and Dublin need to be buffed to a similar profitability, to spread everyone out. Nerfing or removing the mining mod will have the same effect, but it will also kill several factions that rely on the activity/money it brings to function.

Edit: Also, more diverse sell-points are needed, for example, gold only sells in New York, which is silly, as Detroit munitions is not the only station in Sirius that can process gold ore, or needs gold ore. The same is true for all other ores. IMO, each ore should have at least 1 sellpoint in each House, and perhaps an unlawful one or two for groups like the Corsairs/Outcasts, which are mini-Houses. This will yet further spread people out and do what I have outlined above.

so true so true do this please

The future of mining? - Shardphoenix - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:And I cannot understand why so many people think that making money is something "bad". And that making progess (better equipment, better ships) in the game is bad.
It`s because
Quote:Restrict the flow of money and new players (not the old ones, they already have their toys) will not have these chances of development.

The future of mining? - Aphil - 03-02-2011

Umm. Please turn mining back on. Without mining, my BMM and IMG friends have no reason to log on. There's no reason for Mollies to log on. There's no reason for my Merc Drone to be in Dublin. There goes my RP. Since A-55 was real friendly with BMM, but real unfriendly with IMG. It made for interesting encounters. Alas, the Independent <strike>Mining</strike> Guild no longer has reason to log on. Neither does the BMM.:(

The future of mining? - Avalanche - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Umm. Please turn mining back on. Without mining, my BMM and IMG friends have no reason to log on. There's no reason for Mollies to log on. There's no reason for my Merc Drone to be in Dublin. There goes my RP. Since A-55 was real friendly with BMM, but real unfriendly with IMG. It made for interesting encounters. Alas, the Independent <strike>Mining</strike> Guild no longer has reason to log on. Neither does the BMM.:(

Funny all of those factions operate in Dublin.
The community proved it cannot handle the Mining Mod properly.

The future of mining? - Aphil - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Funny all of those factions operate in Dublin.
The community proved it cannot handle the Mining Mod properly.

Umm no. It only proved that lolwuts can't handle it properly, and that the community was punished for it. And I only used Dublin as an example because it's the most convenient. If you'd like, I can cite Helium Mining. I imagine that was the way most of us got our first million. I know it's how I got mine.

It's also how I met some of my better friends on Disco.

The future of mining? - VoluptaBox - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Funny all of those factions operate in Dublin.
The community proved it cannot handle the Mining Mod properly.

Well, there's some truth in that. But some interesting ideas came up, like spreading the mineable zones a bit...

I personally mine as a Hessian in O-11 8-||

Or as DSE in O-7 (bandit)

The future of mining? - Sir_Now - 03-02-2011

Oh, this is not good, i like ming and the mining factions.
The mining spots should be more around Sirius, not only Dublin and Tau 23.
And you could nerve the good spots a little and increase some others.
That will clear some trouble for shure.
Improve it, but please turn it back on.

The future of mining? - Magoo! - 03-02-2011

The problem is power-miners which, as the name implies, are pretty much the sedentary version of power-traders. The good miners, those who do it for fun or simply because they like shooting rocks whilst conversing, are the ones getting harmed. Rather than removing the organ afflicted by a tumor, I recommend chemo.

Which is to say, let the typical course of ooRP miners, sanctions, and removals take place as it was and let those who play well play as they like.

The future of mining? - Hastings - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:The problem is power-miners which, as the name implies, are pretty much the sedentary version of power-traders. The good miners, those who do it for fun or simply because they like shooting rocks whilst conversing, are the ones getting harmed. Rather than removing the organ afflicted by a tumor, I recommend chemo.

Which is to say, let the typical course of ooRP miners, sanctions, and removals take place as it was and let those who play well play as they like.

If you've ever had chemo you wouldn't say that:P

People, you don't seem to understand that what the admins are searching for is a proactive solution that reduces the number of sanctions/bans/etc which are reactive solutions and result in the admins spending their time dealing with lolwuts rather than enjoying themselves.

Cannon is merely doing what a good scientist should - eliminating potential factors to determine the effects.