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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Silekar - 08-21-2012 ***Incoming Transmission*** ***CommID: Silekar.Dravin*** ***Encryption: Network Coded*** ***Processing*** Hello everyone, I'm here to report on events which took place yesterday. While flying through the Colorado system, I ran into an LN patrol of 2 fighters, one bomber, and a capital-class ship. Seeing as I was alone, I fled. I was followed by a fighter and a bomber as I made for the Ontario JH, using Ouray for cover. Two ships were outside Ouray, one of the Hellfire Legion's fighters, and a xeno by the name of iMenas. Both ships engaged the LN, so I turned around and fought as well. Unfortunately, the other fighter showed up, and it wasn't long before they decided to focus their fire on me. I managed to take out one of the LN before my ship got too beat up to continue the fight. During my attempted retreat, I was forced to eject. :::Enemy engaged::: Engaged by: XA-Egg.Eater, [HF]-Jimmy.White, iMenas Engagement location: Colorado (just outside Ouray) Ship Type: Fighter IFF: [LN]-Rohj.Teerin Outcome: DESTROYED (He dodged well, but once one's hull is damaged enough, a cruise disruptor can be used to get around good dodging) Evidence: ![]() :::Enemy engaged::: Engaged by: XA-Egg.Eater, [HF]-Jimmy.White, iMenas Engagement location: Colorado (just outside Ouray) Ship Type: Fighter IFF: [LN]-Jasmine.Greenson Outcome: UNKNOWN Evidence: N/A :::Enemy engaged::: Engaged by: XA-Egg.Eater, [HF]-Jimmy.White, iMenas Engagement location: Colorado (just outside Ouray) Ship Type: Bomber IFF: [LN]-Christina.Robinson Outcome: UNKNOWN Evidence: N/A Egg.Eater signing off. ***Transmission Terminated*** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Evo - 08-21-2012 .:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID Established -- Thomas Greenfield -- Ouray, Colorado:. .:Message Playing:. 'Allo there 'n whatnot. Not many foreigners crossed 'n mah shift, was quite borin' matter 'o fact 'n whatnot. 'M just enjoyin' this nice beer right now at Ouray 'n whatnot. Mah day just consisted 'o yellin' angrily at some rascal 'at almost hit meh comin' out the lane 'n emptying a case 'o beer. Gon' keep on knockin' 'em back 'n whatnot, ah can almost feel the hangover comin'! Heheh. 'Til next time then, Thomas Greenfield out 'n whatnot. .:Message Complete -- Disconnected:. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Silekar - 08-22-2012 ***Incoming Transmission*** ***CommID: Silekar.Dravin*** ***Encryption: Network Coded*** ***Processing*** Hello everyone, Egg.Eater here. I flew with a few other people today, though XA-Mosby was the only one who was there the whole time. Anyways, best to start from the beginning. I set out from Dryden in Ontario for Ouray base in Colorado, and was chased a short distance by a Navy gunboat. The gunboat followed me through the Jumphole to Colorado, and set himself up at the New York Jumpgate. I met him there again, and he engaged me. I played it safe, keeping distance and not letting him get any clear shots, until XA-Mosby, and XA-Pygmy showed up. We all engaged him, Mosby in a fighter, and Pygmy and I in bombers. Pygmy got the last shot. As a final note on this part, if you see this gunboat around again after repairs, the crew is not very experienced, and in my opinion the ship can be taken down by one bomber alone. :::Enemy engaged::: Engaged by: XA-Egg.Eater, XA-Pygmy, XA-Mosby Engagement location: Colorado (by the NY jumpgate) Ship Type: Liberty Gunboat IFF: Mascherano.Javier with a Navy affiliation Outcome: DESTROYED (Pygmy got the last shot) Evidence: ![]() After the gunboat went down, Pygmy had some other business to attend to, so Mosby and I continued working in Colorado alone. We came across a firefly transport, and took its destination details. Target: =SpaceDuck= with Freelancer ID Ship: Firefly transport (armed with transport turrets) Cargo: 3330 Passengers Intended destination: Pueblo Station Pilots involved: XA-Mosby, XA-Egg.Eater Right after the firefly was dealt with, a bounty hunter gunship showed up, along with Pain.Bringer, several other fighters (may have been some bombers in there too), and an LNS gunboat that hung back, firing cruise disruptors. Mosby and I were outnumbered, five of them versus the two of us. We dodged well, knocking down shields and doing some hull damage when we could, but we couldn't take them out under such circumstances. After this, XA-Venom contacted us and we were going to cause some trouble together in Ontario. Unfortunately, Venom was called away, so Mosby and I went to Kepler instead. There wasn't much action in Kepler, though something interesting did happen. In my opinion though, it should be kept off the open channels, talk to Mosby if you want more information. Also, a trader attempted to flee, trying to engage some sort of in-built cloaking device that didn't show up on my scans. Luckily, my ship's computer detected the energy spike from the device activating, and I destroyed the ship before the cloak went fully functional. Here's the log of the event: ![]() Egg.Eater signing off. ***Transmission Terminated*** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 08-23-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. As of now, we're changing the rules of engagement. - Foreigner in Liberty: Kill on sight. If he drops the stuff before he dies - good. Maybe we can pick it up and sell it or use it. Nevertheless: kill. - Libertonian so called lawfuls: LPI - kill on sight. LSF - kill on sight. Navy... kill on sight unless they run really fast. But if they bring caps in - kill no matter what. They should learn that using caps against xenos costs a lot. - Libertonian corporate/independent corporate subcontractors: If the ship is listed on our 'Xeno suporters' list, leave him alone. All others are valid targets. Drop the cargo or die. - Any kind of pirates: kill on sight. - Freelancers: snubs etc - get lost or die. And I mean like right now. Transports - the same way as corporate subcontractors - either a supporter or a dead man. - Bounty hunters and such: kill on sight. - Zoners: exactly the same way as other traders. Supporters or dead meat. The Ames related zoners are our supporters but others will have to work for it. They should feel lucky we don't treat 'em as pure foreigners. You will find a detailed list of our supporters in the XA database. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Madvillain - 08-23-2012 ![]() Sounds good Lance but with all that kill on sight stuff we need some better gear.
Talkin' bout new gear , I crashed another one of those Eagles tonight. Damn my back hurts... So I need a new ship bro. Can ya hook me up? Folks wanna see Canebreak flying man, I hate being stuck on Ouray.... Peace! Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Evo - 08-23-2012 .:Incoming Transmission:.
.:ID Established -- Thomas Greenfield -- Ouray Base, Colorado:. 'Allo there, bit tired so I'mma be quick and report mah kills 'n whatnot. 'Ad a nice fight with XA-Customs 'gainst a fighter 'n what d'ya know, three more fighters decided to show up after a transport. We decided t'pop tha transport seein' as 'ow it was foreign scum tryin' ta move engine components into our Liberty 'fore the fighters could do anythin' 'bout it. After 'at tha fun started. First fighter decided ta run so we let 'im go, then we decided three was a bit much fer two bombers 'n split. Customs went to Ontario 'n lost his tail, while I took the two fighters on meh through Kepler and into 'Bama. Used them fancy rockets 'n whatnot on the platforms t'my advantage, one of the fighters got a bit too cocky and ended up eating a SNAC t'the face 'n whatnot. Other one decided to split 'n I let 'im go, seein' as 'ow I was runnin' low on bots. M'cargo scans didn't seem to be workin' correctly so ah just got the kills confirmed. Also got 'nother one, lengthy encounter between mahself and a few other xenos. We ran inta two liberty cruisers and two bunters accompanyin' 'em. Wouldn't ya know they were xeno sympathizers, feheh 'n whatnot. 'Nyways, junker showed up with some xeno pilots in 'is 'old and was a bit too slow droppin' 'em so we engaged. After that, two more junkers showed up. After switchin t'the gunboat and gettin' a few snacs in they managed t'drop me, decided ah'd take one with meh and dropped a few mines t'blow up me and the light fighter behind meh. Well worth the two hours it took t'get mah pod back to base. --Opening Attached Files... --Finished LN-Interceptor-23 .:j:.Ortog's-Scooter Die_hard (Transport) .:Transmission Terminated:. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 08-23-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. First, a short report. I was testing a starblazer yesterday. Pretty fast ship. I mannaged to pod a bounty hunter and some freelancer before I got shot up by some IC gunboat and had to eject myself. Next issue. We've finished the scheduled intel on Colorado traffic. Tiger, Egg Eater, Python and - on last flight - our newest member: Sonya. Thank you for your reports. That informations will allow us to hit the enemy even more precise while we will also profit from the cargo intercepted. Now to you, Canebreak... You keep scrapping our fighters. I'm starting to get sick of it. I told you that if you're heavily outnumbered, you should run instead of showing off by dodging for hours. I told you you'll get tired and shot up eventually. Now I can offer you... Startracker, Starblazer or Starchaser. And you won't get any other ship untill you score a kill and return home in your ship instead of pod. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Madvillain - 08-23-2012 ![]() Oh hell naw!! Wait... You serious ain't ya holmes... Well this time I wasn't outnumbered , I was outskilled , I mean, did I say outskilled? , the LSF broad's ship was in a better condition than mine! Rusty spare parts and all that shibeez. Ya know Canebreak is all about aim's sake! But whatever yo , Challenge accepted! Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Strobel - 08-26-2012 Firewall Status... [color=#009900]Firewall disabled Verify Encryption Keys... VOID - Accessing back door protocol Confirm Identity... Rinkhals Let me tell you a story,
the true voice of Liberty went out to stop some foreigners trying to enter our beloved home but we found something different. Three filthy pirates dared to fish in our Colorado pond, harassing Libertonians. Something we couldn't accept at all, within seconds we decided to make a clear statement.
It was time to clean Liberty from that smudges... So at first we've had the following: XA-Egg.Eater, XA-Pigmy and XA-Rinkhals facing Roughneck (LR GB), Peter.Alerton (LH GB) and some little rookie (CVS) not even worth to mention. While we were busy teaching that Alerton-guy a lesson his buddy decided to make a run to New York. Couple of seconds later Pigmy scored the Gunship with a nice cheer. It was a smart move until he decided to come back to Colorado, guess he tried to call for some reinforcements though. Yet he showed up again and I can tell you he isn't smart at all... So facing three of us he got spaced within seconds, it was quite an explosion I can tell ya. [Guncam] Oh yeah, that's my first spacing while being stationed on Ouray by now. Hope there's more to come... Somehow that Rogue was able to call for something that might be considered backup or reinforcements 'cause a sniffer called Rayblade showed up. He wasn't very thankful that we took care of those pirates and decided to open fire on us. Pigmy, damn, he's a smart one I gotta say... He went straight back to Ouray to get himself a fighter to help us out with that sniffer... While we were dancing the Liberty "law" showed up and at first just enjoyed the show. Guess they were kind of scared when the XA-Liberty showed up and they became trigger happy which resulted in one hell of a furball in which we lost the Liberty sooner than expected. Can't say I paid much attention to the names but there were a lot of them. So I guess it'll be the best to just list up all the new debris fields we created... Eagle_20 (Upholder) spaced by XA-Pigmy BeleNus ( Lib GB) spaced by XA-Egg.Eater Mascherano.Javier (Lib GB) exploded during combined fire by XA-Egg.Eater and me [Guncam #1] [Guncam #2] That sniffer made two kills himself and was quite useful in the end to keep the remaining ships busy. Because we were virtually out of everything we decided to head back to Ouray and well, here I am writing that damned paperwork. I thought there would be an end with that when I got kicked out of the agency, guess I was wrong. Anyway, while my Roc is in repair I guess I'll empty some glasses of Mother's finest to celebrate our victorious flight. Rinkhals Nothing but trouble Most likely wanted for treason Not where you are looking for me [font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]Scrambler activated... Deleting router logs... Signal Lost... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Evo - 08-29-2012 .:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID Established -- Pygmy, Ouray Base:. 'Allo there. Quite a lot t'report indeed. First up, got a transport full 'o Niobium ore, saw it was a samura and.. Well, y'know the outcome 'n whatnot. Pop. Next up, OS&C transport movin' holosculptures from Kusari. Nope, pop. Fun one was an Akegata Samura transport that opened fire as soon as I commanded it to stop, so ah popped that'un right quick. Next up was a DSE transport, the DSE-Ratpak. Ah chased it in t'Kepler after it ran, then after I commanded it to cut engines right off the bat it opened fire without sayin' a single word. Shame, wasn't even gonna pop this'un. Oh well, popped. Lastly fer the 'ports, got a freelance trader named Bartholomew Roberts, was movin' tea to some family of 'is in Honshu. LPI named Barukk popped up in an Eagle 'fore ah could get him, so ah disengaged. 'Bout 5k away, I decided to turn 'round and get the LPI. Chased 'em to Ames and was too late to get 'em 'fore they docked. Ah docked mahself and got supplies, then came out 'n what do ah see but a lone Rogue Barghest the Last_Chance firin' on a transport comin' from 'Sari. Popped that one, 'port got 'way though. And finally, mah big kill fer this report. Ah was mindin' mah own business at the Kepler Jump-gate in Colorado when a Rogue Scylla jumped in, ah was forced t'run and call in a navy cruiser t'assist me with it. It chased meh t'Kepler through tha hole and ah waited fer the cruiser, dodgin' 'round the scylla. Cruiser showed up, so ah engaged guns blazing and took out that Scylla with the big navy boy. Ah saw a weak point in the hull and exploited it, shot a SNAC projectile into it and it tore right thru' the 'tire ship in 'bout 3 seconds. Pretty sight. 'Fter that, the navy boy 'cided to run off back to New York so ah let 'em and thanked 'im for puttin' 'side our diff'nces t'deal with a bigger threat t'Liberteh. 'Ats it, Thomas Greenfield signing off 'n whatnot. --Opening Attachments... --Error, image corruption detected; missing some images, displaying compatible images-- // Apologize for my epic forgetfulness, those that I forgot to take screenshots of their death messages were still killed unless told otherwise above. I'm quite bad with remembering to take two shots unless it's a huge target, will get better with that asap. Niobium ore 'port DSE boy 'at jumped tha gun Tea-lovin' 'lancer 'at got 'way OS&C movin' 'em fancy 'olosculptures Akegata Samura boy 'at jumped tha gun Silly Rogues 'n their Barghests ID fer the fanceh Rogue Scylla Boom .:Transmission Terminated:. |