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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Rodnas - 04-23-2012

I am a bit irritated. I know your guys work hard for promotions and such and i never had bad experiences before - but i was a bit baffeled by the bold move by one of you guys...
Shooting down somebody who is dead to you already while he leaves the system he died in(and is neither attacking, smuggling or doing anything else!) is already quite "unfriendly" to say at least.

But reporting it as success on your message dump and blacking out the "interesting parts" is a bit bold:(

Last post is the relevant one

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Lobster - 04-23-2012

Im trying to understand exactly what happened, but I think I might be missing part of the picture.

Could you explain in more detail what transpired?

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Rodnas - 04-23-2012

Sure, basically me and another Sair were pirating in frankfurt when we were discovered by your members, as seen here:

Poor sairs discovered

As we were not interested in a fight, we told we would leave, what we did (screens already changed here? i got some too if needed)

Anyways, we fled to Sigma 13, where we split up to escape. My partner ran in his LF, i decided for accepting defeat and crash docked at Yanagi:

merry chase
Cowardly corsair docking

So far so gut, i continued raving about how the junkers didn't welcome me and kicked me back in space and so on. At this point i lost and i am "dead" to your guys and to Sigma 13. Now i want to leave, so i undock again, start my cruise after some K stumble in your boys again, get a CD, and get shot. I remind them that i am "dead" already - the answer was plain "i see you therefore i shoot you anyways". So i cut my engines and let the ordeal happen.

Now what irks me is the fact that a defeated enemy was not they need a blue msg, so they shot me oorp style.
Sure thing, it would have been smarter on my behalf to just unlog, get a cup of coffee and relog (which would have brought problems like the 10min span on me) but actuall i didn't expect that behaviour at all. So now i see 2 of your guys boasting with an OoRP kill, which gives the story a bit more of a bad taste.

I think this story is no biggie at all, happens, will be forgotten soon, too - but i wan honestly surprised and berplexed by that behaviour (as theoverall encounter with the RM untill docking was perfectly after my taste)

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Vrabcek - 04-23-2012

So if I understand it right you complain you were shot.
To sumarize what happened, here is the MD I wrote about it:

' Wrote:
SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-MC-1358-M.
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland military database
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report
Guten Tag

Today, we recieved an information about corsair activity in the Frankfurt system. There were no other soldiers around only me and leutnant Alois Dermen so we had to check it out by ourselfs.
Everything looked pretty empty, but in the end when we wanted to give up and return to Berlin, we managed to track down the signal and met the corsairs.

They were flying two fighter class ships, definetly corsair made. Futhermore there was a rheinland trader who was caught by them. The situation looked critical becouse the trader was already on fire.

Trader in danger

I am sorry but I couldnt help him out and the transport was destroyed. When the corsairs noticed my presence, they tried to run as fastest they could.

[RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz: no no no you will stay here...
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: ANdale hermana
Corsair-Valeria_Benitez: This was a generous corsair and... a very stupid trader
[RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz: i can only see stupid corsairs..
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: We will leave problema
[RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz: you want to play on mouse and cat, ja?
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: No we leave

But that was not an option anymore, justice had to be done. Without much words I started the chase and opened fire on the heavier one.

They used a jumphole anomaly and we appeared in a cloudy system, later I found out its the sigma 13 system.
On the other side I already met Leutnant Dermen and feldwebel Weiss. The order was clear, track down the corsair so he cant escape too deep.
Chasing the corsair

But after some seconds we arrived at a station in a radioactivity field and we could hear that the corsair was allowed to dock on it.

Corsair near a station
Corsair requesting to dock
Corsair docked

A GMG vessel who was also looking for the corsair told us, it is a junker base called Yanagi. After this we left the the system and returned to Rheinland.
Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz

[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

First, you basicly thought I would just let two corsairs just go away with a murder
second, you docked, so yeah its a pvp dead. but you kept roleplaying via system channel about that kickout or whatever:

Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: Damn, that junkers kick me out??? that what you call hospitality???
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: what about repairs...madre mio!!!
Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: ´/s blasted junkers....gringos loccos

you undocked after some seconds when we were still in range, so we continued in the roleplay, so you have been killed in a roleplay way.
If you would like to fly around in an OORP way you could simply PM me before you undocked, but instead you whined to me after it:

So Im sorry things didnt go your way. But you cannot blame us for roleplaying actions.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Rodnas - 04-23-2012

As i said, no biggie here, and yes it is true it would have been better to pm you before undocking again- no question on that one!
But as i also said i didn t even expect to get attackt again as it was clear that i was defeated...i was expecting laughs, humiliations and being chased off like a cowardly dog...that s why i continued to rp along actually. Didn t go as expected and surely part of it is my fault...but i simply expected a bit...more...i guess.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Lobster - 04-23-2012

Regardless of who is right or wrong, we always try to improve our faction based on the feedback we receive.

Thank you for your feedback. Future situations of this type may be handled differently by us.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Rodnas - 04-23-2012

Thanks for the open ears, that`s all i hoped for:)
I will hopefully have my brain working better the next time too so i can msg before and no one gets into "rules troubly" situations!

See you around guys!

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Yber - 05-24-2012

Contracting a Bounty Hunter to shoot a Navy ID'd player? Seriously? Well, you didn't make the contract, but one of your indie guys. I expected something more...

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Dab - 05-24-2012

If it was an indy that contracted the bounty hunter, than the [RM] had no control nor responsibility for it. Don't go blaming them.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Yber - 05-24-2012

I, at least, expect some kind of kindness, via telling the guy he was doing wrong, stopping the fight, or something like that. That they didn't have to do it? True. Is that clean? No, it isn't. It's not what you would except from not even indies, and coming from an official faction... well.

I'll keep my thoughts about what they may talked or not in the group chat, though I'd like to have the logs of it... If you don't mind, indeed.