RE: Kudos! - Dark.Star - 05-11-2019
Kudos to BDM|RNC-Wensburg and an even bigger one to [RM]S.Walther.Stracker. for an awesome chase
~That one liner
RE: Kudos! - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-11-2019
Kudos to everyone in today's Rous raid. It was as fun as always, and I look forward to the next one.
RE: Kudos! - Nika - 05-11-2019
Kudos to the both sides of the LH - GRN event.
Enjoyed it.
~De Belmond.
RE: Kudos! - Lucas - 05-11-2019
Kudos for the event
RE: Kudos! - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-11-2019
Kudos to everyone at the LH/NO-GRN event. It was fun. I apologize I wasn't at 100%, but I had fun!
RE: Kudos! - MasterL410 - 05-11-2019
Kudos for le event, was good balance and a nice fair fight. GF.
RE: Kudos! - Lucas - 05-12-2019
Kudos to Alpha just now
RE: Kudos! - Groshyr - 05-12-2019
Kudos to Alpha by QC
RE: Kudos! - Greylock - 05-12-2019
Kudos to TBH for ze pew in Xi a few moments ago.
RE: Kudos! - jide - 05-12-2019
Kudos back to the RM in XI. Was a nice fight