Epic tunes? - SparkyRailgun - 03-16-2012
Here's something a bit different;
El tango de Roxanne
From Moulin Rouge.
Not my sort of movie, but this song is just really epic for some reason.
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 03-16-2012
Built to Spill - Velvet Waltz
Epic tunes? - Rapur - 03-16-2012
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 03-16-2012
Built to Spill - I Would Hurt a Fly
Can't get enough of this band at the moment...
Epic tunes? - Rapur - 03-16-2012
Epic tunes? - Exodus - 03-16-2012
Kansas - Dust in the Wind
Epic tunes? - Don_Paco_Corleone - 03-17-2012
Epic tunes? - Rodent - 03-17-2012
Seven Devils-Florence and the Machine.
Epic tunes? - Stefz - 03-17-2012
Excision - X Rated
Epic tunes? - ChillerMiller - 03-18-2012
Mithras - Time Never Lasts
Mithras - Inside The Godmind