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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-26-2007


Greetings! This is Captain Axel Topf, from the Bridge of the Kormoran. Today, I encountered an Outcast Destroyer in New Berlin, he was tagged a Pirate, so I enaged. The battle was a stalemate and no-on could any good hits on the other until I finaly got the assistance of Alius_something or other and we finished him off.

New Berlin is Safe.

Captain Axel Topf Out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jack Archer - 07-26-2007

Comm ID: Lt. Jack Archer
Recviing ID: Rheinalnd Military Command

Just out of a Fresh battle outside of New Berlin, the Battle was a joint force on both sides. The Bushido and Nova PG attacked while Rhienland Military (The Vineta, The Auora, The Jaeger, and myself), and [Rheinland] ( Rhichard, and Alias Scipio) Forces, as well as other Military personel (Paul Denton) and a single GalEx Ship (GalEx Spitfire). It was a masive battle, in the early minutes of the conflict Nova PG lost a Dragon Gunboat to the guns of the Vineta, and a secojd Dragon Gunboat to myself.
All that was left was 4 fighters they where very skilled and the slow guns of our Gunboats, Bomber, and Cruiser where no match for them, The Vineta was Heavily damaged and nearly destroyed, but the amazing men and women on Order Shipyard repaired the limping beast.
After the Vineta was destroyed the fighters broke off, and managed to jump to Sigma 13 before geing destroyed, all in all not a horrible day, not a good one, but not a bad one.

Lt. Archer out

********Transmision Terminated*******

Rheinland Military Message Dump - bluntpencil2001 - 07-26-2007

Transmit to: RM
Comm ID: Commander Jan Richthofen

Message Begins//

Damn! I got to New Berlin as quick as possible, but the Vineta was already damaged. My entire repair crew that I shuttled mid-battle weren't able to save the majority of the ship, although they did help Captain Freelamen onto the Jaeger.

I do believe that the Vineta was the target of this attack, seeing as the foe bolted afterwards.

We did, however, do a lot more damage than we received, but the damage to the Vineta has certainly hurt morale.

Next time I hope that I will receive permission to pursue the craven b*stards! Justice will be served!

-Richthofen out.

//Message Ends

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jack Archer - 07-26-2007

' Wrote:

Next time I hope that I will receive permission to pursue the craven b*stards! Justice will be served!

-Richthofen out.[i]
//Message Ends

Comm ID: Lt. Jack Archer
Recviing ID: Rheinalnd Military Command

I beilive that this isrealy what we need that scum knows they are free as soon as they are in Sigma-13, we need somthing that will surprise them next time, somthing like a decent prusuit.

Lt. Archer out

********Transmision Terminated*******

Rheinland Military Message Dump - bluntpencil2001 - 07-26-2007

To: Lt. Archer
Comm ID: Commander Jan Richthofen

Message Begins//

Well, best keep it quiet about entering the Sigmas, command get a bit hot under the collar when we do that. Whilst we, personally, might want to storm through them and smash those NovaPG cowards, command won't authorise a strike through GMG territory.

It's understandable, what with the outcome of the 80 Years War, but there is the problem of just letting that filth orchestrate hit-and-runs without fear of retribution.

And, the hiring of assassins is a no-go, for the most part. Bounty Hunters? We don't need that scum.

Anyway, stay in Rheinland unless the higher-ups say otherwise. They may soon decide that the best defence is a good offence, and damn any GMG-related consequences.

-Richthofen out

//Message Ends

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 07-27-2007

Subject: RE: Attack
To: Rheinland Military Neural Net
From: Miles Cadre

In reply, I think that there was little to no reason why the Vineta shouldve been damaged in such a matter, and shows that we need to use more fighters. Personaly, I'm gonna start flying A bomber more often, and only pull out my Gunboat if absolutely needed.

The Aurora is always ready, so feel free to call upon it if you ever need its assistance.

Nothin else much to report, I'll be off duty for a bit to get the funds for my Bomber.

:crazy:Miles Cadre

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jack Archer - 07-27-2007

' Wrote:Nothin else much to report, I'll be off duty for a bit to get the funds for my Bomber.

Comm ID: Lt. Jack Archer
Recviing ID: Rheinalnd Military Command

Mabe a Wrath would be a better choice, Lt. Hartmann and myself can take almost anything thown at us, especaily so with a fighter or 2 to support us. Not meaning to be pushy sir, just my 2 cents as a bomber Pilot.

Lt. Archer out

********Transmision Terminated*******

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-27-2007


I believe that Commander Cadre already has a Wrath to pilot. If he desires a bomber I would see nothing that should stop him from doing so. The RM needs all the help we can get! I would suggest getting a few more recruits to use fighters, due to the Nova PG attacks. THe Nova all use fighters remember, and we need something to dog-fight with them.

Thats all for now,
Axel Topf

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Locke - 07-27-2007

Transmission to: RM
Comm ID: Lt. Erich Hartmann

Pirate escorted out of system.
Name: Ravenhold
Conflict resolved without casualties
Explanation below (the long story):

Today a so-called pirate by the name of Ravenhold was caught in New Berlin carrying civilian and military hostages of Rheinland. I say "so-called" because a quick scan revealed that he was flying a Rheinland Pirate Cruiser, yet he was doing so with a Freelancer ID. I hailed him, "Hello, Pirate." To which he replied, "Hello, military dog." The hail was obviously a ploy to aquire his real intentions, and he fell for it perfectly.
When I got within firing range, he was the first to shoot with a volley of missiles. He soon realized I was the superior pilot and began to flee. I was quick to disable the trade lanes and continue to barrage him with novas, until finally there was an electromagnetic disturbance that caused all ships in the area to temporarily shutdown. ((There was a server crash... I'm not really too sure what a good RP explanation of that would be, any ideas?)) With the reboot of my ship's system, the enemy's ship quickly reappeared on my scanners. I hadn't even gotten a chance to hail him before he began firing at me once more. Again, as his shields collapsed he attempted to flee. He then pleaded for me to cease firing. He stated that we weren't hostile, "because we weren't red" and there was no reason for me to be firing.
By this time Commander Cadre and Lt. Wolfhausen RVed to my location. I explained our laws (although I shouldn't have had to) and he complied with dropping his cargo. He was told the next time he was caught with any Rheinland personel he would be fined. He was also instructed to change his ID as I escorted him to Rheinland borders. No one was killed, and the pilots were returned home to their families. I have screens of the entire conflict, including all essential information of the enemy ship and it's hold. I hope that I haven't been too lenient, but I feel that he learned his lesson and won't be returning any time soon. ((This guy broke so many rules, it was obvious he had no idea what he was getting himself into-- I had to let him go.))

I'm sorry for the long explanation but I thought it necessary, given the circumstances.

Back to patrol,
Lt. Hartmann out

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 07-27-2007

Comm ID (I'm tired of settin this up like an E-Mail :P): Miles Cadre

Subject: Bomber

Begin Transmission

Is this on? ... But I see the little re- As far as me getting a bomber, I believe that I'll do ok in a bomber. I can fight in one, and I know almost all of its ups and downs. I want a fighter that can pack a punch, and I'm used to flying fighters that arent all that maneuverable.

End Transmission

Subject: Wanna-be Pirate


As far as this matter goes, I assumed since he was a new pilot (Being escorted, and as Erich said, Breaking so many rules), let him go this time, but bring the hammer down on him the next time. Plus, Since he may be becoming a pirate, we have a reason to blast him now, dont we?


Subject: RE:Attack


I have been analyzing the battle with Nova and RM, and I basically figured 3 catagories;

Downed Pilots
Overall $$$ Damage
Who won the actual Engagement.

Here are my results:

Downed Pilots:

We managed to Kill 2-3 ships (The pods were tractored by the runners...), while they only killed 1. Big + for Rheinland.

Overall $$$ Damage:

(I'm gonna add 2 Mil for fighters price for equip. 10 mil for GB, and 15 mil for Cruiser.)

We blasted a Raven's Talon, and 2 Dragon Gunboats. That totals to; 68 Mil $$$ Damage we did to them.
We lost the Cruiser, Vineta. They did; 88 mil $$$ Damage to us.
Thats a - for Rheinland.

Actual Battle Victor:

We pushed them out of Rheinland, so we are the Victors here. Another + for Rheinland.

Overall, We didnt do bad, 2/3 +'s, but they did more economical damage to us in this battle.

These are just what I figured and thought you all may be intrested to see my findings.

That is all

:crazy:Miles Cadre


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